function Get-B2ItemVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS The Get-B2ItemVersion cmdlet retirives file version info. .DESCRIPTION The Get-B2ItemVersion cmdlet retirives file version info. Bucket information required for this cmdlet can be retirived with Get-B2Bucket. An API key is required to use this cmdlet. .EXAMPLE Get-B2ItemVersion -BucketID 5b232e8875c6214145260818 Name : files/hello.txt Size : 6 UploadTime : 1439162596000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886245_d20150809_m232316_c100_v0009990_t0003 Name : files/world.txt Size : 0 UploadTime : 1439162603000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886247_d20150809_m232323_c100_v0009990_t0005 Name : files/world.txt Size : 6 UploadTime : 1439162596000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886246_d20150809_m232316_c100_v0009990_t0003 The above cmdlet will return the verion information for all file versions in the given bucket. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Get-B2Bucket | Get-B2ItemVersion Name : files/hello.txt Size : 6 UploadTime : 1439162596000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886245_d20150809_m232316_c100_v0009990_t0003 Name : files/world.txt Size : 0 UploadTime : 1439162603000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886247_d20150809_m232323_c100_v0009990_t0005 Name : files/world.txt Size : 6 UploadTime : 1439162596000 Action : upload ID : 4_z27c88f1d182b150646ff0b16_f100920ddab886246_d20150809_m232316_c100_v0009990_t0003 The above cmdlet will return the verion information for all file versions in all buckets. .INPUTS System.String This cmdlet takes the AccountID and ApplicationKey as strings. System.Uri This cmdlet takes the ApiUri as a Uri. .OUTPUTS PS.B2.File The cmdlet will output a PS.B2.File object holding file version info. .ROLE PS.B2 .FUNCTIONALITY PS.B2 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$false)] [Alias('gb2bv')] [OutputType('PS.B2.File')] Param ( # The ID of the bucket to query. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$BucketID, # The Uri for the B2 Api query. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Uri]$ApiUri = $script:SavedB2ApiUri, # The authorization token for the B2 account. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$ApiToken = $script:SavedB2ApiToken ) Begin { [Hashtable]$sessionHeaders = @{'Authorization'=$ApiToken} [Uri]$b2ApiUri = "$ApiUri/b2api/v1/b2_list_file_versions" } Process { foreach($bucket in $BucketID) { try { [String]$sessionBody = @{'bucketId'=$bucket} | ConvertTo-Json $bbInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $b2ApiUri -Headers $sessionHeaders -Body $sessionBody foreach($info in $bbInfo.files) { $bbReturnInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = $info.fileName 'Size' = $info.size 'UploadTime' = $info.uploadTimestamp 'Action' = $info.action 'ID' = $info.fileId } # bbReturnInfo is returned after Add-ObjectDetail is processed. Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $bbReturnInfo -TypeName 'PS.B2.File' } } catch { $errorDetail = $_.Exception.Message Write-Error -Exception "Unable to retrieve the file information.`n`r$errorDetail" ` -Message "Unable to retrieve the file information.`n`r$errorDetail" -Category ReadError } } } } |