
,#region import modules
$ThisModule = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '').psd1"
$ThisModuleName = (($ThisModule | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.psd1')
Get-Module -Name $ThisModuleName -All | Remove-Module -Force

Import-Module -Name $ThisModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop

describe 'Module-level tests' {
    it 'should validate the module manifest' {
        { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ThisModule -ErrorAction Stop } | should not throw

    it 'should pass all error-level script analyzer rules' {

        $excludedRules = @(

        Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $PSScriptRoot -ExcludeRule $excludedRules -Severity Error | should benullorempty

InModuleScope $ThisModuleName {

    $script:AllAdsiUsers = 0..10 | ForEach-Object {
        $i = $_
        $adsiUser = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
        $amParams = @{
            MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
            Force = $true
        $props = @{
            'Name' = 'nameval'
            'Enabled' = $true
            'SamAccountName' = 'samval'
            'GivenName' = 'givennameval'
            'Surname' = 'surnameval'
            'DisplayName' = 'displaynameval'
            'OtherProperty' = 'otherval'
            'EmployeeId' = 1
            'Title' = 'titleval'
        $props.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.Key -eq 'Enabled') {
                if ($i % 2) {
                    $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name $_.Key -Value $false
                } else {
                    $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name $_.Key -Value $true
            } else {
                $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name $_.Key -Value "$($_.Value)$i"
        if ($i -eq 5) {
            $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name 'samAccountName' -Value $null
        if ($i -eq 6) { 
            $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name 'EmployeeId' -Value $null

    $script:AllCsvUsers = 0..15 | ForEach-Object {
        $i = $_
        $output = @{ 
            AD_LOGON = "nameval$i"
            PERSON_NUM = "1$i" 
            ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
        if ($i -eq (Get-Random -Maximum 9)) {
            $output.'AD_LOGON' = $null
            $output.ExcludeCol = 'excludeme'
        if ($i -eq (Get-Random -Maximum 9)) {
            $output.'PERSON_NUM' = $null

    describe 'Get-CompanyCsvUser' {
        $commandName = 'Get-CompanyCsvUser'
        #region Mocks
            $script:csvUsers = @(
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo'
                    PERSON_NUM = 123
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'excludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'dontexcludeme'
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo2'
                    PERSON_NUM = 1234
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'excludeme'
                    AD_LOGON = 'notinAD'
                    PERSON_NUM = 1234
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'dontexcludeme'
                    AD_LOGON = $null
                    PERSON_NUM = 12345
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'dontexcludeme'

            mock 'Import-Csv' {

            mock 'Test-Path' {

            $script:csvUsersNullConvert = $script:csvUsers | ForEach-Object { if (-not $_.'AD_LOGON') { $_.'AD_LOGON' = 'null' } $_ }
        $parameterSets = @(
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\users.csv'
                TestName = 'All users'
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\users.csv'
                Exclude = @{ ExcludeCol = 'excludeme' }
                TestName = 'Exclude 1 col'
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\users.csv'
                Exclude = @{ ExcludeCol = 'excludeme';ExcludeCol2 = 'excludeme' }
                TestName = 'Exclude 2 cols'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
            Exclude = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Exclude')})
            Exclude1Col = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Exclude') -and ($_.Exclude.Keys.Count -eq 1)})
            Exclude2Cols = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Exclude') -and ($_.Exclude.Keys.Count -eq 2)})
            NoExclusions = $parameterSets.where({ -not $_.ContainsKey('Exclude')})

        context 'when at least one column is excluded' {

            mock 'Where-Object' {
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo2'
                    PERSON_NUM = 1234
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'excludeme'
                    AD_LOGON = 'notinAD'
                    PERSON_NUM = 1234
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'dontexcludeme'
                    AD_LOGON = $null
                    PERSON_NUM = 12345
                    OtherAtrrib = 'x'
                    ExcludeCol = 'dontexcludeme'
                    ExcludeCol2 = 'dontexcludeme'
            } -ParameterFilter { $FilterScript.ToString() -notmatch '\*' }
            it 'should create the expected where filter: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Exclude {
                & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $assMParams = @{
                    CommandName = 'Where-Object'
                    Times = $script:csvUsers.Count
                    Exactly = $true
                    Scope = 'It'
                    ParameterFilter = { 
                        $PSBoundParameters.FilterScript.ToString() -like "(`$_.`'*' -ne '*')*" }
                Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'when excluding no cols, should return all expected users: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.NoExclusions {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            (Compare-Object $script:csvUsersNullConvert.'AD_LOGON' $result.'AD_LOGON').InputObject | should benullorempty

        it 'when excluding 1 col, should return all expected users: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Exclude1Col {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            (Compare-Object @('foo2','notinAD','null') $result.'AD_LOGON').InputObject | should benullorempty
        it 'when excluding 2 cols, should return all expected users: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Exclude2Cols {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            (Compare-Object @('notinAD','null') $result.'AD_LOGON').InputObject | should benullorempty

    describe 'GetCsvColumnHeaders' {
        #region Mocks
            mock 'Get-Content' {

        it 'should return expected headers' {
            $result = & GetCsvColumnHeaders -CsvFilePath 'foo.csv'
            Compare-Object $result @('Header1','Header2','Header3') | should benullorempty

    describe 'TestCsvHeaderExists' {
        #region Mocks
            mock 'GetCsvColumnHeaders' {

        context 'when a header is not in the CSV' {
            it 'should return $false' {
                TestCsvHeaderExists -CsvFilePath 'foo.csv' -Header 'nothere' | should be $false

        context 'when all headers are in the CSV' {

            it 'should return $true' {
                TestCsvHeaderExists -CsvFilePath 'foo.csv' -Header 'Header1','Header2','Header3' | should be $true

        context 'when one header is in the CSV' {

            it 'should return $true' {        
                TestCsvHeaderExists -CsvFilePath 'foo.csv' -Header 'Header1' | should be $true


    describe 'Get-CompanyAdUser' {
        $commandName = 'Get-CompanyAdUser'

        #region Mocks
            mock 'GetAdUser' {
                $script:AllAdsiUsers | Where-Object { $_.Enabled }
            } -ParameterFilter { $LdapFilter }

            mock 'GetAdUser' {
            } -ParameterFilter { -not $LdapFilter }
        $parameterSets = @(
                TestName = 'All users'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets

        it 'should return all users: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
            @($result).Count | should be @($script:AllAdsiUsers).Count


    describe 'FindUserMatch' {
        $commandName = 'FindUserMatch'
        #region Mocks
            mock 'Write-Warning'

            $script:csvUserMatchOnOneIdentifer = @(
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo'
                    PERSON_NUM = 'nomatch'

            $script:csvUserMatchOnAllIdentifers = @(
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo'
                    PERSON_NUM = 123

            $script:OneblankCsvUserIdentifier = @(
                    PERSON_NUM = $null
                    AD_LOGON = 'foo'                

            $script:AllblankCsvUserIdentifier = @(
                    AD_LOGON = $null
                    PERSON_NUM = $null
            $script:noBlankCsvUserIdentifier = @(
                    AD_LOGON = 'ffff'
                    PERSON_NUM = '111111'

            $script:csvUserNoMatch = @(
                    AD_LOGON = 'NotInAd'
                    PERSON_NUM = 'nomatch'

            $script:AdUsers = @(
                    samAccountName = 'foo'
                    EmployeeId = 123
                    samAccountName = 'foo2'
                    EmployeeId = 111
                    samAccountName = 'NotinCSV'
                    EmployeeId = 12345

            mock 'Write-Verbose'
        $parameterSets = @(
                AdUsers = $script:AdUsers
                CsvUser = $script:csvUserMatchOnOneIdentifer
                TestName = 'Match on 1 ID'
                AdUsers = $script:AdUsers
                CsvUser = $script:csvUserMatchOnAllIdentifers
                TestName = 'Match on all IDs'
                AdUsers = $script:AdUsers
                CsvUser = $script:csvUserNoMatch
                TestName = 'No Match'
                AdUsers = $script:AdUsers
                CsvUser = $script:OneblankCsvUserIdentifier
                TestName = 'One Blank ID'
                AdUsers = $script:AdUsers
                CsvUser = $script:AllblankCsvUserIdentifier
                TestName = 'All Blank IDs'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
            MatchOnOneId = $parameterSets.where({$_.TestName -eq 'Match on 1 ID'})
            MatchOnAllIds = $parameterSets.where({$_.TestName -eq 'Match on all IDs'})
            NoMatch = $parameterSets.where({$_.TestName -eq 'No Match'})
            OneBlankId = $parameterSets.where({ $_.CsvUser.AD_LOGON -and (-not $_.CsvUser.PERSON_NUM) })
            AllBlankIds = $parameterSets.where({ -not $_.CsvUser.AD_LOGON -and (-not $_.CsvUser.PERSON_NUM) })

        context 'When no matches could be found' {
            it 'should return the expected number of objects: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.NoMatch {
                & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty

        context 'When one match can be found' {

            it 'should return the expected number of objects: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.MatchOnOneId {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
                @($result).Count | should be 1

            it 'should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.MatchOnOneId {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $result.MatchedAdUser.EmployeeId | should be 123
                $result.CsvIdMatchedOn | should be 'AD_LOGON'
                $result.AdIdMatchedOn | should be 'samAccountName'


        context 'When multiple matches could be found' {

            it 'should return the expected number of objects: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.MatchOnAllIds {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
                @($result).Count | should be 1

            it 'should find matches as expected and return the expected property values: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.MatchOnAllIds {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $result.MatchedAdUser.EmployeeId | should be 123
                $result.CsvIdMatchedOn | should be 'PERSON_NUM'
                $result.AdIdMatchedOn | should be 'employeeid'


        context 'when a blank identifier is queried before finding a match' {

            it 'should do nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.OneBlankId {
                & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $assMParams = @{
                    CommandName = 'Write-Verbose'
                    Times = 1
                    Exactly = $true
                    Scope = 'It'
                    ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Message -match '^CSV field match value' }
                Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

            it 'should return the expected object properties: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.OneBlankId {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
                $result.MatchedAdUser.samAccountName | should be 'foo'
                $result.CsvIdMatchedOn | should be 'AD_LOGON'
                $result.AdIdMatchedOn | should be 'samAccountName'


        context 'when all identifers are blank' {

            it 'should do nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.AllBlankIds {
                & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                $assMParams = @{
                    CommandName = 'Write-Verbose'
                    Times = 2
                    Exactly = $true
                    Scope = 'It'
                    ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Message -match '^CSV field match value' }
                Assert-MockCalled @assMParams


        context 'when all identifiers are valid' {
            it 'should return the expected object properties: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.MatchOnAllIds {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
                    $_.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'EmployeeId' | should be $true
                $result.CsvIdMatchedOn | should be 'PERSON_NUM'
                $result.AdIdMatchedOn | should be 'employeeId'

    describe 'FindAttributeMismatch' {
        $commandName = 'FindAttributeMismatch'
        #region Mocks
            mock 'Write-Verbose'

            $script:csvUserMisMatch = [pscustomobject]@{
                AD_LOGON = 'foo'
                PERSON_NUM = 123
                OtherAtrrib = 'x'

            $script:csvUserNoMisMatch = [pscustomobject]@{
                AD_LOGON = 'foo'
                PERSON_NUM = 1111
                OtherAtrrib = 'y'

            $script:AdUserMisMatch = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
            $script:AdUserMisMatch | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'samAccountName' -Force -Value 'foo'
            $script:AdUserMisMatch | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'EmployeeId' -Force -Value $null -PassThru

            $script:AdUserNoMisMatch = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
            $script:AdUserNoMisMatch | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'samAccountName' -Force -Value 'foo'
            $script:AdUserNoMisMatch | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'EmployeeId' -Force -Value 1111 -PassThru

            mock 'Get-Member' {
                    Name = 'samAccountName'
                    Name = 'EmployeeId'
        $parameterSets = @(
                AdUser = $script:AdUserMisMatch
                CsvUser = $script:csvUserMisMatch
                TestName = 'Mismatch'
                AdUser = $script:AdUserNoMisMatch
                CsvUser = $script:csvUserNoMisMatch
                TestName = 'No Mismatch'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
            Mismatch = $parameterSets.where({$_.TestName -eq 'Mismatch'})
            NoMismatch = $parameterSets.where({$_.TestName -eq 'No Mismatch'})

        it 'should find the correct AD property names: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'Write-Verbose'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    $PSBoundParameters.Message -eq "ADUser props: [samAccountName,EmployeeId]" }
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'should find the correct CSV property names: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'Write-Verbose'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    $PSBoundParameters.Message -eq 'CSV properties are: [AD_LOGON,PERSON_NUM,OtherAtrrib]' }

            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        context 'when a mismatch is found' {

            it 'should return the expected objects: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Mismatch {
                $result = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
                @($result).Count | should be 1
                $result | should beoftype 'hashtable'
                $result.CSVAttributeName | should be 'PERSON_NUM'
                $result.CSVAttributeValue | should be 123
                $result.ADAttributeName | should be 'EmployeeId'
                $result.ADAttributeValue | should be ''

        context 'when no mismatches are found' {

            it 'should return nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.NoMismatch {
                & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty

        context 'when a non-terminating error occurs in the function' {

            mock 'Write-Verbose' {
                Write-Error -Message 'error!'

            it 'should throw an exception: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
                { & $commandName @params } | should throw 'error!'

    describe 'SetAduser' {
        $commandName = 'SetAduser'

        mock 'SaveAdUser'

        mock 'GetAdUser' {
            $obj = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult'
            $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Properties' -PassThru -Force -Value ([pscustomobject]@{
                adsPath = 'adspathhere'
        } -ParameterFilter { $OutputAs -eq 'SearchResult' }

        mock 'GetAdUser' {
            New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
        } -ParameterFilter { $OutputAs -ne 'SearchResult' }
        $parameterSets = @(
                Identity = @{ samAccountName = 'samnamehere'}
                Attribute = @{ employeeId = 'empidhere' }
                Identity = @{ employeeId = 'empidhere'}
                Attribute = @{ displayName = 'displaynamehere' }
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'returns nothing' -TestCases $testCases.All {

            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty

        it 'should save the expected attribute' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'SaveAdUser'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    (-not (Compare-Object $PSBoundParameters.Parameters.Attribute.Keys $Attribute.Keys)) -and
                    (-not (Compare-Object $PSBoundParameters.Parameters.Attribute.Values $Attribute.Values))
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'should save on the expected identity' -TestCases $testCases.All {

            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters
            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'SaveAdUser'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    $PSBoundParameters.Parameters.AdsPath -eq 'adspathhere'
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

    describe 'SyncCompanyUser' {
        $commandName = 'SyncCompanyUser'

        $script:AdUserUpn = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
        $script:AdUserUpn | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'samAccountName' -Force -Value 'foo'
        $script:AdUserUpn | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'EmployeeId' -Force -Value $null -PassThru

        $script:csvUser = [pscustomobject]@{
            AD_LOGON = 'foo'
            PERSON_NUM = 123
            OtherAtrrib = 'x'

        mock 'SetAduser'
        $parameterSets = @(
                AdUser = $script:AdUserUpn
                CsvUser = $script:csvUser
                Attributes = @{ 
                    ADAttributeName = 'EmployeeId'
                    ADAttributeValue = $null
                    CSVAttributeName = 'username'
                    CSVAttributeValue = 'userhere'
                Identifier = 'samAccountName'
                Confirm = $false
                TestName = 'Single attribute'
                AdUser = $script:AdUserUpn
                CsvUser = $script:csvUser
                Attributes = @(@{ 
                    ADAttributeName = 'EmployeeId'
                    ADAttributeValue = $null
                    CSVAttributeName = 'username'
                    CSVAttributeValue = 'userhere'
                    ADAttributeName = 'EmployeeId'
                    ADAttributeValue = $null
                    CSVAttributeName = 'username'
                    CSVAttributeValue = 'userhere'
                Identifier = 'employeeId'
                Confirm = $false
                TestName = 'Multiple attributes'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'should change only those attributes in the Attributes parameter: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters -Confirm:$false

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'SetAdUser'
                Times = @($Attributes).Count
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = {
                    foreach ($i in $Attributes) {
                        $PSBoundParameters.Attribute.($i.ADAttributeName) -eq ($i.CSVAttributeValue)
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'should change attributes on the expected user account: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters -Confirm:$false

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'SetAdUser'
                Times = @($Attributes).Count
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    $PSBoundParameters.Identity.$Identifier -eq $AdUser.$Identifier }
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        context 'when a non-terminating error occurs in the function' {

            mock 'Write-Verbose' {
                Write-Error -Message 'error!'

            it 'should throw an exception: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
                { & $commandName @params -Confirm:$false } | should throw 'error!'
    describe 'WriteLog' {
        $commandName = 'WriteLog'

        mock 'Get-Date' {

        mock 'Export-Csv'
        $parameterSets = @(
                FilePath = 'C:\log.csv'
                CSVIdentifierValue = 'username'
                CSVIdentifierField = 'employeeid'
                Attributes = @{ 
                    ADAttributeName = 'EmployeeId'
                    ADAttributeValue = $null
                    CSVAttributeName = 'PERSON_NUM'
                    CSVAttributeValue = 123
                TestName = 'Standard'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
        it 'should export a CSV to the expected path: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'Export-Csv'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Path -eq $FilePath }
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'should appends to the CSV: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'Export-Csv'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { $Append }
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        it 'should export as CSV with the expected values: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

            $assMParams = @{
                CommandName = 'Export-Csv'
                Times = 1
                Exactly = $true
                Scope = 'It'
                ParameterFilter = { 
                    $InputObject.Time -eq 'time' -and
                    $InputObject.CSVIdentifierValue -eq $CSVIdentifierValue -and
                    $InputObject.CSVIdentifierField -eq $CSVIdentifierField -and
                    $InputObject.ADAttributeName -eq 'EmployeeId' -and
                    $InputObject.ADAttributeValue -eq $null -and
                    $InputObject.CSVAttributeName -eq 'PERSON_NUM' -and
                    $InputObject.CSVAttributeValue -eq 123
            Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

    describe 'Invoke-AdSync' {
        $commandName = 'Invoke-AdSync'

        #region Mocks

            mock 'Get-CompanyAdUser' {
                $adsiUser = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
                $amParams = @{
                    MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                    Force = $true
                $props = @{
                    'Name' = 'nameval'
                    'Enabled' = $true
                    'SamAccountName' = 'samval'
                    'GivenName' = 'givennameval'
                    'Surname' = 'surnameval'
                    'DisplayName' = 'displaynameval'
                    'OtherProperty' = 'otherval'
                    'EmployeeId' = 1
                    'Title' = 'titleval'
                $props.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                    $adsiUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value

            mock 'Get-CompanyCsvUser' {
                    AD_LOGON = "nameval"
                    PERSON_NUM = "1" 

            mock 'WriteLog'
            mock 'Test-Path' {

            mock 'SyncCompanyUser'

            mock 'Write-Warning'

            mock 'TestCsvHeaderExists' {
        $parameterSets = @(
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\log.csv'
                TestName = 'Sync'
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\log.csv'
                ReportOnly = $true
                TestName = 'Report'
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\log.csv'
                Exclude = @{ ExcludeCol = 'excludeme' }
                TestName = 'Excluded valid col'
                CsvFilePath = 'C:\log.csv'
                Exclude = @{ ColNotHere = 'excludeme' }
                TestName = 'Exclude bogus col'
        $testCases = @{
            All = $parameterSets
            ReportOnly = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('ReportOnly')})
            Sync = $parameterSets.where({-not $_.ContainsKey('ReportOnly')})
            NoExclusions = $parameterSets.where({-not $_.ContainsKey('Exclude')})
            ExcludeCol = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Exclude') -and (-not $_.Exclude.Keys.Contains('ColNotHere'))})
            ExcludeBogusCol = $parameterSets.where({$_.ContainsKey('Exclude') -and ($_.Exclude.Keys.Contains('ColNotHere'))})

        context 'when a user match cannot be found' {

            mock 'FindUserMatch'
            context 'when all CSV ID fields are null in the CSV' {

                mock 'Get-CompanyCsvUser' {
                        AD_LOGON = $null
                        PERSON_NUM = $null
                it 'should write a warning: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'Write-Warning'
                        Times = 1
                        Exactly = $true
                        Scope = 'It'
                        ParameterFilter = { 
                            $Message -eq 'No CSV user identifier could be found' 
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

                it 'should write the expected contents to the log file: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'WriteLog'
                        Times = 1
                        Exactly = $true
                        Scope = 'It'
                        ParameterFilter = { 
                            $PSBoundParameters.CSVIdentifierField -eq 'PERSON_NUM,AD_LOGON' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.CSVIdentifierValue -eq 'N/A' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.CSVAttributeName -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.CSVAttributeValue -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.ADAttributeName -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.ADAttributeValue -eq 'NoMatch'
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

            context 'when at least one CSV ID field is populated in the CSV' {

                mock 'Get-CompanyCsvUser' {
                        AD_LOGON = $null
                        PERSON_NUM = 999

                it 'should write the expected contents to the log file: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'WriteLog'
                        Times = 1
                        Exactly = $true
                        Scope = 'It'
                        ParameterFilter = { 
                            $PSBoundParameters.CSVIdentifierField -eq 'PERSON_NUM,AD_LOGON' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.CSVIdentifierValue -eq '999,' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.CSVAttributeName -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.CSVAttributeValue -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.ADAttributeName -eq 'NoMatch' -and
                            $PSBoundParameters.Attributes.ADAttributeValue -eq 'NoMatch'
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        context 'when a user match can be found' {

            $matchedAdUser = New-MockObject -Type 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal'
            $amParams = @{
                MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                Force = $true
            $props = @{
                'Name' = 'nameval'
                'Enabled' = $true
                'SamAccountName' = 'samval'
                'GivenName' = 'givennameval'
                'Surname' = 'surnameval'
                'DisplayName' = 'displaynameval'
                'OtherProperty' = 'otherval'
                'EmployeeId' = 1
                'Title' = 'titleval'
            $props.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
                $matchedAdUser | Add-Member @amParams -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value

            mock 'FindUserMatch' {
                    MatchedAdUser = $matchedAdUser
                    CsvIdMatchedOn = 'PERSON_NUM'
                    AdIdMatchedOn = 'EmployeeId'
            context 'when no attribute mismatches can be found' {
                mock 'FindAttributeMismatch'

                it 'should write the expected contents to the log file: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'WriteLog'
                        Times = 1
                        Exactly = $true
                        Scope = 'It'
                        ParameterFilter = { 
                            $IdentifierValu3 -eq 'foo' -and
                            $CSVIdentifierField -eq 'EmployeeId'
                            $Attributes.CSVAttributeName -eq 'AlreadyInSync' -and
                            $Attributes.CSVAttributeValue -eq 'AlreadyInSync' -and
                            $Attributes.ADAttributeName -eq 'AlreadyInSync' -and
                            $Attributes.ADAttributeValue -eq 'AlreadyInSync'
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

            context 'when an attribute mismatch is found' {

                mock 'FindAttributeMismatch' {
                        CSVAttributeName = 'PERSON_NUM'
                        CSVAttributeValue = '1'
                        ADAttributeName = 'EmployeeId'
                        ADAttributeValue = $null
                it 'when ReportOnly is used, should not attempt to sync the user: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.ReportOnly {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'SyncCompanyUser'
                        Times = 0
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

                it 'when ReportOnly is not used, should attempt to sync the user: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.Sync {
                    & $commandName @PSBoundParameters

                    $assMParams = @{
                        CommandName = 'SyncCompanyUser'
                        Times = 1
                    Assert-MockCalled @assMParams

        context 'when a column is attempted to be excluded does not exist' {

            mock 'TestCsvHeaderExists' {

            it 'should throw an exception: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.ExcludeBogusCol {
                $params = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
                { & $commandName @params } | should throw 'One or more CSV headers excluded with -Exclude do not exist in the CSV file'

        context 'when an exception is thrown' {

            mock 'Get-CompanyAdUser' {
                throw 'error!'

            it 'should return a non-terminating error: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
                try { $null = & $commandName @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err } catch { $null }
                $err | should not benullorempty


        it 'should return nothing: <TestName>' -TestCases $testCases.All {
            & $commandName @PSBoundParameters | should benullorempty

    Remove-Variable -Name allAdsiUsers -Scope Script
    Remove-Variable -Name allCsvUsers -Scope Script