function Get-CertificatAuthority { <# .Synopsis Get list of Certificate Authorities from Active directory .DESCRIPTION Queries Active Directory for Certificate Authorities with Enrollment Services enabled .EXAMPLE Get-CertificatAuthority .EXAMPLE Get-CertificatAuthority -CaName 'MyCA' .EXAMPLE Get-CertificatAuthority -ComputerName 'CA01' -Domain '' .OUTPUTS System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([adsi])] Param ( # Name given when installing Active Directory Certificate Services [string[]] $CAName = $null, # Name of the computer with Active Directory Certificate Services Installed [string[]] $ComputerName = $null, # Domain to Search [String] $Domain = (Get-Domain -verbose).Name ) Write-Verbose $Domain ## If the DN path does not exist error message set as valid object $CaEnrolmentServices = Get-ADPKIEnrollmentServers $Domain -Verbose $CAList = $CaEnrolmentServices.Children if($CAName) { $CAList = $CAList | Where-Object -Property Name -In -Value $CAName } if ($ComputerName) { # Make FQDN [Collections.ArrayList]$List = @() foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { if ($Computer -like "*.$Domain") { $null = $List.add($Computer) } else { $null = $List.add("$($Computer).$Domain") } } # end foreach $CAList = $CAList | Where-Object -Property DNSHostName -In -Value $List } $CAList } |