
using namespace System.Management.Automation

#region Get-PlaybookParams.ps1
function ToTitleCase
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]

    begin {$Culture = Get-Culture}

        $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($String) -replace '-'

function Get-PlaybookParams
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param ()

    if ($Script:PlaybookParams) {return $Script:PlaybookParams}

    $Help = ansible-playbook --help
    $Help = $Help.Where({$_ -match '^options:'}, 'SkipUntil') -ne "" -notmatch '^( )?\w' | Out-String
    $Blocks = $Help.Trim() -split "`n (?=-)"

    [string[]]$Aliases = $null
    $SingleLetterAliases = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)

    $Params = $Blocks | ForEach-Object {
        $Aliases, $Help = $_ -split "(?s)\s{2,}"
        $Aliases = $Aliases -split ", "
        $Help = $Help -join " "

        if ($Aliases -match '-verbose') {return}  # special case!

        $Arg = ""
        $Aliases = $Aliases | ForEach-Object {$Alias, $Arg = $_ -split " "; $Alias}

        # Assumption: there's no more than one single-letter alias
        $SingleLetterAlias = @($Aliases) -match '^-\w$' -replace '-'
        if ($SingleLetterAlias -and -not $SingleLetterAliases.Add($SingleLetterAlias))
            # we have a case-insensitive duplicate :-(
            $Aliases = @($Aliases) -notmatch '^-\w$'

        $Name = @($Aliases) -match '^--' | Select-Object -First 1
        $Aliases = @($Aliases) -ne $Name

        if ($Name -match '\w-\w')
            $Aliases = $Name, $Aliases | Write-Output

        $Name = ($Name | ToTitleCase) -replace '-'
        $Aliases = @($Aliases) -replace '^--?'

        $Type = if (-not $Arg)
        elseif ($Arg -match 'S$' -or $Help -match 'may be specified multiple times')

        $Attrs = [Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]]::new()
        if ($Aliases)
        $ParamAttr = [ParameterAttribute]::new()
        $ParamAttr.HelpMessage = $Help
        [RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($Name, $Type, $Attrs)

    $Script:PlaybookParams = [RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
    $Params | ForEach-Object {$Script:PlaybookParams.Add($_.Name, $_)}
#endregion Get-PlaybookParams.ps1

#region play-book.ps1
function Invoke-AnsiblePlaybook
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]

        [Alias('vv', 'vvv', 'vvvv', 'vvvvv')]

        $DynParams = Get-PlaybookParams

        $Verbosity = if ($v -or $VerbosePreference -notin ('SilentlyContinue', 'Ignore'))
            if ($MyInvocation.Line -match '\s-(v*)(\s|$)') {$Matches[1].Length} else {3}

        $PlaybookArgs = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() |
            ForEach-Object {
                $Param = $DynParams[$_.Key]
                if (-not $Param) {return}  # filter out static and common params

                $PSName = $_.Key
                $Aliases = $Param.Attributes.AliasNames
                $Name = $Aliases | Where-Object {$_ -replace '-' -ilike $PSName} | Select-Object -First 1
                if (-not $Name) {$Name = $PSName.ToLower()}

                if ($Param.ParameterType -eq [switch])

        # If the user passed a value that's not in the completion cache, invalidate the cache
        $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            $CompletionKey = $Script:PlaybookCompletableParams[$_.Key]
            if (-not $CompletionKey) {return}
            $Completions = $Script:PlaybookCompletionValues[$CompletionKey]
            if ($_.Value | Where-Object {$_ -inotin $Completions})
                $Script:PlaybookCompletionValues[$CompletionKey] = $null

        if ($Verbosity)
            $PlaybookArgs.Add("-$('v' * $Verbosity)")

            if ($DebugPreference -notin ('SilentlyContinue', 'Ignore')) {$env:ANSIBLE_DEBUG = 1}

            if ($Verbosity) {$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'}
            Write-Verbose "ansible-playbook $PlaybookArgs $Playbook"
            ansible-playbook $PlaybookArgs $Playbook

Set-Alias play-book Invoke-AnsiblePlaybook

$Script:PlaybookCompletionValues = @{}
$Script:PlaybookCompletableParams = @{
    Tags = 'Tags'
    SkipTags = 'Tags'
    StartAtTask = 'Tasks'
    Limit = 'Hosts'
$Script:PlaybookCompleters = @{
    Tags = {
        param ($Playbook, $Inventory)
        $PSBoundParameters.ListTags = $true

        $Output = Invoke-Playbook @PSBoundParameters
        $Tags = $Output |
            ForEach-Object {if ($_ -match 'TAGS: \[(?<tags>.+?)\]') {$Matches.tags -split ', '}} |
            Sort-Object -Unique
        $Tags, 'always', 'never' | Write-Output

    Tasks = {
        param ($Playbook, $Inventory, $Tags, $SkipTags)
        $PSBoundParameters.ListTasks = $true

        $Output = Invoke-Playbook @PSBoundParameters
        $Tasks = $Output |
            ForEach-Object {if ($_ -match '^\s+[^:]+ : (?<task>.*?)\s+TAGS:') {$Matches.task}} |
            Select-Object -Unique

    Hosts = {
        param ($Playbook, $Inventory)
        $PSBoundParameters.ListHosts = $true

        $Output = Invoke-Playbook @PSBoundParameters
        $Hosts = $Output |
            ForEach-Object {if ($_ -match '^\s+(?<host>\S*[^:])$') {$}} |
            Sort-Object -Unique
        $Hosts, 'localhost', 'all' | Write-Output

$PlaybookCompletableParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
    $ParamName = $_.Key
    $CompletionKey = $_.Value
    $Fetcher = $PlaybookCompleters[$CompletionKey]

    $Completer = {
        param ($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

        $Completions = $Script:PlaybookCompletionValues[$CompletionKey]
        $wordToComplete = $wordToComplete -replace "^(?<quote>['`"])(?<content>.*?)\k<quote>$", '${content}'

        # The user may be developing the playbook and updating tags, tasks, or hosts.
        # If they type a word to complete that we don't have, invalidate the cache.
        foreach ($Attempt in 1..2)
            $ShouldRetry = $true
            if (-not $Completions)
                $Completions = & $Fetcher @fakeBoundParameters
                $Script:PlaybookCompletionValues[$CompletionKey] = $Completions
                $ShouldRetry = $false

            $Completions = (@($Completions) -like "$wordToComplete*"), (@($Completions) -like "*$wordToComplete*") | Write-Output
            if ($Completions -and -not $ShouldRetry) {break}

        @($Completions) -replace '.* .*', "'`$0'"

    Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Invoke-Playbook -ParameterName $ParamName -ScriptBlock $Completer
#endregion play-book.ps1