
function Connect-HealthCheck
    The Connect-HealthCheck cmdlet store the API key for the HealthCheck module cmdlets.
    Connect-HealthCheck will only store the API key, no validation is done.
    The Connect-B2Cloud cmdlet is used to store the API key for the HealthCheck cmdlets.
    The API key can be obtained from your HealthCheck account page.
    The above cmdlet will prompt for the API key and save the API key for use in the other HealthCheck modules.
    PS C:\>Connect-B2Cloud -ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY
    The above cmdlet will take the given API key and save the API key for use in the other HealthCheck modules.
        This cmdlet takes the API key as a string.
    Connect-HealthCheck will only store the API key, no validation is done.

        # The API key to access the HealthCheck account.
        [Hashtable]$sessionHeaders = @{'X-Api-Key'=$ApiKey}
        [Uri]$hchkApiUri = ''
            Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $hchkApiUri -Headers $sessionHeaders | Out-Null
            [String]$script:SavedHealthCheckApi = $ApiKey
            $errorDetail = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Error -Exception "Unable to authenticate with given APIKey.`n`r$errorDetail" `
                -Message "Unable to authenticate with given APIKey.`n`r$errorDetail" -Category AuthenticationError