
  Get a list of all tickets in Atera
  .Parameter Open
  Queries tickets with the open status
  .Parameter Pending
  Queries tickets with the pending status
  .Parameter Resolved
  Queries tickets with the resolved status
  .Parameter Closed
  Queries tickets with the closed status
  .Parameter CustomerID

function Get-AteraTickets {
    [switch] $Open,
    [switch] $Pending,
    [switch] $Resolved,
    [switch] $Closed,
    [int] $CustomerID
  $Tickets = @()
  $Query = @{}
  if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CustomerID")) { $Query.Add("customerId", $CustomerID) }
  @("Open", "Pending", "Resolved", "Closed") | ForEach-Object {
    $Par = $PSBoundParameters[$_]
    if ($Par.IsPresent) {
      $Tickets += New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets" -Query ($Query + @{"ticketStatus" = $_})

  Get a single ticket by it's ID
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicket {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID" -Paginate $false

  Get the billable time spent on a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicketBillableDuration {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID/billableduration" -Paginate $false

  Get the nonbillable time spent on a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicketNonBillableDuration {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID/nonbillableduration" -Paginate $false

  Get both the billable and nonbillable time spent on a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicketWorkHours {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID/workhours" -Paginate $false

  Get a list of time sheets for a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicketWorkHoursList {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID/workhoursrecords"

  Get all comments on a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID

function Get-AteraTicketComments {
    # ID of ticket to retrieve
  return New-AteraGetRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$TicketID/comments"

  [Deprecated] Use `Get-AteraTickets` with filter parameters
  .Parameter Open
  .Parameter Pending
  .Parameter Resolved
  .Parameter Closed
  Get-AteraTicketsFiltered -Open -Pending
  # Get all open or pending tickets

function Get-AteraTicketsFiltered {
    # Get Open tickets
    [switch] $Open,
    # Get Pending tickets
    [switch] $Pending,
    # Get Resolved tickets
    [switch] $Resolved,
    # Get Closed tickets
    [switch] $Closed

  Get-AteraTickets @PSBoundParameters

  Create a new ticket
  .Parameter TicketTitle
  .Parameter Description
  .Parameter EndUserID
  ID of the contact submitting the ticket
  .Parameter EndUserFirstName
  If the contact does not exist, one will be created using this value as the first name
  .Parameter EndUserLastName
  If the contact does not exist, one will be created using this value as the last name
  .Parameter EndUserEmail
  Create a new or search for a contact by email
  .Parameter TicketPriority
  Priority level for new ticket. Defaults to Low. Options: Low, Medium, High, Critical
  .Parameter TicketImpact
  Impact of the issue reported. Defaults to Minor. Options: NoImpact, Minor, Major, Site Down, Server Issue, Crisis
  .Parameter TicketStatus
  Current status of ticket. Defaults to Open. Options: Open, Pending, Resolved, Closed
  .Parameter TicketType
  Type of ticket being reported. Defaults to Problem. Options: Problem, Bug, Request, Other, Incident, Change
  .Parameter TechnicianContactID
  Get-AteraContacts | Where-Object Email -eq "john@example.com" | New-AteraTicket -TicketTitle "Computer won't turn on" -Description "Some long description"
  # Create a new ticket for a user who's email is john@example.com
  New-AteraTicket -TicketTitle "Update Sage Server" -Description "Some long description" -TicketType Change -EndUserEmail john@example.com -EndUserFirstName John -EndUserLastName Smith
  # Create a new ticket for John Smith, creating his contact if it doesn't exist.

function New-AteraTicket {
  param (
    [string] $TicketTitle,
    [string] $Description,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='ExistingContact', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    [int] $EndUserID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='NewContact')]
    [string] $EndUserFirstName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='NewContact')]
    [string] $EndUserLastName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='NewContact')]
    [string] $EndUserEmail,
    [ValidateSet("Low", "Medium", "High", "Critical")]
    [string] $TicketPriority = "Low",
    [ValidateSet("NoImpact", "SiteDown", "ServerIssue", "Minor", "Major", "Crisis")]
    [string] $TicketImpact = "Minor",
    [ValidateSet("Open", "Pending", "Resolved", "Closed")]
    [string] $TicketStatus = "Open",
    [ValidateSet("Problem" ,"Bug", "Request", "Other", "Incident", "Change")]
    [string] $TicketType = "Problem",
    [int] $TechnicianContactID
  New-AteraPostRequest -Endpoint "/tickets" -Body $PSBoundParameters

  Updates details about a ticket
  .Parameter TicketID
  ID of the ticket to update
  .Parameter TicketTitle
  New title for ticket
  .Parameter TicketStatus
  New status for ticket (Options: Open, Pending, Resolved, Closed)
  .Parameter TicketType
  New type for ticket (Options: Problem, Bug, Question, Request, Other, Incident, Change)
  .Parameter TicketPriority
  New priority for ticket (Options: Low, Medium, High, Critical)
  .Parameter TicketImpact
  New impact for ticket (Options: NoImpact, SiteDown, ServiceIssue, Minor, Major, Crisis)
  .Parameter TechnicianContactID
  New technician ID to assign ticket to

function Set-AteraTicket {
  param (
    [string] $TicketID,
    [string] $TicketTitle,
    [ValidateSet("Open", "Pending", "Resolved", "Closed")]
    [string] $TicketStatus,
    [ValidateSet("Problem" ,"Bug", "Request", "Other", "Incident", "Change")]
    [string] $TicketType,
    [ValidateSet("Low", "Medium", "High", "Critical")]
    [string] $TicketPriority,
    [ValidateSet("NoImpact", "SiteDown", "ServerIssue", "Minor", "Major", "Crisis")]
    [string] $TicketImpact,
    [int] $TechnicianContactID
  $Body = @{}
  if ($TickeTitle -ne "") { $Body["TicketTitle"] = $TicketTitle }
  if ($TicketStatus -ne "") { $Body.TicketStatus = $TicketStatus }
  if ($TicketType -ne "") { $Body.TicketType = $TicketType }
  if ($TicketPriority -ne "") { $Body.TicketPriority = $TicketPriority }
  if ($TicketImpact -ne "") { $Body.TicketImpact = $TicketImpact }
  if ($TechnicianContactID -ne "") { $Body.TechnicianContactID = $TechnicianContactID }
  if (!$Body.Count) { throw "At least one update parameter needs to be set" }

  New-AteraPostRequest -Endpoint "/tickets/$($TicketID)" -Body $Body