
function Get-OpenSCAD
        Gets OpenSCAD designs
        Gets information about OpenSCAD designs.
        Get-OpenSCAD -ScadFilePath .\MyDesign.scad

    # The path to an OpenSCAD file.
    begin {
        filter =>[OpenScad.Parameter] {
            $p = $_
            $type,$defaultValue =
                @(if ($p.Groups["BooleanValue"].Success) {
                    [switch], ($p.Groups["BooleanValue"].value -match $true)
                } elseif($p.Groups["NumberValue"].Success) {
                    [double], ($p.Groups["NumberValue"].value -as [double])
                } elseif ($p.Groups["StringValue"].Success) {
                    [string], $p.Groups["StringValue"].Value
                } elseif ($p.Groups["ListValue"].Success) {
                    [PSObject[]], $p.Groups["ListValue"].value -replace '\[', '@(' -replace '\]', ')'
                } else {
                    [PSObject], $null

            if ($defaultValue -eq 'undef') {
                $defaultValue = $null
            elseif ($p.Groups['ConstantValue'].Success) {
                $defaultValue = $null
                Type = $type                            

        $openScadRegex = @{
    OpenSCAD_Include = [Regex]::new(@'
(?m) # Set Multiline mode. Then,
^include # match the literal 'include'
\s+ # and the obligitory whitespace.
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

    OpenSCAD_Module = [Regex]::new(@'
(?m) # Set Multiline mode. Then,
^module # match the literal 'module'
\s+ # and the obligitory whitespace.
(?<ModuleName>\w+) # Then match and extract the <ModuleName>.
\s{0,} # Then, there may be whitespace.
# The Module <ModuleParameters> are within ()
\( # An open parenthesis
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR
    \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR
    \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\) # followed by a closing parenthesis

)\s{0,} # Then, there may be whitespace.
# The Module <ModuleDefinition> is Within {}
\{ # An open {
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\{\}]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
    \{(?<Depth>)| # an open curly bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
    \}(?<-Depth>) # a closed curly bracket (in which case decrement depth)
)*?(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\} # followed by a }

, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

    OpenSCAD_Function = [Regex]::new(@'
(?m) # Set Multiline mode. Then,
(?<Comments>//[\s.]{0,}?$(?>\r\n|\n)){0,}^function # match the literal 'function'
\s+ # and the obligitory whitespace.
(?<Name>\w+) # Then match and extract the .Name
\s{0,} # Then, there may be whitespace.
# The .Parameters are within ()
\( # An open parenthesis
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR
    \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR
    \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\) # followed by a closing parenthesis

)\s{0,} # Then, there may be whitespace.
\=\s{0,} # Then, there may be whitespace.
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

    OpenSCAD_Customization = [Regex]::new(@'
(?m)^(?<Name>\w+) # Optional Whitespace
\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
\=\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
  (?<Value>(?<NumberValue>[\d\.]+) # A numeric value
    (?<BooleanValue>true|false) # A boolean value
    \"(?<StringValue>(?:.|\s)*?(?<!\\)") # A string value
\[ # An open bracket
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\[\]]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
    \[(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
    \](?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\] # followed by a closing bracket
) # A List Value
))\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
\; # Semicolon
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

    OpenSCAD_Use = [Regex]::new(@'
(?m) # Set Multiline mode. Then,
^use # match the literal 'use'
\s+ # and the obligitory whitespace.
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')

    OpenSCAD_Parameter = [Regex]::new(@'
(?<=[\(\,]) # After a ( or a ,
\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
(?<Name>\w+) # The Parameter Name
\s{0,} # Optional Whitespace
# A literal = is used to determine if it Has a default value
# If there is a default value
(?(HasDefaultValue)(\s{0,} # Allow optional whitespace
# Match the value, which could be
\[ # An open bracket
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\[\]]+| # any number of non-bracket character OR
    \[(?<Depth>)| # an open bracket (in which case increment depth) OR
    \](?<-Depth>) # a closed bracket (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\] # followed by a closing bracket
) # A List Value
    (?<NumberValue>[\d\.]+) # A number
    (?<BooleanValue>true|false) # A boolean literal
    (?<ConstantValue>\w+) # A constant value
    \" # A string
(?<StringValue>(?:.|\s)*?(?<!\\))" |
\( # An open parenthesis
(?> # Followed by...
    [^\(\)]+| # any number of non-parenthesis character OR
    \((?<Depth>)| # an open parenthesis (in which case increment depth) OR
    \)(?<-Depth>) # a closed parenthesis (in which case decrement depth)
)*(?(Depth)(?!)) # until depth is 0.
\) # followed by a closing parenthesis
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:05')



    process {
        $resolvedScadFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($ScadFilePath)

        if (-not $resolvedScadFile) { return }

        $CustomizerFile = $resolvedScadFile -replace '\.scad$', '.json'

        $customizerPresets =
            if (Test-Path $CustomizerFile) {
                Get-content $CustomizerFile -Raw | 
                    ConvertFrom-Json | 
                    Where-Object ParameterSets | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty ParameterSets            
            } else {$null }
        $openScadContent = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath $resolvedScadFile

        $allMatches = 
            @(foreach ($regex in $openScadRegex.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($regex.Key -in 'OpenScad_Parameter') {
                foreach ($m in $regex.Value.Matches($openScadContent)) {                    
                    $m | 
                    Add-Member NoteProperty ExpressionName $regex.Key -Force -PassThru
            }) | Sort-Object Index
        $uses      = @()
        $includes  = @()
        $modules   = @()
        $functions = @()
        $customizations = @()
        foreach ($match in $allMatches) {
            switch ($match.ExpressionName) {
                OpenSCAD_Use {
                    $uses += $match.Groups["Use"].Value
                OpenSCAD_Include {
                    $includes += $match.Groups["Include"].Value
                OpenSCAD_Module {
                    $commentMatchStart = $match.Index                                                            
                    $parameters = $openScadRegex.OpenSCAD_Parameter.Matches(($match.Groups["Parameters"].Value))

                    $scadInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        ModuleName = $match.Groups["ModuleName"].Value
                        Parameters = @($parameters | =>[OpenSCAD.Parameter])
                        Definition = $match.Groups["Definition"]
                        FileName = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path -Leaf)" -replace '\.scad$'
                        DirectoryName = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf)"
                        Match = $match
                        OpenScadPath = "$resolvedScadFile"
                    $modules += $scadInfo
                OpenSCAD_Customization {
                    $customizations += $match |=>[OpenSCAD.Parameter]
                OpenSCAD_Function {
                    $parameters = $openScadRegex.OpenSCAD_Parameter.Matches(($match.Groups["Parameters"].Value))
                    $scadInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        ModuleName = $match.Groups["ModuleName"].Value
                        Parameters = @($parameters | =>[OpenSCAD.Parameter])
                        Definition = $match.Groups["Definition"]
                        FileName      = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path -Leaf)" -replace '\.scad$'
                        DirectoryName = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf)"
                        Match = $match
                        OpenScadPath = "$resolvedScadFile"
                    $functions += $scadInfo
            ScadFilePath   = "$resolvedScadFile"
            FileName       = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path -Leaf)" -replace '\.scad$'
            DirectoryName  = "$($resolvedScadFile | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf)"
            Uses           = $uses
            Includes       = $includes
            Modules        = $modules
            Functions      = $functions
            Customizations = $customizations
            PresetNames    = if ($customizerPresets) { 
                $customizerPresets | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            Presets        = $customizerPresets
            PSTypeName     = 'OpenScad.FileInfo'