
function New-GetRequest([string]$endpoint) {
  $Headers = @{
    "accept" = "application/json"
    "X-API-KEY" = Get-AteraAPIKey
  $ItemsInPage = 50
  $Uri = "$($endpoint)?itemsInPage=$ItemsInPage"
  $items = @()
  $index = 0

  do {
    $data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method "GET" -Headers $Headers
    $items += $data.items
    $index += 1
    $Uri = $data.nextLink
  } while ($Uri -ne "" -and $index -lt [math]::ceiling($RecordLimit / $ItemsInPage))
  return $items

    Set the Atera API Key used by the module. If none set, the ATERAAPIKEY environment
    variable will be used instead.

function Set-AteraAPIKey {
    # Atera API Key
  $script:AteraAPIKey = $APIKey
    Get the Atera API Key in use by the module.

function Get-AteraAPIKey {
  return $AteraAPIKey

$RecordLimit = 1000
    Set the maximum number of records returned by API calls. Default is set at 1,000.

function Set-AteraRecordLimit {
    # Maximum records returned
  $script:RecordLimit = $Limit
    Get the maximum number of records returned by API calls.

function Get-AteraRecordLimit {

Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot/endpoints | ForEach-Object { . $_.PSPath }

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Atera*,Set-Atera*