
function Get-Domain
            Return the current domain
            Use .net to get the current domain

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Calling GetCurrentDomain()' 

function Get-ADPKIEnrollmentServers
            Return the Active Directory objects of the Certificate Authorites
            Use .net to get the current domain

        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Domain To Query',Position = 0)]
    $QueryDN = 'LDAP://CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=' + $Domain -replace '\.', ',DC=' 
    Write-Verbose -Message "Querying [$QueryDN]"
    $result = [ADSI]$QueryDN
    if (-not ($result.Name)) 
        Throw "Unable to find any Certificate Authority Enrollment Services Servers on domain : $Domain" 

function Get-ADCertificateTemplate
            Return the Active Directory objects of the Certificate Authorites
            Use .net to get the current domain

        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Domain To Query',Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Template Name',Position = 1)]
    $QueryDN = "LDAP://CN=$TemplateName,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=" + $Domain -replace '\.', ',DC=' 
    Write-Verbose -Message "Querying [$QueryDN]"
    $result = [ADSI]$QueryDN
    if (-not ($result.Name)) 
        Throw "Unable to find any Certificate Authority Enrollment Services Servers on domain : $Domain" 

function Get-CaLocationString 
        Gets the Certificate Authority Location String from active directory
        Certificate Authority Location Strings are in the form of ComputerName\CAName This info is contained in Active Directory
        .PARAMETER CAName
        Name given when installing Active Directory Certificate Services
        .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Name of the computer with Active Directory Certificate Services Installed
        .PARAMETER Domain
        Domain to retreve data from
        get-CaLocationString -CAName MyCA
        Gets only the CA Location String for the CA named MyCA
        get-CaLocationString -ComputerName
        Gets only the CA Location String for server with the DNS name of
        get-CaLocationString -Domain
        Gets all CA Location Strings for the domain
        Location string are used to connect to Certificate Authority database and extract data.

        # Name given when installing Active Directory Certificate Services
        $CAName = $null,

        # Name of the computer with Active Directory Certificate Services Installed
        $ComputerName = $null,

        # Domain to Search
        $Domain = (Get-Domain).Name 
    $CAList = Get-CertificatAuthority @PSBoundParameters
    foreach ($ca in $CAList) 
        ('{0}\{1}' -f $($ca.dNSHostName), $($