
function Convert-AdsiUsers {
            Converti des object ADSI et PSCustomObject
            recupere les info de principale
        .PARAMETER Items
            Alban LOPEZ 2019

    param (
        $blackKey = @('objectsid','objectguid','userparameters')
    begin {
    process {
        foreach ($item in $items) {
            try {
                $AdsiItem = $item | ForEach-Object{[adsi]$_.path}
                # write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Measure-Command {
                    try {
                        if($AdsiItem.InvokeGet("AllowLogon") -ne $false) {
                            $TsAllowLogon = 'RD Session'
                        } elseif ($AdsiItem.mail) {
                            $TsAllowLogon = 'Bal Only'
                        } else {
                            $TsAllowLogon = 'Just Account'
                    } catch {$TsAllowLogon = 'RD Session'} # n'as jamais été défini pour ce User
                    # Write-Color '[',$item.invokeget('mstsallowlogon'),' vs ',$AdsiItem.invokeget('mstsallowlogon'),' vs ',$TsAllowLogon,']' -fore white,Magenta,Cyan,Yellow,Cyan,Green,white
                    if (($AdsiItem.userAccountControl.value -band 0x02)) {$state ='Disabled'} else {$state = ''}
                # }).TotalSeconds
                # write-host -ForegroundColor cyan (Measure-Command {
                    try {
                        $sid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier( $AdsiItem.objectSid.Value, 0)).Value
                    } catch {$sid = $null}
                # }).TotalSeconds
                # write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow (Measure-Command {

                    $factu = ''
                    if($AdsiItem.extensionattribute6){$factu += "Cap:$($AdsiItem.extensionattribute6)"}
                    if($AdsiItem.extensionattribute7){$factu += "Asp:$($AdsiItem.extensionattribute7)"}

                    # write-color $AdsiItem.samaccountname.padright(30),' ', "$($item.accountexpires)".padright(20),' ',$item.pwdlastset -fore cyan,yellow,red
                    $PwdLastSet = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUtc($AdsiItem.ConvertLargeIntegerToInt64($AdsiItem.pwdlastset.value))
                    if($AdsiItem.extensionattribute14 -match '\d{18}@.+\\.+'){
                        ($lesspassTicks, $lesspassScope) = $AdsiItem.extensionattribute14 -split('@')
                        $LesspassDate = (get-date ([int64]$lesspassTicks)).ToUniversalTime()
                        if([Math]::Abs(($PwdLastSet - $LesspassDate).Totalseconds) -lt 120) {
                            $PassWordType = $lesspassScope
                        } else {
                            $PassWordType = $null
                    } else {
                        $PassWordType = $null
                    # write-color $AdsiItem.extensionattribute14, ' ',$PassWordType -fore cyan, red, Magenta, Yellow
                    if($ -and $ -lt 9223372036854775807){
                        $ExpireDate = [datetime]::fromfiletime([int64]$($
                        # $ | Write-Object -back black -fore red
                    } else {
                        # 0 or 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (9223372036854775807) indicates that the account never expires
                        $ExpireDate = $null
                    $ExpireCode = $null
                    if($($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -notmatch '$'){ # trop vieux
                        $URPP = (Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy -Server ($($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -replace ('(.+)@(.+\..+)', '$2')) -Identity $($AdsiItem.samAccountName))
                        # $URPP | Write-Object -back black -fore red
                        if ($URPP.MaxPasswordAge) {
                            $ExpireCode = $PwdLastSet.add($URPP.MaxPasswordAge)
                            # Write-logstep $ExpireCode,"(Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy -Server $($($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -replace ('(.+)@(.+\..+)', '$2')) -Identity $($AdsiItem.samAccountName))" ok
                    # write-color $AdsiItem.samaccountname.padright(30),' ',$ExpireDate, ' ',$, ' ', $PassWordType -fore cyan, red, Magenta, Yellow

                # }).TotalSeconds
                $Prop = @{
                    Name                 = "$($AdsiItem.Name)"
                    DisplayName          = "$($AdsiItem.DisplayName)"
                    NtAccountName        = $($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -replace ('(.+)@(.+)\..+', '$2\$1')
                    Sid                  = "$sid"
                    email                = "$($AdsiItem.mail)" # + $($AdsiItem.proxyAddresses)"
                    Type                 = $TsAllowLogon
                    State                = $state
                    Phone                = "$($AdsiItem.telephonenumber)"
                    Description          = "$($AdsiItem.description)"
                    Facturation          = $factu
                    PasswordType         = $PassWordType
                    PasswordDate         = $PwdLastSet
                    Expire               = $(if ($ExpireDate -and $ExpireDate -lt $ExpireCode) {(get-date -format 'yyyy/MM/dd' $ExpireDate)} elseif (!$ExpireCode) {[double]::PositiveInfinity} else {"$(get-date -format 'yyyy/MM/dd' $ExpireCode) (Pwd)"})
                    Groupes              = $($AdsiItem.memberOf | ? {$_} | % {$_.split(',=')[1]}) # -join ("`n") # | ForEach-Object {([adsi]"LDAP://$_").name}
                    Externe              = $($ -match 'EXT$' -or $($ -match 'EXT$'
                    foreach($key in $item.Properties.GetEnumerator().name){
                        # Write-Host $key,'-',$Prop.$Key,'-',$($item.Properties.$key) -fore red
                        if($blackKey -notcontains $key -and !$Prop.$Key -and $($item.Properties.$key)){
                            # Write-Host $key -fore Yellow
                            $Prop.$Key = $($item.Properties.$key)
            } catch {
                Write-LogStep -prefix "L.$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" '',$_ error
    end {}
function Convert-AdsiUserToMail {
            Converti des object ADSI et PSCustomObject
            recupere les info de principale
        .PARAMETER Items
            Alban LOPEZ 2019

    param (
    begin {
    process {
        foreach ($item in $items) {
            $AdsiItem = $item | ForEach-Object{[adsi]$_.path}
            if (($AdsiItem.userAccountControl.value -band 0x02)) {$state ='Disabled'} else {$state = ''}
                NtAccountName        = $($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -replace ('(.+)@(.+)\..+', '$2\$1')
                Name                 = "$($AdsiItem.Name)"
                DisplayName          = "$($AdsiItem.DisplayName)"
                email                = $($AdsiItem.mail) # + $($AdsiItem.proxyAddresses)"
                State                = $state
                ExtensionAttribute1  = $($
                # proxyaddresses = $($
                AllAddresses         = $($ -match '\w[A-Za-z0-9-_]+@[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]+') -replace('.+:(.+@.+)','$1')
                msexchhomeservername = $($
                msExchServerName     = $($ -replace('.*/cn=(.+)$','$1'))
                msExchDbName         = $($ -replace('^CN=(.|[^,]+),CN=.*','$1'))
                msExchQuotaGb        = $($ / 1Mb
                msExchDelegateBal    = $($
                msExchArchiveName    = $($
                msExchArchDbName     = $($ -replace('^CN=(.|[^,]+),CN=.*','$1'))
                msExchArchPolicy     = $($ -replace('^CN=(.|[^,]+),CN=.*','$1'))
                msExchArchiveQuotaGb = $($ / 1Mb
    end {}
function Convert-AdsiFactUsers {
            Converti des object ADSI et PSCustomObject
            recupere les info de factu
        .PARAMETER Items
            Alban LOPEZ 2019

    param (
    begin {
    process {
        foreach ($item in $items) {
            # Write-Object $item -fore Magenta -backGroundColor Gray
            $AdsiItem = $item | ForEach-Object {[adsi]$_.path}
            # write-host -ForegroundColor Green (Measure-Command {
                try {
                    if($AdsiItem.InvokeGet("AllowLogon") -ne $false) {
                        $TsAllowLogon = $true
                    } else {
                        $TsAllowLogon = $false
                    # $TsAllowLogon = !($AdsiItem.InvokeGet("AllowLogon"))
                } catch {$TsAllowLogon = $true}
            # }).TotalSeconds
            # Write-Color '[',$item.invokeget('allowlogon'),' vs ',$AdsiItem.invokeget('allowlogon'),' vs ',$TsAllowLogon,']' -fore white,Magenta,Cyan,Yellow,Cyan,Green,white

            # write-host -ForegroundColor cyan (Measure-Command {
                try {
                    $sid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier( $AdsiItem.objectSid.Value, 0)).Value
                } catch {$sid = $null}
            # }).TotalSeconds
                Sid            = $sid
                Enabled        = [bool](!($AdsiItem.userAccountControl.value -band 0x02))
                SamAccountName = $($AdsiItem.SamAccountName)
                NtAccountName  = $($AdsiItem.userPrincipalName) -replace ('(.+)@(.+)\..+', '$2\$1')
                email          = "$($AdsiItem.mail)" # + $($AdsiItem.proxyAddresses)"
                TsAllowLogon   = $TsAllowLogon
                Externe        = $($ -match 'EXT$' -or $($ -match 'EXT$'
                Facturation    = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Groups         = ($AdsiItem.memberOf -match '_FACT')
                    Attribut       = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        CAP             = $($
                        ASP             = $($
    end {}
function Convert-AdsiComputers {
            Converti des object ADSI et PSCustomObject
            recupere les info de principale
        .PARAMETER Items
            Alban LOPEZ 2019

    param (
    begin {
    process {
        foreach ($item in $items) {
            try {
                $AdsiItem = $item | ForEach-Object{[adsi]$_.path}
                try {
                    $sid = (New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier( $AdsiItem.objectSid.Value, 0)).Value
                } catch {$sid = $null}
                    Name                   = "$($"
                    NtAccountName          = $($AdsiItem.adspath) -replace ('LDAP://CN=([\w\d-]+),.*,DC=([\w\d-]+),DC=(com|adds)', '$2\$1')
                    DnsHostName            = $($AdsiItem.dnshostname)
                    Sid                    = "$sid"
                    operatingsystem        = $($AdsiItem.operatingsystem)
                    operatingsystemversion = $($AdsiItem.operatingsystemversion)
                    whencreated            = $($AdsiItem.whencreated)
                    adspath                = $($AdsiItem.adspath)
                    # distinguishedname = $($AdsiItem.distinguishedname)
                    memberof               = $($AdsiItem.memberof)
            } catch {
                Write-LogStep -prefix "L.$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" '',$_ error
    end {}
function Get-UserAccountControl {
    $flags_enum = @{
        SCRIPT                                 = 1 # ADS_UF_
        ACCOUNTDISABLE                         = 2 # ADS_UF_
        HOMEDIR_REQUIRED                       = 8 # ADS_UF_
        LOCKOUT                                = 16 # ADS_UF_
        PASSWD_NOTREQD                         = 32 # ADS_UF_
        PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE                     = 64 # ADS_UF_
        TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT                 = 256 # ADS_UF_
        NORMAL_ACCOUNT                         = 512 # ADS_UF_
        INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT              = 2048 # ADS_UF_
        WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT              = 4096 # ADS_UF_
        SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT                   = 8192 # ADS_UF_
        DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD                     = 65536 # ADS_UF_
        MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT                      = 131072 # ADS_UF_
        SMARTCARD_REQUIRED                     = 262144 # ADS_UF_
        TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION                 = 524288 # ADS_UF_
        NOT_DELEGATED                          = 1048576 # ADS_UF_
        USE_DES_KEY_ONLY                       = 2097152 # ADS_UF_
        DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH                   = 4194304 # ADS_UF_
        PASSWORD_EXPIRED                       = 8388608 # ADS_UF_
    Write-LogStep 'UserAccountControl',[Convert]::ToString($flags,2) ok
    $flags_enum.GetEnumerator() | % { 
        if ( $_.value -band $flags ) { $ }

# Export-ModuleMember -Function Convert-RdSession, Get-RdSession
Write-LogStep 'Chargement du module ',$PSCommandPath ok

    ipmo .\PSAdsi.psd1
    # ipmo .\PSAdsi-Convert.psm1
    ipmo C:\git\RDS.Dragonfly\Ressources\RDS.DragonFly-Tools.psm1
    $filtered = Get-ADSIComputer * | Convert-AdsiComputers | ?{
        $_.operatingsystem -and $_.adspath -match ',OU=Serveurs,' -and (Test-TcpPort $_.DnsHostName -port 445 -ConfirmIfDown)
    $data = $filtered | Invoke-Parallel -ScriptBlock { # <!> tronque les resultat
        try {
            $item.wsusid = $([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $item.DnsHostName).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate").GetValue('SusClientId'))
        } catch {
            $item.wsusid = $_
    } -MaxThreads 256 -TimeOutGlobal 3600 -TimeOutThread 10
    $excel = $data | Export-XLSX -Path '.\wsus.xlsx' -ClearSheet -Force -WorksheetName 'Users-Groups' -Table -TableStyle Medium16 -Passthru # -PivotRows 2 -PivotColumns 6
    $data | out-gridview -OutputMode Multiple