
function Get-HealthCheck
    The Get-HealthCheck cmdlet will list all checks associated with the account.
    The Get-HealthCheck cmdlet will list all checks associated with the account.
    An API key is required to use this cmdlet.
    Grace : 900
    LastPing : Saturday, July 9, 2016 6:58:43 AM
    PingCount : 1
    Name : Api test 1
    NextPing : Saturday, July 9, 2016 7:58:43 AM
    PingURL :
    Tags : foo
    Timeout : 3600

    Grace : 60
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name : Api test 2
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags : bar baz
    Timeout : 60
    The cmdlet above will return all checks for the account.
    PS C:\>Get-B2Bucket | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Api test 2'}
    Grace : 60
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name : Api test 2
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags : bar baz
    Timeout : 60
    The cmdlet above will return all buckets and search for the one with a name of "Api test 2".
        This cmdlet takes the AccountID and ApplicationKey as strings.

        # The Api key for your account.
        [Uri]$ApiKey = $script:SavedHealthCheckApi
        if($ApiKey -eq $null)
            throw 'The API key needs to be specified.'
        [Hashtable]$sessionHeaders = @{'X-Api-Key'=$ApiKey}
        [Uri]$hchkApiUri = ''
        $hchkInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $hchkApiUri -Headers $sessionHeaders
        foreach($info in $hchkInfo.checks)
            $hchkReturnInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                'Name' = $
                'Tag' = $info.tags
                'Timeout' = $info.timeout
                'Grace' = $info.grace
                'PingURL' = $info.ping_url
                'PingCount' = $info.n_pings
                'LastPing' = $info.last_ping
                'NextPing' = $info.next_ping
            Write-Output $hchkReturnInfo