
Function Update-EdgeDeveloper {
        Update a developer in Apigee Edge.

        Update a Developer in Apigee Edge. When invoking this cmdlet you need
        to specify the firstname, last name, email, and username, at a minimum. You
        may also specify attributes.

        The user name of the Developer.

    .PARAMETER Email
        The Email address of the developer to update.

    .PARAMETER First
        The first (given) name of the developer to update.
        The last (sur-) name of the developer to update.

    .PARAMETER Attributes
        Optional. Hashtable specifying custom attributes for the developer.
        These will overwrite the existing attributes.

        The Apigee Edge organization. The default is to use the value from Set-EdgeConnection.

        Update-EdgeDeveloper -Name 'DC' -First Dino -Last Chiesa -Email -Attributes @{ 'shoesize' = 9 }



    $Options = @{ Collection = 'developers' }
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Debug', $Debug )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Org']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Org', $Org )

    if (!$PSBoundParameters['Email']) {
      throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Email", "You must specify the -Email option."
    if (!$PSBoundParameters['First']) {
      throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "First", "You must specify the -First option."
    if (!$PSBoundParameters['Last']) {
      throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Last", "You must specify the -Last option."
    if (!$PSBoundParameters['Name']) {
      throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Name", "You must specify the -Name option."

    $Options.Add( 'Name', $Email )

    $Payload = @{
      email = $Email
      userName = $Name
      firstName = $First
      lastName = $Last

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Attributes']) {
      $a = @(ConvertFrom-HashtableToAttrList -Values $Attributes)
      $Payload.Add('attributes', $a )
    $Options.Add( 'Payload', $Payload )

    Send-EdgeRequest @Options