
function New-PSSessionCustom {
    Creates PS Session object depends on parameters passed

    Accepts ComputerName, Credentials and ConfigurationName as parameters to create PS Session. If no credentials are given, current credentials are used.

    .PARAMETER ComputerName
    Computer name of the nodes where the PS Session will be established.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    A PSCredential object that will be used when opening a remoting session to any of the $Nodes specified.

    .PARAMETER ConfigurationName
    PowerShell Configuration name to use (JEA).

    New-PSSessionCustom -ComputerName 'SomeServer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Will use {SomeDomain\SomeUser} to create PSSession to computer {SomeServer}
    Created PSSession to computer {SomeServer}
    Id Name ComputerName ComputerType State ConfigurationName Availability
    -- ---- ------------ ------------ ----- ----------------- ------------
    5 WinRM5 SomeServer RemoteMachine Opened Microsoft.PowerShell Available

    Will output PSSession object



    process {
    $sessionParams = @{
        ComputerName = $ComputerName
        $sessionParams.ConfigurationName = $ConfigurationName
        $sessionParams.Credential = $Credential
        Write-Log -Info -Message "Will use {$($Credential.UserName)} to create PSSession to computer {$($sessionParams.ComputerName)}"
        Write-Log -Info -Message "Will use current user Credential {$($ENV:USERNAME)} to create PSSession to computer {$($sessionParams.ComputerName)}"
      $Session = New-PSSession @sessionParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      if ($Session) {
        Write-Log -Info -Message "Created PSSession to computer {$($Session.ComputerName)}"
      else {
        Write-Log -Error -Message "Unable to create PSSession to computer {$($Session.ComputerName)}. Aborting!"