
This code is provided without copyright and “AS IS”. It is free for you to use and modify under the MIT license.
Note: All scripts require WMF 5 or above, and to run from PowerShell using "Run as Administrator"

#Requires -version 5.0
#Requires -runasadministrator

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object @"
    This is the Shutdown-Lab script. This script will perform the following:
    * Shutdown the Lab environment
    Next Steps:
    When the configurations have finished, you can checkpoint the VM's with:
    To quickly rebuild the labs from the checkpoint, run:
    To start the lab environment:
    To destroy the lab environment:


Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object 'Stoping the lab environment'
# Creates the lab environment without making a Hyper-V Snapshot
Stop-Lab -ConfigurationData .\*.psd1 

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object @"
 Next Steps:
    When the configurations have finished, you can checkpoint the VM's with:
    To quickly rebuild the labs from the checkpoint, run:
    To start the lab environment:
    To destroy the lab environment: