
function Get-B2Bucket
    The Get-B2Bucket cmdlet will list buckets associated with the account.
    The Get-B2Bucket cmdlet will list buckets associated with the account.
    An API key is required to use this cmdlet.
    BucketName BucketID BucketType AccountID
    ---------- -------- ---------- ---------
    awsome-jack-fang 4a48fe8875c6214145260818 allPrivate 30f20426f0b1
    Kitten Videos 5b232e8875c6214145260818 allPublic 30f20426f0b1
    The cmdlet above will return all buckets for the account.
    Get-B2Bucket | Where-Object {$_.BucketName -eq 'awsome-jack-fang'}
    BucketName BucketID BucketType AccountID
    ---------- -------- ---------- ---------
    awsome-jack-fang 4a48fe8875c6214145260818 allPrivate 30f20426f0b1
    The cmdlet above will return all buckets and search for the one with
    a name of awsome-jack-fang.
        This cmdlet takes the AccountID and ApplicationKey as strings.
        This cmdlet takes the ApiUri as a Uri.
        The cmdlet will output a PS.B2.Bucket object holding the bucket info.

        # The Uri for the B2 Api query.
        [Uri]$ApiUri = $script:SavedB2ApiUri,
        # The account ID for the B2 account.
        [String]$AccountID = $script:SavedB2AccountID,
        # The authorization token for the B2 account.
        [String]$ApiToken = $script:SavedB2ApiToken
        [Hashtable]$sessionHeaders = @{'Authorization'=$ApiToken}
        [String]$sessionBody = @{'accountId'=$AccountID} | ConvertTo-Json
        [Uri]$b2ApiUri = "$ApiUri/b2api/v1/b2_list_buckets"
        $bbInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $b2ApiUri -Headers $sessionHeaders -Body $sessionBody
        foreach($info in $bbInfo.buckets)
            $bbReturnInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                'BucketName' = $info.bucketName
                'BucketID' = $info.bucketId
                'BucketType' = $info.bucketType
                'AccountID' = $info.accountId
            # bbReturnInfo is returned after Add-ObjectDetail is processed.
            Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $bbReturnInfo -TypeName 'PS.B2.Bucket'