
function Select-FilesToSign()
    Produces a file that containing a list of files to be code signed.

    Produces a file that containing a list of files to be code signed. Searches
    the provided root directory, and selects files based on regex pattern
    parameters, which do not already have a valid authenticode signature.

    System.String; Required - The root path to begin searching for files to
    code sign.

    .PARAMETER Includes
    System.String; Optional - Default value is '.*' (matching everything).
    Each file which has a full path matching this regular expression pattern
    will be signed, if:
      1. The file extension matches an extension Extensions
      2. The file full name does not match the optional 'Excludes' pattern

    .PARAMETER Excludes
    System.String; Optional - Files with a full name matching this optional
    pattern will be excluded from code signing.

    .PARAMETER Extensions
    System.String; Optional - Comma-separated list of file extensions to
    include in search for files to sign.

    .PARAMETER OutputFileList
    System.String; Required - Full path for text file which will contain list
    of files that require an authenticode signature.

    # Searches C:\src\bin\Release, using default parameter values;
    # C:\files-to-sign.txt will be created. Any unsigned file with an extension
    # of .exe, .dll, .ocx, or .cab.
    Select-FilesToSign -Path C:\src\bin\Release -OutputFileList C:\files-to-sign.txt

    # Searches C:\src\bin\Release, using default parameter values;
    # C:\files-to-sign.txt will be created. Any unsigned file with an extension
    # of .exe, .dll, .ocx, or .cab that contains 'Fabrikam' or 'FabrikamFiber'
    # in the full file name
    Select-FilesToSign -Path C:\src\bin\Release -Includes "Fabrikam(Fiber)?"
      -OutputFileList C:\files-to-sign.txt

    # Searches C:\src\bin\Release, using default parameter values;
    # C:\files-to-sign.txt will be created. Any unsigned file with an extension
    # of .exe, .dll, .ocx, or .cab that contains 'Fabrikam' or 'FabrikamFiber'
    # that does not include 'Test' in the full file name
    Select-FilesToSign -Path C:\src\bin\Release -Includes "Fabrikam(Fiber)?"
      -Excludes "Test" -OutputFileList C:\files-to-sign.txt

        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        [string]$Includes = ".*",

        [string]$Excludes = "^$",

        [string]$Extensions = ".exe,.dll,.ocx,.cab",


    [string[]]$ToSign = @()
    [string[]]$ArrExtensions = $Extensions -split ","

    New-Item -Path (Split-Path -Path $OutputFileList -Parent) -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Recurse `
      | Where-Object {($_.FullName -match $Includes) `
          -and ($_.FullName -notmatch $Excludes) `
          -and ($_.Extension -in $ArrExtensions)} `
      | ForEach-Object {
        $signStatus = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $_.FullName).Status   
        if($signStatus -ne "Valid")
          [string]$ToAdd = Get-Item $_.FullName
          Write-Host "$signStatus - $ToAdd"
          $ToSign += $ToAdd

      Write-Host "`nList of files to sign saved to $OutputFileList `n"
      $ToSign | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFileList -Encoding utf8 -Force
      throw "No files found to sign."      

function Start-CodeSign()
    Invokes AzureSignTool to sign and timestamp a list of files. For detailed
    parameter descriptions, please refer to the AzureSignTool documentaiton:

    .PARAMETER AzureKeyVaultUrl
    System.String; Required - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--azure-key-vault-url' parameter. For details see

    .PARAMETER AzureKeyVaultClientId
    System.String; Required - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--azure-key-vault-client-id' parameter. For details see

    .PARAMETER AzureKeyVaultClientSecret
    System.String; Required - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--azure-key-vault-client-secret' parameter. For details see

    .PARAMETER AzureKeyVaultCertificate
    System.String; Required - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--azure-key-vault-certificate' parameter. For details see

    .PARAMETER InputFileList
    System.String; Required - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--input-file-list' parameter. For details see

    .PARAMETER TimestampUrl
    System.String; Optional - Corresponds to the AzureKeyVault
    '--azure-key-vault-client-id' parameter. For details see






        Write-Host "AzureSignTool is installed."
        Write-Host "AzureSignTool is not available, installing..."
        dotnet tool install --global AzureSignTool    

    [string[]]$SignArguments = @(

        $SignArguments += @('-tr',$TimestampUrl)
        Write-host "Warning: TimestampUrl is not provided, only digital signature will be applied to assemblies."

    $pscore = $false
        if ((pwsh -version)){
            $pscore = $true
        pwsh -Command "& AzureSignTool $SignArguments"  
        powershell -Command "& AzureSignTool $SignArguments"

function Test-AuthenticodeSignature()
    Validates the authenticode signature and timestamps of a list of file paths

    .PARAMETER InputFileList
    System.String; Required - Text file containing newline-separated list of
    full paths of files. Each file must have a valid authenticode signature
    and timestamp or the function will throw an exception.

    # Validates that each file listed in C:\files-to-sign.txt has a valid
    # authenticode signature and timestamp
    Test-AuthenticodeSignature -InputFileList C:\files-to-sign.txt


    [string[]]$SigErrors = @()

    Write-Host "`nStarting validation..."

    $ToSignArray = ((Get-Content $InputFileList) -join ',') -split ','
    Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $ToSignArray | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.Status.ToString() -ne 'Valid')
            $ErrMsg = "Signature invalid: $($_.Path)"
            $SigErrors += $ErrMsg

            Write-Host $ErrMsg            
        elseIf ($TimestampUrl -and (!$_.TimeStamperCertificate))
            $ErrMsg = "Timestamp certificate missing: $($_.Path)"            
            $SigErrors += $ErrMsg

            Write-Host $ErrMsg
            Write-Host ("Signature/timestamp valid: {0}" -f $_.Path)

    if($SigErrors -gt 0)
        throw "`nValidation failed."
        Write-Host "`nValidation completed successfully!"             

Export-ModuleMember -Function Select-FilesToSign, `
                              Start-CodeSign, `