
This is the help file for the PS AutoLab. This lab configures VM environements on Hyper-V form DSC configuration files.
For more information, see: http://GitHub/theJasonHelmick/PS-AutoLab-Env
## To get started:
To run the full lab setup, which includes Setup-Lab, Run-Lab, Enable-Internet, and Validate-Lab:
PS> Unattend-Lab
To run the commands individually to setup the lab environment:
Run the following for initial setup:
PS> Setup-Lab
To start the LAb, and apply configurations the first time:
PS> Run-Lab
To enable Internet access for the VM's, run:
PS> Enable-Internet
To validate when configurations have converged:
PS> Validate-Lab
## To Stop and snapshot the lab
To stop the lab VM's:
PS> Shutdown-lab
To checkpoint the VM's:
PS> Snapshot-Lab
To quickly rebuild the labs from the checkpoint, run:
PS> Refresh-Lab
## To remove a lab
To destroy the lab to build again:
PS> Wipe-Lab