
function Export-AzScriptReport {
        Exports the results of Read-AzScriptFile to csv or xlsx.
        Exports the results of Read-AzScriptFile to csv or xlsx.
        It reformats some of the data and eliminates linebreaks in the "Before" column.
        In order to generate xlsx files, the additional module "ImportExcel" is required.
        The path where to write the report to.
        May be a relative path, must include the filename.
        The parent folder must already exist.
    .PARAMETER Delimiter
        Which delimiter to use when generating a CSV file.
        Defaults to the current culture, but may be overridden as needed.
        This affects whether you can open the file in Excel by simple doubleclick or whether you need to first import the data.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The report objects from Read-AzScriptFile to export.
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\scripts -Recurse -Filter *.ps1 | Read-AzScriptFile | Export-AzScriptReport -Path .\report.csv
        Will search all PowerShell code under C:\scripts, search it for AzureAD and MSOnline commands and then export the finidngs to .\report.csv.

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.FileOrParent', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.FileOrParent')]

        $Delimiter = (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSAzureMigrationAdvisor.Export.CsvDelimiter'),

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {
        $useExcel = $Path -like "*.xlsx"
        if ($useExcel -and -not (Get-Command Export-Excel -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Export-AzScriptReport.NoExcel' -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet

        if ($useExcel) {
            $steppable = { Export-Excel -Path $Path }.GetSteppablePipeline()
        else {
            $param = @{ Path = $Path }
            if ($Delimiter) { $param.Delimiter = $Delimiter }
            else { $param.UseCulture = $true }
            $steppable = { Export-Csv @param }.GetSteppablePipeline()

        try { $steppable.Begin($true) }
        catch { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Export-AzScriptReport.Export.Failed' -StringValues $Path -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }
    process {
        foreach ($datum in $InputObject) {
            #region Process Messages
            # Note: This approach breaks down for messages that had multiple lines
            $msgInfo = @()
            $msgWarning = @()
            $msgError = @()

            $msgTypes = $datum.MessageType -split "`n"
            $messages = $datum.Message -split "`n"

            if ($msgTypes) {
                foreach ($index in 0..$msgTypes.Count) {
                    switch (($msgTypes)[$index]) {
                        'Info' { $msgInfo += $messages[$index] }
                        'Information' { $msgInfo += $messages[$index] }
                        'Warning' { $msgWarning += $messages[$index] }
                        'Error' { $msgError += $messages[$index] }
            #endregion Process Messages

            $result = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
                Path        = $datum.Path
                Command     = $datum.Command
                CommandLine = $datum.CommandLine
                Before      = $datum.Before -replace "``[`r`n]+" -replace '\s+', ' ' # Eliminate backticks and linebreaks
                After       = $datum.After
                MsgInfo     = $msgInfo -join " "
                MsgWarning  = $msgWarning -join " "
                MsgError    = $msgError -join " "
                FileHash    = $datum.Filehash
                MessageType = $datum.MessageType # Keep in the full dataset, just in case somebody includes multiline messages
                Messages    = $datum.Message
    end {