Sample/Live Metrics.ps1

    Starts logging a live metrics stream to App Insights
    The logging stream sends a standard set of perfcounters every second, which allows you to monitor essential counters directly in AppInsights.
    Please note that this will incur a continous stream of performance and statictics to the azure AppInsights portal,
    this is in the format of a HTTPS traffic stream which will send about 5 to 6 MBytes per hour to
    This information is sent asynchronously from the powershell script or module and requires no interaction other that starting or stopping.
    Please note that there is only a single LiveMetrics view for each Instrumentation key.
    > If multiple instances of the same script log to the same Key the counters will be combined
    > if you need to view seperate LiveMetrics, you need to instrument your scripts with different keys.

#Instrumentation key
$key = "c90dd0dd-3bee-4525-a172-ddb55873d30a"

#start logging metrics for this powershell process
Start-AILiveMetrics -Key $key 

1..10 | % {
    $mem_stress = @()
    1..6 | %{
        Write-Host "Eat..." -NoNewline
        #Eat some memory
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5000; $i++) { $mem_stress += ("a" * 200MB) }
        Write-Host "Sleep..." -NoNewline
        Sleep -Seconds 2
    Remove-Variable mem_stress
    Write-Host "." 
