
function New-PasswordFile {
      The function creates an AES encrypted password file as well as a file with the corresponding AES key. When the function is called, the password to be encrypted is requested.
      Specifies the path where the files will be created.
      New-PasswordFile -Path 'C:\Temp'
      Creates in the folder C:\Temp the password and AESKey file
      Author: Torsten Demmich

  #Requires -Version 5.1

  param (
      If(Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container){
        $true }
      else {
        throw '{0} is not a valid Directory' -f $_

    $pwdKey = '{0}\{1}' -f $Path.TrimEnd('\'), 'pwd.key'
    $pwdFile = '{0}\{1}' -f $Path.TrimEnd('\'), 'pwd.file'
    $password = Read-Host 'Enter password' -AsSecureString

    $AESKey = New-Object Byte[] 32
    Set-Content -Value $AESKey -Path $pwdKey
    $password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -key (Get-Content $pwdKey) | Set-Content $pwdFile


function Read-PasswordFile {
      Reads a password file and decrypts the file using a key file. The password is returned as a secure string.
    .PARAMETER KeyFile
      Specifies the file to AES key.
    .PARAMETER PwdFile
      Specifies the date to the encrypted password.
      $secPassword = Read-PasswordFile -KeyFile 'C:\Temp\pwd.key' -PwdFile 'C:\Temp\pwd.file'
      Author: Torsten Demmich

  #Requires -Version 5.1

  param (
      If(Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf){
        $true }
      else {
        throw '{0} is not a valid file' -f ($_)

      If(Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf){
        $true }
      else {
        throw '{0} is not a valid file' -f ($_)

  process {

    $AESKey = Get-Content $KeyFile
    $pwdHash = Get-Content $PwdFile
    $securePwd = $pwdHash | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $AESKey


  end {

    return $securePwd
