
function New-HealthCheck
    New-HealthCheck will create a new health check.
    New-HealthCheck will create a new health check.

    An API key is required to use this cmdlet.
    New-HealthCheck -Name stoic-barbarian-lemur -Tag "prod db-dump"

    Grace : 3600
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name : stoic-barbarian-lemur
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags : prod db-dump
    Timeout : 86400

    The cmdlet above will create a new check with the name of stoic-barbarian-lemur and tags of "prod db-dump".

    All other options are set to default and are not required to be specified.
    PS C:\>New-HealthCheck

    Grace : 3600
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name :
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags :
    Timeout : 86400

    The cmdlet above will create a new check with all default properties.
    PS C:\>New-HealthCheck -Grace 60 -Timeout 60

    Grace : 60
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name :
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags :
    Timeout : 60

    The cmdlet above will create a new check with grace and timeout set to the smallest value of 60 seconds.
    PS C:\>New-HealthCheck -Grace 604800 -Timeout 604800

    Grace : 604800
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name :
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags :
    Timeout : 604800

    The cmdlet above will create a new check with grace and timeout set to the largest value of 604800 seconds (1 week).
    PS C:\>New-HealthCheck -Channel "*"

    Grace : 3600
    LastPing :
    PingCount : 0
    Name :
    NextPing :
    PingURL :
    Tags :
    Timeout : 86400

    The cmdlet above will create a new check set to alarm on all integration channels.

    See more

        This cmdlet takes the check name, tags, channel, and API key as strings.


        This cmdlets takes the grace and timout periods as unsigned, 32 bit integers.

        This cmdlet returns a check object for new check created.

        # The name of the new check, maximum of 99 characters.
        [String[]]$Name = '',
        # Tag(s) for the check, maximum of 499 characters.
        [String]$Tag = '',
        # Timeout period for the check, maximum 604800 seconds (1 week).
        [UInt32]$Timeout = 86400,
        # Grace period for the check, maximum 604800 seconds (1 week).
        [UInt32]$Grace = 3600,
        # Alert channel to send notifications on, maximum of 49 characters.
        [String]$Channel = '',
        # Used to bypass confirmation prompts.
        # The Api key for your account.
        [String]$ApiKey = $script:SavedHealthCheckApi

        if($ApiKey -eq $null)
            throw 'The API key needs to be specified.'
        [Hashtable]$sessionHeaders = @{'X-Api-Key'=$ApiKey}
        [Uri]$hchkApiUri = ''
        foreach($check in $Name)
            if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($check, "Create new check."))
                    [String]$sessionBody = @{'name'=$check;'tags'=$Tag;'timeout'=$Timeout;'grace'=$Grace;'channels'=$Channel} | ConvertTo-Json
                    $hchkInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $hchkApiUri -Headers $sessionHeaders -Body $sessionBody
                    $hchkReturnInfo = [Check]::New($,
                    Write-Output $hchkReturnInfo
                    $errorDetail = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Error $errorDetail