
Function Set-PANConfig {
  This will set configuration based on the xml and path provided
  This will set configuration based on the xml and path provided
    This is location from which to get the config
    This is location from which to get the config
    This parameter allows you to redirect queries through Panorama to a managed firewall
.PARAMETER Addresses
    This is a set of addresses to run the command on, The firewalls must have the same master key for this to work
    This is a key to just use
    This is the shortname to use to reference auth information and addresses
   Path to the file that has the tag data
    The example below disables a rule called "Certbot to RPi"
    PS C:\> Set-PANConfig -Data '<disabled>yes</disabled>' -XPath "/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/rulebase/security/rules/entry[@name='Certbot to RPi']"
    Author: Steve Borba
    Last Edit: 2022-12-29
    Version 1.0 - initial release
    Version 1.0.1 - Updating descriptions and formatting
    Version 1.0.3 - Remove Direct Credential option
    Version 1.0.5 - Add SkipCertificateCheck for pwsh 6+
    Version 1.0.6 - added Edit config and commit and cert check skip for 5
    Version 1.0.8 - added target parameter

  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]   [string]    $XPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]   [string]    $Data,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [Switch]    $SkipCertificateCheck,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [string]    $Tag,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [string]    $Path = '',
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [string[]]  $Target,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [string[]]  $Addresses,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]  [string]    $Key

  #Get Data from panrc based on tag
  $TagData = Get-PANRCTagData -Tag $Tag -Path $Path
  If ($Addresses -eq '' -or $null -eq $Addresses) {
    $Addresses = $TagData.Addresses

  #Use other key if passed
  If ($Key.Length -gt 0) {
    $Auth = "key=$Key"
  } else {
    If ($TagData.Auth) {
      $Auth = $TagData.Auth
    } else {
      "No Authentication Information Found"

  #Run the command and get the results
  $Return = @()
  ForEach ($Address in $Addresses) {
    $HashArguments = @{
      URI = "https://"+$Address+"/api/?type=config&action=set&xpath=$XPath&element=$Data&"+$Auth
    If ($Target) {
      $HashArguments['URI'] += "&target=$Target"
    If ($SkipCertificateCheck) {
      If ($Host.Version.Major -ge 6) {
        $HashArguments += @{SkipCertificateCheck = $True}
      } else { Ignore-CertificateValidation }
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @HashArguments
    if ( $Response.response.status -eq 'success' ) {
      $Return = $Return + $Response.response
    } else {
      $Return = $Return + $Response.response
      If (1 -eq 2) { 
        #Need flag to determine if we should quit on first error

  #Pass the data back