
    PSAttck (version 1.0.0)

    PSAttck allows you to interact with MITRE ATT&CK Framework

    PSAttck allows you to interact with MITRE ATT&CK Framework.
    Currently PSAttck supports the Enterprise MITRE ATT&CK Framework
    with future plans to support additional frameworks

    By default, PSAttck downloads data about the MITRE ATT&CK framework from
    an external source. Additionally, additional generated data sets are downloaded as well
    You can set an alternate path to retrieve these data sets from by using
    the Set-PSAttckConfiguration Cmdlet
    PSAttck is compatible with Windows PowerShell 5 and PowerShell Core.

    PSAttck utilizes PowerShell Classes to generate and create standard objects
    across all ATT&CK data categories.

    To see what functions are provided by PSAttck, execute the command:
    Get-Command -Module PSAttck

    In addition to the below functions, you can also retrieve related data objects
    defined within the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.
    Available functions and their related data objects are defined below:

        Select an ATT&CK data type and FilterBy a property name and it's value (if desired)

        Retrieve all or a specific Actor by name
        Related Data Objects:

        Retrieve all or a specific Malware by name
            Related Data Objects:

        Retrieve all or a specific Mitigation by name
            Related Data Objects:

        Retrieve all or a specific Tactic by name
            Related Data Objects:

        Retrieve all or a specific Technique by name
            Related Data Objects:

        Retrieve all or a specific Tool by name
            Related Data Objects:


    PSAttck also allows you to retrieve external data sets related to Techniques
    For example, every Technique object has additional (non-standard) properties
    which allow you to access:
        - Commands
            - Source
            - Command
            - Name (if applicable)
        - CommandList
            - command from Commands['command']
        - RawDatasets
            - Raw dataset data
        - Queries
            - Product
            - Query
            - Name (if applicable)
        - RawDetections
            - Raw detection data source

    Please submit any feedback, including defects and enhancement requests at:


    This is a list of people and/or groups who have directly or indirectly
    helped by offering significant suggestions & code without which PSAttck
    would be a lesser product. In no particular order:
    Name: Mathias Jessen
    Twitter: @IISResetMe
    Blog: https://blog.iisreset.me/
    For more information, please visit https://swimlane.com
    Additionally, most of the functions have help associated with
    them e.g.:
    PS> Get-Help Get-Attck