
#Region '.\Public\Convert-KeyReference.ps1' 0
function Convert-KeyReference {
        $Prefix = '\$\('
        $Suffix = '\)'
    $stringOutput = $string
    $references = Get-KeyReference -String $string -Regex "$Prefix[\w.]*$Suffix"
    if (-not $references) {
        Return $stringOutput
    $references | Foreach-Object {
        $refKey = $_
        $refValue = ($Dictionary | Where-Object {$_.key -eq $refkey}).Value
        Write-Verbose "$refkey resolved to $refValue"
        $stringOutput = $stringOutput -replace "$Prefix$refKey$Suffix",$refValue
    Convert-KeyReference -String $stringOutput -Dictionary $Dictionary
#EndRegion '.\Public\Convert-KeyReference.ps1' 25
#Region '.\Public\ConvertFrom-UnixTime.ps1' 0
Function ConvertFrom-UnixTime ($unixtime) {
            Datetimes from JSON are stored as Unixtime. We need this funtion to convert it back as 'Human' time
            (ConvertFrom-UnixTime 1550504688).toString()
            Expected Output: "18/02/2019 15:44:48"

    if ( ($unixtime -ne -1) -and ($null -ne $unixtime) ) {
        $origin = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumenTlist 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
        $datetime = $origin.AddSeconds($unixtime)
        Return $datetime
    } else {
        return $null
#EndRegion '.\Public\ConvertFrom-UnixTime.ps1' 19
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppConfigurationKeyValue.ps1' 0
function Get-AppConfigurationKeyValue {
        [string] $Key = '*'
        [string] $Store
        [string] $Label = '*'
        [switch] $NoResolveSecret
        [switch] $ExcludeNoLabel
    # az appconfig kv list -h
    If (-not $NoResolveSecret) {
        $resolveKv = '--resolve-keyvault'
    $Output = az appconfig kv list --name $Store --label \0 --key $Key $resolveKv | ConvertFrom-Json
    $Output += az appconfig kv list --name $Store --label $Label --key $Key $resolveKv | ConvertFrom-Json

    ForEach ($kv in $Output) {
        $value = $kv.value
        $value = Convert-KeyReference -String $value -Dictionary $Output
        Write-Output @{ $kv.key = $value}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppConfigurationKeyValue.ps1' 27
#Region '.\Public\Get-KeyReference.ps1' 0
function Get-KeyReference {
            Parses a string and extracts the tokenized strings
            Default prefix and suffix is '$(' and ')'
            Only words chars and dots are allowed as key strings
            Get-KeyReference -String 'MyServer=$(MyApp.Database.Server);Database=$(MyApp.Database.Name);Trusted_Connection=Yes'
            Expected Output: @('MyApp.Database.Server','MyApp.Database.Name')
            $string = '$(MyDomain)\$(MyUserName)_$(Environment)'
            Get-KeyReference -String $string
            Expected Output: @('MyDomain','MyUserName','Environment')

        [string] $String
        [string] $regex = '\$\([\w.]*\)'
    $references = ($string | select-string -pattern $regex -AllMatches).Matches.Value
    if ($references) {
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-KeyReference.ps1' 25