
Function Get-OSPlatformModules
    Returns the list of modules installed on an Outsystems environment.
    This will return the list of modules (espaces and extensions) installed on an Outsystems environment.
    The function can be used to query a remote Outsystems environment for the list of modules installed using the ServiceCenterHost parameter.
    If not specified, the function will query the local machine.
    .PARAMETER ServiceCenterHost
    Service Center hostname or IP. If not specified, defaults to localhost.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Username or PSCredential object with credentials for Service Center. If not specified defaults to admin/admin
    .PARAMETER PassThru
    If spedified returns the list of modules grouped by environment.
    Also returns the ServiceCenter and the Credentials parameters. Useful for the Publish-OSPlatformModules cmdLet
    .PARAMETER Filter
    Filter script to filter returned modules
    $Credential = Get-Credential
    Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter "" -Credential $Credential
    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
    $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $password)
    Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter "" -Credential $Credential
    Filter by module name
    Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter "" -Credential $Credential -Filter {$_.Name -eq 'MyModule'}
    Get all modules with outdated references
    Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter "" -Credential <username> -Filter {$_.StatusMessages.Id -eq 6}
    Get all modules not published since the last version update
    Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter "" -Credential <username> -Filter {$_.StatusMessages.Id -eq 13}
    Get modules all the modules from my factory
    @('dev','test','qa','prd') | Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter -Credential <username>
    Get all outdated modules from my factory
    @('dev','test','qa','prd') | Get-OSPlatformModules -ServiceCenter -Credential <username> -Filter {$_.StatusMessages.Id -eq 6}
    You can run this cmdlet on any machine with HTTP access to Service Center.

    [OutputType('OutSystems.PlatformServices.ModuleList', ParameterSetName = "PassThru")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias('Host', 'Environment', 'ServiceCenterHost')]
        [string]$ServiceCenter = '',

        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $OSSCCred,


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PassThru')]

        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 0 -Stream 0 -Message "Starting"
        SendFunctionStartEvent -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation

        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Getting modules from $ServiceCenter"
            $modules = AppMgmt_GetModules -SCHost $ServiceCenter -Credential $Credential
            LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 3 -Message "Error getting modules from $ServiceCenter" -Exception $_.Exception
            WriteNonTerminalError -Message "Error getting modules from $ServiceCenter"

            return $null

        if ($Filter)
            $modules = $modules | Where-Object -FilterScript $Filter

        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 1 -Stream 0 -Message "Returning $($modules.Count) modules from $ServiceCenter"

        # If not empty after the filter
        if ($modules)
            # If PassThru, we create a custom and add the service center and the credentials to the object to be used in another piped functions
            if ($PassThru.IsPresent)
                return [pscustomobject]@{
                    PSTypeName    = 'Outsystems.SetupTools.ModuleList'
                    ServiceCenter = $ServiceCenter
                    Credential    = $Credential
                    Modules       = $modules
                return $modules

        SendFunctionEndEvent -InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
        LogMessage -Function $($MyInvocation.Mycommand) -Phase 2 -Stream 0 -Message "Ending"