
Configuration AutoLab {

    $LabData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\*.psd1
    $Secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$($LabData.AllNodes.LabPassword)" -AsPlainText -Force
    $credential = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList Administrator, $secure

    #region DSC Resources
    Import-DSCresource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -ModuleVersion '1.1'
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' -ModuleVersion '9.1.0'
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xActiveDirectory' -ModuleVersion  ''
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xComputerManagement' -ModuleVersion  ''
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xNetworking' -ModuleVersion  ''
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xDhcpServer' -ModuleVersion  '3.1.1'
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xWindowsUpdate' -ModuleVersion  ''
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xADCSDeployment' -ModuleVersion  ''
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName 'xDnsServer' -ModuleVersion  '2.0.0'

    #region All Nodes
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $true }).NodeName {
        #region LCM configuration

        LocalConfigurationManager {
            RebootNodeIfNeeded   = $true
            AllowModuleOverwrite = $true
            ConfigurationMode    = 'ApplyOnly'


        #region TLS Settings in registry

        registry TLS {
            Ensure    = 'present'
            Key       = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NetFramework\v4.0.30319'
            ValueName = 'SchUseStrongCrypto'
            ValueData = '1'
            ValueType = 'DWord'


        #region IPaddress settings

        If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.IPAddress)) {
            xIPAddress 'PrimaryIPAddress' {
                IPAddress      = $node.IPAddress
                InterfaceAlias = $node.InterfaceAlias
                AddressFamily  = $node.AddressFamily

            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.DefaultGateway)) {
                xDefaultGatewayAddress 'PrimaryDefaultGateway' {
                    InterfaceAlias = $node.InterfaceAlias
                    Address        = $node.DefaultGateway
                    AddressFamily  = $node.AddressFamily

            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.DnsServerAddress)) {
                xDnsServerAddress 'PrimaryDNSClient' {
                    Address        = $node.DnsServerAddress
                    InterfaceAlias = $node.InterfaceAlias
                    AddressFamily  = $node.AddressFamily

            If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($node.DnsConnectionSuffix)) {
                xDnsConnectionSuffix 'PrimaryConnectionSuffix' {
                    InterfaceAlias           = $node.InterfaceAlias
                    ConnectionSpecificSuffix = $node.DnsConnectionSuffix
        } #End IF


        #region Firewall Rules

        $LabData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\*.psd1
        $FireWallRules = $LabData.AllNodes.FirewallRuleNames

        foreach ($Rule in $FireWallRules) {
            xFirewall $Rule {
                Name    = $Rule
                Enabled = 'True'
        } #End foreach

    } #end Firewall Rules

    #region Domain Controller config

    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'DC' }).NodeName {

        $DomainCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ("$($node.DomainName)\$($Credential.UserName)", $Credential.Password)

        xComputer ComputerName {
            Name = $Node.NodeName

        ## Hack to fix DependsOn with hypens "bug" :(
        foreach ($feature in @(
                #For Gui, might like

            )) {
            WindowsFeature $feature.Replace('-', '') {
                Ensure               = 'Present';
                Name                 = $feature;
                IncludeAllSubFeature = $False;
        } #End foreach

        xADDomain FirstDC {
            DomainName                    = $Node.DomainName
            DomainAdministratorCredential = $Credential
            SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $Credential
            DatabasePath                  = $Node.DCDatabasePath
            LogPath                       = $Node.DCLogPath
            SysvolPath                    = $Node.SysvolPath
            DependsOn                     = '[WindowsFeature]ADDomainServices'

        #Add OU, Groups, and Users
        $OUs = (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\AD-OU.json | ConvertFrom-Json)
        $Users = (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\AD-Users.json | ConvertFrom-Json)
        $Groups = (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\AD-Group.json | ConvertFrom-Json)

        foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
            xADOrganizationalUnit $OU.Name {
                Path                            = $node.DomainDN
                Name                            = $OU.Name
                Description                     = $OU.Description
                ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $False
                Ensure                          = 'Present'
                DependsOn                       = '[xADDomain]FirstDC'
        } #OU

        foreach ($user in $Users) {

            xADUser $user.samaccountname {
                Ensure                        = 'Present'
                Path                          = $user.distinguishedname.split(',', 2)[1]
                DomainName                    = $node.domainname
                Username                      = $user.samaccountname
                GivenName                     = $user.givenname
                Surname                       = $user.Surname
                DisplayName                   = $user.DisplayName
                Description                   = $user.description
                Department                    = $User.department
                Enabled                       = $true
                Password                      = $DomainCredential
                DomainAdministratorCredential = $DomainCredential
                PasswordNeverExpires          = $True
                DependsOn                     = '[xADDomain]FirstDC'
                PasswordAuthentication        = 'Negotiate'
        } #user

        Foreach ($group in $Groups) {
            xADGroup $group.Name {
                GroupName  = $
                Ensure     = 'Present'
                Path       = $group.distinguishedname.split(',', 2)[1]
                Category   = $group.GroupCategory
                GroupScope = $group.GroupScope
                Members    = $group.members
                DependsOn  = '[xADDomain]FirstDC'

        #prestage Web Server Computer objects

        [string[]]$WebServers = $Null

        foreach ($N in $AllNodes) {
            if ($N.Role -eq 'Web') {

                $WebServers = $WebServers + "$($N.NodeName)$"

                xADComputer "CompObj_$($N.NodeName)" {
                    ComputerName                  = "$($N.NodeName)"
                    DependsOn                     = '[xADOrganizationalUnit]Servers'
                    DisplayName                   = $N.NodeName
                    Path                          = "OU=Servers,$($N.DomainDN)"
                    Enabled                       = $True
                    DomainAdministratorCredential = $DomainCredential

        #add Web Servers group with Web Server computer objects as members

        xADGroup WebServerGroup {
            GroupName  = 'Web Servers'
            GroupScope = 'Global'
            DependsOn  = '[xADOrganizationalUnit]IT'
            Members    = $WebServers
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            Category   = 'Security'
            Path       = "OU=IT,$($Node.DomainDN)"
            Ensure     = 'Present'

    } #end nodes DC


    #region DHCP
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'DHCP' }).NodeName {

        foreach ($feature in @(
            )) {

            WindowsFeature $feature.Replace('-', '') {
                Ensure               = 'Present';
                Name                 = $feature;
                IncludeAllSubFeature = $False;
                DependsOn            = '[xADDomain]FirstDC'
        } #End foreach

        xDhcpServerAuthorization 'DhcpServerAuthorization' {
            Ensure           = 'Present'
            IsSingleInstance = 'yes'
            DependsOn        = '[WindowsFeature]DHCP'

        xDhcpServerScope 'DhcpScope' {
            Name          = $Node.DHCPName
            ScopeID       = $node.DHCPScopeID
            IPStartRange  = $Node.DHCPIPStartRange
            IPEndRange    = $Node.DHCPIPEndRange
            SubnetMask    = $Node.DHCPSubnetMask
            LeaseDuration = $Node.DHCPLeaseDuration
            State         = $Node.DHCPState
            AddressFamily = $Node.DHCPAddressFamily
            DependsOn     = '[WindowsFeature]DHCP'

        <# Deprecated
        xDhcpServerOption 'DhcpOption' {
            ScopeID = $Node.DHCPScopeID
            DnsServerIPAddress = $Node.DHCPDnsServerIPAddress
            Router = $node.DHCPRouter
            AddressFamily = $Node.DHCPAddressFamily
            DependsOn = '[xDhcpServerScope]DhcpScope'

    } #end DHCP Config

    #region Web config
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'Web' }).NodeName {

        foreach ($feature in @(

            )) {
            WindowsFeature $feature.Replace('-', '') {
                Ensure               = 'Present'
                Name                 = $feature
                IncludeAllSubFeature = $False

    }#end Web Config

    #region DomainJoin config
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'DomainJoin' }).NodeName {

        $DomainCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ("$($node.DomainName)\$($Credential.UserName)", $Credential.Password)

        xWaitForADDomain DscForestWait {
            DomainName           = $Node.DomainName
            DomainUserCredential = $DomainCredential
            RetryCount           = '20'
            RetryIntervalSec     = '60'

        xComputer JoinDC {
            Name       = $Node.NodeName
            DomainName = $Node.DomainName
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            DependsOn  = '[xWaitForADDomain]DSCForestWait'
    }#end DomainJoin Config

    #region RSAT config
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'RSAT' }).NodeName {

        Script RSAT {
            # Adds RSAT which is now a Windows Capability in Windows 10
            TestScript = {
                $rsat = @(
                $packages = $rsat | ForEach-Object { Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $_ }
                if ($packages.state -contains 'NotPresent') {
                    Return $False
                else {
                    Return $True
            } #test

            GetScript  = {
                $rsat = @(
                $packages = $rsat | ForEach-Object { Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $_ } | Select-Object DisplayName, State
                $installed = $packages.Where({ $_.state -eq 'Installed' })
                Return @{Result = "$($installed.count)/$($packages.count) RSAT features installed" }
            } #get

            SetScript  = {
                $rsat = @(
                foreach ($item in $rsat) {
                    $pkg = Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $item
                    if ($item.state -ne 'Installed') {
                        Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $item

            } #set

        } #rsat script resource

    }#end RSAT Config

    #region RDP config
    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'RDP' }).NodeName {
        # Adds RDP support and opens Firewall rules

        Registry RDP {
            Key       = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server'
            ValueName = 'fDenyTSConnections'
            ValueType = 'Dword'
            ValueData = '0'
            Ensure    = 'Present'
        foreach ($Rule in @(
            )) {
            xFirewall $Rule {
                Name      = $Rule
                Enabled   = 'True'
                DependsOn = '[Registry]RDP'
        } # End RDP
    #region ADCS

    node $AllNodes.Where({ $_.Role -eq 'ADCS' }).NodeName {

        ## Hack to fix DependsOn with hypens "bug" :(
        foreach ($feature in @(
                # For the GUI version - uncomment the following
            )) {

            WindowsFeature $feature.Replace('-', '') {
                Ensure               = 'Present';
                Name                 = $feature;
                IncludeAllSubFeature = $False;
                DependsOn            = '[xADDomain]FirstDC'
        } #End foreach

        xWaitForADDomain WaitForADADCSRole {
            DomainName           = $Node.DomainName
            RetryIntervalSec     = '30'
            RetryCount           = '10'
            DomainUserCredential = $DomainCredential
            DependsOn            = '[WindowsFeature]ADCSCertAuthority'

        xAdcsCertificationAuthority ADCSConfig {
            CAType                    = $Node.ADCSCAType
            Credential                = $Credential
            CryptoProviderName        = $Node.ADCSCryptoProviderName
            HashAlgorithmName         = $Node.ADCSHashAlgorithmName
            KeyLength                 = $Node.ADCSKeyLength
            CACommonName              = $Node.CACN
            CADistinguishedNameSuffix = $Node.CADNSuffix
            DatabaseDirectory         = $Node.CADatabasePath
            LogDirectory              = $Node.CALogPath
            ValidityPeriod            = $node.ADCSValidityPeriod
            ValidityPeriodUnits       = $Node.ADCSValidityPeriodUnits
            DependsOn                 = '[xWaitForADDomain]WaitForADADCSRole'

        #Add GPO for PKI AutoEnroll
        script CreatePKIAEGpo {
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                if ((Get-GPO -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null) {
                    return $False
                else {
                    return $True
            SetScript  = {
                New-GPO -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName
            GetScript  = {
                $GPO = (Get-GPO -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName)
                return @{Result = $($GPO.DisplayName) }
            DependsOn  = '[xWaitForADDomain]WaitForADADCSRole'

        script setAEGPRegSetting1 {
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                if ((Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'AEPolicy' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value -eq 7) {
                    return $True
                else {
                    return $False
            SetScript  = {
                Set-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'AEPolicy' -Value 7 -Type DWord
            GetScript  = {
                $RegVal1 = (Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'AEPolicy')
                return @{Result = "$($RegVal1.FullKeyPath)\$($RegVal1.ValueName)\$($RegVal1.Value)" }
            DependsOn  = '[Script]CreatePKIAEGpo'

        script setAEGPRegSetting2 {
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                if ((Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationPercent' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value -eq 10) {
                    return $True
                else {
                    return $False
            SetScript  = {
                Set-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationPercent' -Value 10 -Type DWord
            GetScript  = {
                $Regval2 = (Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationPercent')
                return @{Result = "$($RegVal2.FullKeyPath)\$($RegVal2.ValueName)\$($RegVal2.Value)" }
            DependsOn  = '[Script]setAEGPRegSetting1'


        script setAEGPRegSetting3 {
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                if ((Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationStoreNames' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).value -match 'MY') {
                    return $True
                else {
                    return $False
            SetScript  = {
                Set-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationStoreNames' -Value 'MY' -Type String
            GetScript  = {
                $RegVal3 = (Get-GPRegistryValue -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\AutoEnrollment' -ValueName 'OfflineExpirationStoreNames')
                return @{Result = "$($RegVal3.FullKeyPath)\$($RegVal3.ValueName)\$($RegVal3.Value)" }
            DependsOn  = '[Script]setAEGPRegSetting2'

        Script SetAEGPLink {
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                try {
                    $GPLink = (Get-GPO -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName).ID
                    $GPLinks = (Get-GPInheritance -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Target $Using:Node.DomainDN).gpolinks | Where-Object { $_.GpoID -like "*$GPLink*" }
                    if ($GPLinks.Enabled -eq $True) { return $True }
                    else { return $False }
                catch {
                    Return $False
            SetScript  = {
                New-GPLink -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Target $Using:Node.DomainDN -LinkEnabled Yes
            GetScript  = {
                $GPLink = (Get-GPO -Name 'PKI AutoEnroll' -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName).ID
                $GPLinks = (Get-GPInheritance -Domain $Using:Node.DomainName -Target $Using:Node.DomainDN).gpolinks | Where-Object { $_.GpoID -like "*$GPLink*" }
                return @{Result = "$($GPLinks.DisplayName) = $($GPLinks.Enabled)" }
            DependsOn  = '[Script]setAEGPRegSetting3'

        #region Create and publish templates

        #Note: The Test section is pure laziness. Future enhancement: test for more than just existence.
        script CreateWebServer2Template {
            DependsOn  = '[xAdcsCertificationAuthority]ADCSConfig'
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                try {
                    $WSTemplate = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * -ErrorAction Stop
                    return $True
                catch {
                    return $False
            SetScript  = {
                $WebServerTemplate = @{'flags'             = '131649';
                    'msPKI-Cert-Template-OID'              = '';
                    'msPKI-Certificate-Application-Policy' = '';
                    'msPKI-Certificate-Name-Flag'          = '268435456';
                    'msPKI-Enrollment-Flag'                = '32';
                    'msPKI-Minimal-Key-Size'               = '2048';
                    'msPKI-Private-Key-Flag'               = '50659328';
                    'msPKI-RA-Signature'                   = '0';
                    'msPKI-Supersede-Templates'            = 'WebServer';
                    'msPKI-Template-Minor-Revision'        = '3';
                    'msPKI-Template-Schema-Version'        = '2';
                    'pKICriticalExtensions'                = '';
                    'pKIDefaultCSPs'                       = '2,Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider', '1,Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider';
                    'pKIDefaultKeySpec'                    = '1';
                    'pKIExtendedKeyUsage'                  = '';
                    'pKIMaxIssuingDepth'                   = '0';
                    'revision'                             = '100'

                New-ADObject -Name 'WebServer2' -Type pKICertificateTemplate -Path "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -DisplayName WebServer2 -OtherAttributes $WebServerTemplate
                $WSOrig = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=WebServer,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * | Select-Object pkiExpirationPeriod, pkiOverlapPeriod, pkiKeyUsage
                Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" | Set-ADObject -Add @{'pKIKeyUsage' = $WSOrig.pKIKeyUsage; 'pKIExpirationPeriod' = $WSOrig.pKIExpirationPeriod; 'pkiOverlapPeriod' = $WSOrig.pKIOverlapPeriod }
            GetScript  = {
                try {
                    $WS2 = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * -ErrorAction Stop
                    return @{Result = $WS2.DistinguishedName }
                catch {
                    return @{Result = $Null }

        #Note: The Test section is pure laziness. Future enhancement: test for more than just existence.
        script CreateDSCTemplate {
            DependsOn  = '[xAdcsCertificationAuthority]ADCSConfig'
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                try {
                    $DSCTemplate = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * -ErrorAction Stop
                    return $True
                catch {
                    return $False
            SetScript  = {
                $DSCTemplateProps = @{'flags'              = '131680';
                    'msPKI-Cert-Template-OID'              = '';
                    'msPKI-Certificate-Application-Policy' = '';
                    'msPKI-Certificate-Name-Flag'          = '1207959552';
                    'msPKI-Enrollment-Flag'                = '32';
                    'msPKI-Minimal-Key-Size'               = '2048';
                    'msPKI-Private-Key-Flag'               = '0';
                    'msPKI-RA-Signature'                   = '0';
                    'msPKI-Template-Minor-Revision'        = '3';
                    'msPKI-Template-Schema-Version'        = '2';
                    'pKICriticalExtensions'                = '';
                    'pKIDefaultCSPs'                       = '1,Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider';
                    'pKIDefaultKeySpec'                    = '1';
                    'pKIExtendedKeyUsage'                  = '';
                    'pKIMaxIssuingDepth'                   = '0';
                    'revision'                             = '100'

                New-ADObject -Name 'DSCTemplate' -Type pKICertificateTemplate -Path "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -DisplayName DSCTemplate -OtherAttributes $DSCTemplateProps
                $WSOrig = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=Workstation,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * | Select-Object pkiExpirationPeriod, pkiOverlapPeriod, pkiKeyUsage
                [byte[]] $WSOrig.pkiKeyUsage = 48
                Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" | Set-ADObject -Add @{'pKIKeyUsage' = $WSOrig.pKIKeyUsage; 'pKIExpirationPeriod' = $WSOrig.pKIExpirationPeriod; 'pkiOverlapPeriod' = $WSOrig.pKIOverlapPeriod }
            GetScript  = {
                try {
                    $dsctmpl = Get-ADObject -Identity "CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -Properties * -ErrorAction Stop
                    return @{Result = $dsctmpl.DistinguishedName }
                catch {
                    return @{Result = $Null }

        script PublishWebServerTemplate2 {
            DependsOn  = '[Script]CreateWebServer2Template'
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                $Template = Get-CATemplate | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'WebServer2' }
                if ($Template -eq $Null) { return $False }
                else { return $True }
            SetScript  = {
                add-CATemplate -name 'WebServer2' -force
            GetScript  = {
                $pubWS2 = Get-CATemplate | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'WebServer2' }
                return @{Result = $pubws2.Name }

        script PublishDSCTemplate {
            DependsOn  = '[Script]CreateDSCTemplate'
            Credential = $DomainCredential
            TestScript = {
                $Template = Get-CATemplate | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'DSCTemplate' }
                if ($Template -eq $Null) { return $False }
                else { return $True }
            SetScript  = {
                add-CATemplate -name 'DSCTemplate' -force
                Write-Verbose -Message ('Publishing Template DSCTemplate...')
            GetScript  = {
                $pubDSC = Get-CATemplate | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'DSCTemplate' }
                return @{Result = $pubDSC.Name }

        #endregion - Create and publish templates

        #region template permissions
        #Permission beginning with 0e10... is "Enroll". Permission beginning with "a05b" is autoenroll.
        #TODO: Write-Verbose in other script resources.
        #TODO: Make $Perms a has table with GUID and permission name. Use name in resource name.

        [string[]]$Perms = '0e10c968-78fb-11d2-90d4-00c04f79dc55', 'a05b8cc2-17bc-4802-a710-e7c15ab866a2'

        foreach ($P in $Perms) {

            script "Perms_WebCert_$($P)" {
                DependsOn  = '[Script]CreateWebServer2Template'
                Credential = $DomainCredential
                TestScript = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $WebServerCertACL = (Get-Acl "AD:CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)").Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -like '*Web Servers' }
                    if ($WebServerCertACL -eq $Null) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('Web Servers Group does not have permissions on Web Server template...')
                        Return $False
                    elseif (($WebServerCertACL.ActiveDirectoryRights -like '*ExtendedRight*') -and ($WebServerCertACL.ObjectType -notcontains $Using:P)) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('Web Servers group has permission, but not the correct permission...')
                        Return $False
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('ACL on Web Server Template is set correctly for this GUID for Web Servers Group...')
                        Return $True
                SetScript  = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $WebServersGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Web Servers' | Select-Object SID
                    $EnrollGUID = [GUID]::Parse($Using:P)
                    $ACL = Get-Acl "AD:CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)"
                    $ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ExtendedRightAccessRule $WebServersGroup.SID, 'Allow', $EnrollGUID, 'None'))
                    #$ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $WebServersGroup.SID,'ReadProperty','Allow'))
                    #$ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $WebServersGroup.SID,'GenericExecute','Allow'))
                    Set-Acl "AD:CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -AclObject $ACL
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Permissions set for Web Servers Group')
                GetScript  = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $WebServerCertACL = (Get-Acl "AD:CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)").Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -like '*Web Servers' }
                    if ($WebServerCertACL -ne $Null) {
                        return @{Result = $WebServerCertACL }
                    else {
                        Return @{}

            script "Perms_DSCCert_$($P)" {
                DependsOn  = '[Script]CreateWebServer2Template'
                Credential = $DomainCredential
                TestScript = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $DSCCertACL = (Get-Acl "AD:CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)").Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -like '*Domain Computers*' }
                    if ($DSCCertACL -eq $Null) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('Domain Computers does not have permissions on DSC template')
                        Return $False
                    elseif (($DSCCertACL.ActiveDirectoryRights -like '*ExtendedRight*') -and ($DSCCertACL.ObjectType -notcontains $Using:P)) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('Domain Computers group has permission, but not the correct permission...')
                        Return $False
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ('ACL on DSC Template is set correctly for this GUID for Domain Computers...')
                        Return $True
                SetScript  = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $DomainComputersGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity 'Domain Computers' | Select-Object SID
                    $EnrollGUID = [GUID]::Parse($Using:P)
                    $ACL = Get-Acl "AD:CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)"
                    $ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ExtendedRightAccessRule $DomainComputersGroup.SID, 'Allow', $EnrollGUID, 'None'))
                    #$ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $WebServersGroup.SID,'ReadProperty','Allow'))
                    #$ACL.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule $WebServersGroup.SID,'GenericExecute','Allow'))
                    Set-Acl "AD:CN=DSCTemplate,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)" -AclObject $ACL
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Permissions set for Domain Computers...')
                GetScript  = {
                    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Verbose:$false
                    $DSCCertACL = (Get-Acl "AD:CN=WebServer2,CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,$($Using:Node.DomainDN)").Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -like '*Domain Computers' }
                    if ($DSCCertACL -ne $Null) {
                        return @{Result = $DSCCertACL }
                    else {
                        Return @{}

    } #end ADCS Config

} # End AllNodes

AutoLab -OutputPath $PSScriptRoot -ConfigurationData $PSScriptRoot\VMConfigurationData.psd1