
function TestCsvHeaderExists {



    $csvHeaders = GetCsvColumnHeaders -CsvFilePath $CsvFilePath

    ## Parse out the CSV headers used if the field is a scriptblock
    $commonHeaders = @($Header).foreach({
            $_ | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -is 'scriptblock') {
                    ## It's extremely hard to figure out what values inside of the scriptblock are actual CSV headers
                    ## Give the option here.
                    if ($ParseScriptBlockHeaders.IsPresent) {
                        ParseScriptBlockHeaders -FieldScriptBlock $_
                } else {

    ## Assuming that ParseScriptBlockHeaders was not used and all of the headers
    ## are scriptblocks. We check nothing but still return true.
    if (-not ($commonHeaders = $commonHeaders | Select-Object -Unique)) {
    } else {
        $matchedHeaders = $csvHeaders | Where-Object { $_ -in $commonHeaders }
        if (@($matchedHeaders).Count -ne @($commonHeaders).Count) {
        } else {