
function Get-POSHOriginConfig {
            Reads and processes a POSHOrigin configuration file.
            Reads and processes a POSHOrigin configuration file and returns the result as one or more PowerShell custom objects containing the
            required options that when passed to a POSHOrigin DSC resource can provision the infrastructure the DSC resource represents.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The relative or absolute path(s) of the configuration files or folders to be processed
        .PARAMETER Recurse
            Recursively process subfolders and files
            Read the configuration contained in vm_config.ps1 into a variable.
            $config = Get-POSHOriginConfig -Path '.\vm_config.ps1' -Verbose
            Read all the configurations in folder MyConfigs into a variable.
            $configs = '.\MyConfigs' | Get-POSHOriginConfig -Verbose
            Read the configurations my_vm.ps1 and my_vips into a variable.
            $configs = '.\my_vm.ps1', 'my_vips.ps1' | Get-POSHOriginConfig -Verbose
            Recursively read the configurations contained in the folder my_configs.
            $configs = '.\MyConfigs' | Get-POSHOriginConfig -Recurse -Verbose

        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
        [string[]]$Path = (Get-Location).Path,


    begin {
        $script:credentialCache = @{}
        $script:modulesToProcess = @{}
        $script:resourceCache = @{}

    process {
        foreach ($item in $Path) {
            # Load in the configurations
            $item = Resolve-Path $item
            if (Test-Path -Path $item) {
                $configData = @(_LoadConfig -Path $item -Recurse:$Recurse)
                if ($configData) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ([string]::Empty)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ("Created $($configData.Count) resource objects")
                    Write-Verbose -Message ([string]::Empty)
                    return _SortByDependency -Objects $configData    
            } else {
                Write-Error -Message ($msgs.invalid_path -f $path)

    end {
        $script:credentialCache = @{}
        $script:modulesToProcess = @{}
        $script:resourceCache = @{}