
This code is provided without copyright and “AS IS”. It is free for you to use and modify under the MIT license.
Note: All scripts require WMF 5 or above, and to run from PowerShell using "Run as Administrator"

#Requires -version 5.0
#Requires -runasadministrator

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object @"
    This is the Enable-Internet script. This script will perform the following:
    * Enable Internet to the VM's
    * Note! - If this generates an error, you are already enabled, or one of the default settings below
                does not match your .PSD1 configuration
    *DevNote! - Currently working on a better solution to pull those values


Function Set-Internet {
         [string]$LabSwitchName = 'LabNet',

         [string]$GatewayIP = '',

         [byte]$GatewayPrefix = '24',

         [string]$NatNetwork = '',

         [string]$NatName = 'LabNat'


        $Index = Get-NetAdapter -name "vethernet ($LabSwitchName)" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InterfaceIndex
        New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $Index -IPAddress $GatewayIP -PrefixLength $GatewayPrefix
        # Creating the NAT on Server 2016 -- maybe not work on 2012R2
        New-NetNat -Name $NatName -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NatNetwork   
