
    The POSHOrigin configuration file is where you define your resources to be evaluated by POSHOrigin.
    The POSHOrigin configuration file is where you define your resources to be evaluated by POSHOrigin. These configuration files will be read and
    translated into DSC configurations that get applied either to your local machine, or to a provisioning machine in order to provision
    The **resource** function is really an alias for the function New-POSHOriginResource that has **three** required parameters:

    | resource | 'POSHOrigin:POSHFolder' | 'folder01' | @{...}
    | Function | Type of resource to create | Name of resource | Hashtable of options for resource

    The resource function will evaluate the parameters given to it, merge default options if specified, resolve any secrets listed into PowerShell
    credentials, and return one or more PowerShell custom objects. When you run **Get-POSHOriginConfig** (or **gpoc**) against a configuration file
    or folder, the resultant collection of PowerShell custom objects will be returned back to you. This array of objects can then be converted into
    a DSC configuration by passing them to **Invoke-POSHOrigin** or (**ipo**)

    $myConfigs = Get-POSHOriginConfig -Path .\myFolder.ps1 -Verbose
    $myConfigs | Invoke-POSHOrigin -Verbose
    You define your resources in the configuration file by adding a **resource** block for each resource you want to provision.


    resource 'POSHOrigin:POSHFolder' 'folder01' @{
        description = 'this is an example folder'
        ensure = 'present'
        path = 'c:\'
    Defining multiple resources in the same file is supported as well.


    resource 'POSHOrigin:POSHFolder' 'folder01' @{
        description = 'this is an example folder'
        ensure = 'present'
        path = 'c:\'

    resource 'POSHOrigin:POSHFolder' 'folder02' @{
        description = 'this is another example folder'
        ensure = 'present'
        path = 'c:\'
