
function New-POSHOriginResource {
        [parameter(mandatory, position = 0)]
        [parameter(mandatory, position = 1)]
        [parameter(mandatory, position = 2)]

    #$stub = _GetBlankResource -Type $ResourceType
    #$merged = _MergeHashtables -primary $Options -secondary $stub -Verbose

    $defaults = @{}
    if ($Options.ContainsKey('Defaults')) {

        # Get parent directory of script that called this function
        # and resolve path to defaults file specified in resource
        $parentDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Parent
        $resolvedPath = Join-Path -Path $parentDir -ChildPath $options.Defaults
        $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $resolvedPath
        Write-Verbose "Resolved defaults to [$resolvedPath]"

        # Load defaults file
        $item = Get-Item -Path $resolvedPath
        $defaults = _ParsePsd1 -data ($item.FullName)

    # Merge this resource with the defaults specified
    $merged = _MergeHashtables -Primary $Options -Secondary $defaults -Verbose

    # Trip out the 'defaults' parameter

    # If 'DependsOn' is a single string, change it to a string[]
    if ($merged.DependsOn -and $merged.DependsOn -is [string]) {
        $t = $merged.DependsOn
        $merged.DependsOn = @()
        $merged.DependsOn += $t

    # IF 'DependsOn' is an empty string, make it null
    if ($merged.DependsOn -eq [string]::Empty) {
        $merged.DependsOn = @()

    # Add an empty 'Dependson' parameter is none is specified
    if (-Not ($merged.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -icontains 'DependsOn') {
        $merged.DependsOn = @()
    # Set the 'Name' parameter to the name given in the resource declaration
    # only if the resource options don't explicitly have a name parameter
    if (-Not $merged.ContainsKey('Name')) {
        $merged.Name = $Name

    $wrapper = @{
        Name = $Name
        FullName = "[" + $ResourceType.Split(':')[1] + "]" + $Name
        Description = $merged.Description
        Resource = $ResourceType
        DependsOn = $merged.DependsOn
        Options = $merged
    return $wrapper