
Function Delete-EdgeKvm {
        Delete a key-value map from Apigee Edge.

        Delete a key-value map from Apigee Edge.

        Required. The name of the kvm to delete.

    .PARAMETER Environment
        Optional. The environment within Apigee Edge with which the keyvaluemap is
        associated. KVMs can be associated to an organization, an environment, or an API
        Proxy. If you specify neither Environment nor Proxy, the default is to find the named KVM in
        the list of organization-wide Key-Value Maps.

    .PARAMETER Proxy
        Optional. The API Proxy within Apigee Edge with which the keyvaluemap is
        associated. KVMs can be associated to an organization, an environment, or an API
        Proxy. If you specify neither Environment nor Proxy, the default is to find the named KVM in
        the list of organization-wide Key-Value Maps.

        Optional. The Apigee Edge organization. The default is to use the value from Set-EdgeConnection.

        Delete-EdgeKvm dino-test-2

        Delete-EdgeKvm -Proxy apiproxy1 -Name dino-test-3




    $Options = @{ }

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) {
        $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
        $Options.Add( 'Debug', $Debug )
    if ($PSBoundParameters['Org']) {
        $Options.Add( 'Org', $Org )

    if (!$PSBoundParameters['Name']) {
        throw [System.ArgumentNullException] "Name", "The -Name parameter is required."

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Environment') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Proxy')) {
        throw [System.ArgumentException] "You may specify only one of -Environment and -Proxy."

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Environment']) {
        $Options['Collection'] = $(Join-Parts -Separator "/" -Parts 'e', $Environment, 'keyvaluemaps' )
    elseif ($PSBoundParameters['Proxy']) {
        $Options['Collection'] = $(Join-Parts -Separator "/" -Parts 'apis', $Proxy, 'keyvaluemaps' )
    else {
        $Options['Collection'] = 'keyvaluemaps'
    $Options.Add( 'Name', $Name )

    Write-Debug ([string]::Format("Options {0}`n", $(ConvertTo-Json $Options -Compress ) ) )

    Delete-EdgeObject @Options