
    Get-AttckTactic gives the user access to all Tactics defined within the Mitre ATT&CK framework
    Get-AttckTactic can access all Tactics defined within the Mitre ATT&CK framework.
    You can also select a single Tactic object by providing a Name value
    A argument completer parameter to retrieve data about a specific Tactic by Name
    Access All Tactics
    C:/> Get-AttckTactic
    Retrieve a specific Tactic by Name
    C:/> Get-AttckTactic -Name 'Collection'
    Retrieve which techniques are associated with a Tactic
    C:/> (Get-AttckTactic -Name 'Collection').Techniques()
    Created By: Josh Rickard (MSAdministrator)
    Date: 21JAN2020

function Get-AttckTactic {
                   HelpUri = '')]
    Param (
        # Get a Tactic object by name

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Getting AttckTactic Object'

    process {
            if($_.type -eq 'x-mitre-tactic'){
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')){
                    if ($ -eq $Name){
                        [EnterpriseTactic]::new($_) | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName PSAttck.Enterprise.Tactic
                    [EnterpriseTactic]::new($_) | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName PSAttck.Enterprise.Tactic

    end {