
# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongChildItem
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
        # Specify the Path to the File or Folder
        Position = 0)]
        $Path = $PWD,
        # Filter wildcard string
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]   
        $Filter = '*',        

        # Enumerate Subdirectories
        # Multiple string names to exclude
        [String[] ]
        # Multiple string names to include
        [String[] ]

        # Get Only Folders
        # Get Only Files
        # Get Only File or Folder Names

        # Dont show symbolic links


        $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::ContinueOnException 
        $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::BasicSearch
        $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::LargeCache 

        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Recurse') )
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::Recursive
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('SkipSymbolicLink') )
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::SkipReparsePoints
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Directory') -and (-not($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('File'))))
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::Folders
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('file') -and (-not($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Directory'))))
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::Files
        if(-not($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Directory')) -and (-not($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('File')) ))
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::FilesAndFolders
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Directory') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('File') )
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::FilesAndFolders

        $dirEnumOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions]$dirEnumOptions
        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::Backup, $null)       
        foreach ($pItem in $Path)
            # Check if path is relative
            if(-not $PathFSObject::IsPathRooted($Path, $true))
                $pItem = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $pItem.TrimStart('.\'))
            # Check if path exists on the filesystem
            if(-not ($FileObject::Exists($pItem) -or $DirObject::Exists($pItem)))
                Write-Warning -Message ("Get-LongChildItem:`tPath '{0}' dosent exist." -f $pItem)

            $PathObject = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $pItem, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath
                $DirObject::EnumerateFileSystemEntries($pItem,$Filter,$dirEnumOptions) | 
                ForEach-Object -Process {
                    if ($Include -and (-not(CompareExtension -Extension $Include -Filename $PathFSObject::GetFileName($_))))
                    if ($Exclude -and (CompareExtension -Extension $Exclude -Filename $PathFSObject::GetFileName($_)))
                        $_.Replace($pItem,'') -replace '^\\'
                        New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $_, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath
                }#foreach filesystementry
            }#If path is a folder
                    $PathObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                    Write-Output -InputObject $PathObject
            }#if path is not a folder
        }#foreach path item
        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongItem
        # Specify the Path to the File or Folder
        Position = 0)]

        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::Backup, $null)         
        foreach ($pItem in $Path)
            # Check if path is relative
            if(-not $PathFSObject::IsPathRooted($Path, $true))
                $pItem = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $pItem.TrimStart('.\'))
            # Check if path exists on the filesystem
            if(-not ($FileObject::Exists($pItem) -or $DirObject::Exists($pItem)))
                Write-Warning -Message ("Get-LongItem:`tPath '{0}' dosent exist." -f $pItem)
            New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $pItem, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath
        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Rename-LongItem
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'High',DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        # The Path to the File or Folder
        Position = 0)]
                ParameterSetName = 'Name',
        Position = 1)]       
                ParameterSetName = 'Extension',
        Position = 1)]       
        #[parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        $ReplaceExisting = $MoveOptions::ReplaceExisting

        if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path))
            $Path = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $Path.TrimStart('.\'))
        if(-not ($FileObject::Exists($Path) -or $DirObject::Exists($Path)))
            Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tPath '{0}' dosent exist." -f $Path)
        $PathObject = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $Path
            $isfile = $false
            $fsObject = $DirObject
            $isfile = $true
            $fsObject = $FileObject
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' )
            if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($NewName))
                $NewPath = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $NewName.TrimStart('.\'))
                $NewPath = $NewName
            if($Path -eq $NewPath)
                Write-Warning ("Rename-LongItem:`t{0} and {1} are the same" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                # check if there is an existing folder with the same name as the file we are trying to create
                    Write-Warning ("Rename-LongItem: A Directory with the same name '{0}' already exists." -f $NewPath)
                #Create a file
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $FileObject::Move($Path, $NewPath,$ReplaceExisting, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)
                        Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tAn item with the same name already exists at '{0}'.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $NewPath)
                }# file exists
                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Item:`t$path Destination:`t$NewName","Rename File"))
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $FileObject::Move($Path, $NewPath, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)                    
            # if path is a file
                # check if there is an existing folder with the same name as the file we are trying to create
                    Write-Warning ("Rename-LongItem: A File with the same name '{0}' already exists." -f $NewPath)
                #Create a file
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $DirObject::Move($Path, $NewPath,$ReplaceExisting, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)
                        Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tAn item with the same name already exists at '{0}'.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $NewPath)
                }# file exists
                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Item:`t$path Destination:`t$NewName","Rename File"))
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $DirObject::Move($Path, $NewPath, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)                    
                # Directory
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Extension' )
            $NewPath = $PathFSObject::ChangeExtension($Path, $NewExtension)
            if($Path -eq $NewPath)
                Write-Warning ("Rename-LongItem:`t{0} and {1} are the same" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                # check if there is an existing folder with the same name as the file we are trying to create
                    Write-Warning ("New-LongItem: A Directory with the same name '{0}' already exists." -f $NewPath)
                #Create a file
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $FileObject::Move($Path, $NewPath,$ReplaceExisting, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)
                        Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tAn item with the same name already exists at '{0}'.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $NewPath)
                }# file exists
                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Item:`t$Path`tDestination:`t$($PathFSObject::ChangeExtension($Path, $NewExtension))",'Changing Extension'))
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $FileObject::Move($Path, $NewPath, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)                    
            # if path is a file
                # check if there is an existing folder with the same name as the file we are trying to create
                    Write-Warning ("New-LongItem: A File with the same name '{0}' already exists." -f $NewPath)
                #Create a file
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $DirObject::Move($Path, $NewPath,$ReplaceExisting, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)
                        Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tAn item with the same name already exists at '{0}'.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $NewPath)
                }# file exists
                    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Item:`t$Path`tDestination:`t$($PathFSObject::ChangeExtension($Path, $NewExtension))",'Changing Extension'))
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                        $DirObject::Move($Path, $NewPath, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)                    
                # Directory

        #set Extension

}#end function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Copy-LongItem
        # The Path to the File or Folder
        Position = 0)]
        Position = 1)]       

        # If the source file is a symbolic link,
        # the destination file is also a symbolic link pointing to the same file that the source symbolic link is pointing to.

        # The copy operation is performed using unbuffered I/O, bypassing system I/O cache resources. Recommended for very large file transfers.

        # An attempt to copy an encrypted file will succeed even if the destination copy cannot be encrypted.

        $copyOptions = $copyFsObject::FailIfExists
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('CopySymbolicLink') )
            $copyOptions = $copyOptions -bor $copyFsObject::CopySymbolicLink
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('NoBuffering') )
            $copyOptions = $copyOptions -bor $copyFsObject::NoBuffering
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('AllowDecryptedDestination') )
            $copyOptions = $copyOptions -bor $copyFsObject::AllowDecryptedDestination
        $copyOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.CopyOptions]$copyOptions
        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::CreateSymbolicLink, $null)
        if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path,$true))
            $Path = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $Path.TrimStart('.\'))
        if(-not ($FileObject::Exists($Path) -or $DirObject::Exists($Path)))
            Write-Warning -Message ("Copy-LongItem:`tPath '{0}' dosent exist." -f $Path)
        $PathObject = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $Path, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath
        $basename = $PathFSObject::GetFileName($Path)
        $dBasename = $PathFSObject::GetFileName($Destination)
        $dParent = $PathFSObject::GetDirectoryName($Destination)
        $dBasenameObj = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $dBasename
        $isFile = if($PathFSObject::HasExtension($dBasename) )
        # Create the directory tree before the copy
            $Destination_isFile = $true
            if( -not ( $DirObject::Exists($dParent)))
                $null = $DirObject::CreateDirectory($dParent)
        }#destination is a file
            $Destination_isDirectory = $true
            if( -not ( $DirObject::Exists($Destination)))
                $null = $DirObject::CreateDirectory($Destination)
                $Destination = $PathFSObject::Combine($Destination, $basename)
        }#destination is a folder

            $fsObject = $DirObject
            $fsObject = $FileObject

        # Perform the copy
            Write-Verbose -Message ("Copy-LongItem:`tCopying '{0}' to '{1}'" -f $Path, $Destination)
            $fsObject::Copy($Path, $Destination,$copyOptions)
        catch [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.AlreadyExistsException]
                # need to delete destination because the copy method dosent contain an overload that includes
                # both the overwrite and copyoptions parameters
                $DirObject::Delete($Destination, $true, $true, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath) 

                Write-Verbose -Message ("Copy-LongItem:`t Overwriting existing item...Copying '{0}' to '{1}'" -f $Path, $Destination)
                $fsObject::Copy($Path, $Destination, $copyOptions)               
                Write-Warning -Message ("Copy-LongItem:`tAn item with the same name already exists at '{0}'.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $Destination)
            throw $_

        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#end function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Remove-LongItem
        # The Path to the File or Folder
        Position = 0)]


        $DirOptions = $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::FilesAndFolders
        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::Backup, $null)       
        if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path,$true))
            $Path = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $Path.TrimStart('.\'))
        if(-not ($FileObject::Exists($Path) -or $DirObject::Exists($Path)))
            Write-Warning -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`tPath '{0}' dosent exist." -f $Path)
        $PathObject = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $Path

            $RemoveAll = $true
            $Force = $true
            $RemoveAll = $false 
            $IgnoreReadOnly = $true
            $IgnoreReadOnly = $false 
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`t Deleting directory '{0}' recursively" -f $Path)
                $DirObject::Delete($Path, $RemoveAll, $IgnoreReadOnly, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)            
                if( $DirObject::CountFileSystemObjects($Path,$DirOptions) -gt 0)
                    Write-Warning -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`t The Directory '{0}' is not Empty.`nUse '-Recurse' to remove it." -f $Path)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`t Deleting empty directory '{0}'" -f $Path)
                    $DirObject::Delete($Path, $RemoveAll, $IgnoreReadOnly, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)                
            }#if not recurse
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`t Deleting file '{0}'..." -f $Path)
                $FileObject::Delete($Path, $IgnoreReadOnly, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)  
            catch [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileReadOnlyException]
                Write-Warning -Message ("Remove-LongItem:`t The file '{0}' is ReadOnly.`nUse '-Force' to remove it." -f $Path)
                throw $_
        }#If file

        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#end function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function New-LongItem
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        # The Path to the File or Folder
                ValueFromPipeline,ParameterSetName = 'Path',
        Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        $Encoding = 'Default',        
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName = 'Name')]

        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::CreateSymbolicLink, $null)  


            foreach ($pItem in $Path)
                if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path')
                    if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($pItem))
                        $pItem = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $pItem)
                    $FilePath = $pItem
                }# pscmdlet Path
                if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name')
                    if($PathFSObject::IsPathRooted($Name) -and $PathFSObject::IsPathRooted($pItem))
                        Write-Warning -Message ("New-LongItem: The given path's format is not supported")

                        $FilePath = $PathFSObject::Combine($pItem, $Name)
                        $FilePath = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $pItem, $Name)
                }#pscmdlet is Name

                 $params = 
                    Filename = $FilePath
                    itemtype = $ItemType
                    value    = $Value
                    Encoding = $Encoding
                if($Force) {$params.Add('Force',$Force)}
                newlongitemhelper @params

            }#foreach pitem
        }# if path
            if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name')
                    $FilePath = $Name
                    $FilePath = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $Name)
            }#pscmdlet is Name

            $params = 
                Filename = $FilePath
                itemtype = $ItemType
                value    = $Value
                Encoding = $Encoding
            if($Force) {$params.Add('Force',$Force)}
            newlongitemhelper @params
        }# if path is not specified

        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#end function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Move-LongItem
        # The Path to the File or Folder
                    if( [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Exists($_) -or  [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::Exists($_)  ) 
                        Write-Warning -Message ("Rename-LongItem:`tPath '{0}' does not exist`n`n" -f $_) 
        Position = 0)]
        Position = 1)]       

        $ReplaceExisting = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.MoveOptions]::ReplaceExisting
        $Parent = $PathFSObject::GetDirectoryName($Path)
        $basename = $PathFSObject::GetFileName($Path)
        $dParent = $PathFSObject::GetDirectoryName($Destination)
        $dBasename = $PathFSObject::GetFileName($Destination)

        $isFile = if($PathFSObject::HasExtension($basename) )
        $isFile_destination = if($PathFSObject::HasExtension($dBasename) )
            #Basename is a file so destination has to be a file
            $Basename_isFile = $true
            if ($isFile_destination)
                $Destination_isFile = $true
                $NewPath = $Destination 
                $Destination_isDirectory = $true
                $NewPath = $PathFSObject::Combine($Destination, $basename)
        }#basename is file
            #basename is a folder so check the destination basename
            $Basename_isDirectory = $true
            if ($isFile_destination)
                Write-Warning -Message ("Move-LongItem:`tThe source is a directory so please specify a directory as the destination")
                $Destination_isDirectory = $true

                if($DirObject::Exists($Destination ))
                    $NewPath = $PathFSObject::Combine($Destination, $basename)
                    $NewPath = $Destination
            }# destination is a directory
        }#basename is a directory

        if($Path -ne $NewPath)
            if ($Basename_isFile)
                $Object = $FileObject
                $Object = $DirectoryObject
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Move-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                $Object::Move($Path, $NewPath,$ReplaceExisting)              
                    Write-Verbose -Message ("Move-LongItem:`n {0} `n`t`t{1}`n" -f $Path, $NewPath)
                catch [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.AlreadyExistsException]
                    Write-Warning -Message ("Move-LongItem:`tAn item named '{0}' already exists at the destination.`nUse '-Force' to overwrite" -f $NewPath)
                    throw $_
            }#no force
            Write-Warning -Message ("Move-LongItem:`tAn item cannot be moved to a destination that is same as the source")
}#end function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Mount-LongShare
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Simple')]
        # Specify the Local Drive the NetworkShare is to be Mapped to
        Position = 0)]
        # Specify the NetworkShare that is to be mapped
        Position = 1)]
        # Specify the NetworkShare that is to be mapped
                ParameterSetName = 'Credential',
        Position = 2)]

        $DriveLetter = FormatDriveLetter $DriveLetter
        if(-not (Test-Path $DriveLetter))

            if(-not (CheckMappedDriveExists $DriveLetter $NetworkShare))
                if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Credential')
                    $NetWorkCreds = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList @($Credential.UserName, $Credential.Password)
                    $Domain = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().domain
                        $NetWorkCreds.Domain = $Domain

                    #map drive
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Mount-LongShare:`t Mapping NetWorkShare ['{0}'] to DriveLetter ['{1}'] with Credentials '[{2}']" -f $NetWorkShare, $DriveLetter, $Credential.UserName)
                        $MapDrive = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.Host]::ConnectDrive($DriveLetter, $NetWorkShare, $Credential, $false, $true, $true)
                        throw $_
                }# Parameterset Credential
                if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Simple')
                    #map drive
                        Write-Verbose -Message ("Mount-LongShare:`t Mapping NetWorkShare ['{0}'] to DriveLetter ['{1}']" -f $NetWorkShare, $DriveLetter)
                        $MapDrive = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.Host]::ConnectDrive($DriveLetter, $NetWorkShare)
                        throw $_
                }# Parameterset Simple

            }# check if share is already mapped
                Write-Warning -Message ("Mount-LongShare:`t The Drive ['{0}'] is already mapped to share ['{1}']" -f $DriveLetter, $NetWorkShare) 
            Write-Warning -Message ("Mount-LongShare:`t The Drive ['{0}'] is in use" -f $DriveLetter)


}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function DisMount-LongShare
        # Specify the Local Drive the NetworkShare is to be Mapped to
        Position = 0)]
        # Specify if the existing Connections to a share are to be closed

        $DriveLetter = FormatDriveLetter $DriveLetter
        if( -not (Test-path $DriveLetter )) 
            Write-warning ("DisMount-LongShare:`tPath '{0}' does not exist`n`n" -f $DriveLetter)
        #map drive
                Write-Verbose -Message ("DisMount-LongShare:`t Force Detected...Closing open network connections and Removing Mapped Drive ['{0}']" -f $DriveLetter)
                $RemoveDrive = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.Host]::DisconnectDrive($DriveLetter, $true, $true)
                Write-Verbose -Message ("DisMount-LongShare:`t Removing Mapped Drive ['{0}']" -f $DriveLetter)   
                $RemoveDrive = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.Host]::DisconnectDrive($DriveLetter, $false, $true)
            if($_.Exception.InnerException -match 'This network connection has files open or requests pending')
                throw 'This network connection has files open or requests pending...use the "-Force" switch to close existing connections without warning'
                throw $_

}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongMappedDrive

        #map drive
            [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | Where-Object -Property DriveType -EQ -Value 'Network'
            throw $_

}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongFreeDriveLetter
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'First')]
        # get the last available drive letter.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Last')]

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'First')
            #map drive
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Get-LongFreeDriveLetter:`t Listing the first free DriveLetter")
                throw $_
        }# Parameterset First
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Last')
            #map drive
                Write-Verbose -Message ("Get-LongFreeDriveLetter:`t Listing the Last free DriveLetter")
                throw $_
        }# Parameterset Last

}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongDiskDrive

        #List drive
            throw $_

}#End Function

# .ExternalHelp PSAlphafs.psm1-help.xml
function Get-LongDirectorySize
        # Specify the Path to a Folder
        Position = 0)]
        $Path = $pwd,

        # Enumerate Subdirectories

        # Enumerate Subdirectories

        $privilegeEnabler = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler -ArgumentList ([Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::Backup, $null)
        $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::SkipReparsePoints

        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('Recurse') )
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::Recursive
        if($PSBoundParameters.Containskey('ContinueonError') )
            $dirEnumOptions = $dirEnumOptions -bor $dirEnumOptionsFSObject::ContinueOnException
        $dirEnumOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions]$dirEnumOptions 

        if(-not [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path))
            $Path = $PathFSObject::Combine($PWD, $Path.TrimStart('.\'))
        if(-not $DirObject::Exists($Path))
            Write-Warning -Message ("Get-LongDirectorySize:`tPath '{0}' either is not a directory or it dosent exist." -f $Path)
        $PathObject = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo -ArgumentList $Path
        if(-not $PathObject.EntryInfo.IsDirectory)
            Write-Warning -Message ("Get-LongDirectorySize:`tPlease prove a directory name as input to the path {0} parameter" -f $Path)

        $ResultHash = $DirObject::GetProperties( $Path, $dirEnumOptions, $PathFSFormatObject::FullPath)
        $size = $ResultHash.Size
            $postfixes = @( 'Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB' )
            for ($i = 0; $size -ge 1024 -and $i -lt $postfixes.Length - 1; $i++) 
                $size = $size / 1024
            $rounded_size = [Math]::Round($size,2)
            $null = $ResultHash.Add("Sizein$($postfixes[$i])", $rounded_size)
            Write-Verbose -Message ("The size of the folder '{0}' is '{1} {2}'" -f $Path, $rounded_size, $postfixes[$i])
        Write-Output -InputObject $ResultHash

        If ($privilegeEnabler) 
}#End Function

Set-Alias -Name ldir -Value Get-LongChildItem