
   Gets the terms for the Blackboard Learn Environment. Allows for some reusable filters based upon start and end dates configured in Blackboard.
   Gets the terms for the Blackboard Learn Environemnt. Allows for some reusable filters based upon start and end dates configured in Blackboard.
   Get-BBTerms -TermID 'externalId:30700'
   Get-BBTerms -TargetTerm 'AllCurrent'

function Get-BBTerms
        [ValidateSet("AllCurrent", "LastToEnd", "NextToStart", "CurrentAndFuture")]
        [string]$TargetTerm = $null



       if (!$TermID -eq ""){
         $apiurl = "/learn/api/public/v1/terms/$TermID"
         $apiurl = "/learn/api/public/v1/terms"

      $Terms = Invoke-BBRestMethod -API $apiurl `
                -Method Get `
                -ContentType application/json

      Write-Verbose "$Terms"

      If ($TargetTerm -eq "AllCurrent"){
         $CurrentTerms = $($Terms | where-object {$_.availability.duration.start -lt $(Get-Date) -and $($_.availability.duration.end -gt $(Get-Date))})
         return $CurrentTerms
      }elseif ($TargetTerm -eq "LastToEnd") {
         #Sort the terms by end date and return the last one to end.
         $LastTerm = $($Terms | Sort-object -Property {$_.availability.duration.end} | where-object {$_.availability.duration.end -lt $(Get-Date)}) | Select-Object -last 1
         return $LastTerm
      }elseif ($TargetTerm -eq "NextToStart") {
         $NextTerm = $($Terms | Sort-object -Property {$_.availability.duration.start} | where-object {$_.availability.duration.start -gt $(Get-Date)}) | Select-Object -first 1
         return $NextTerm
     }elseif ($TargetTerm -eq "CurrentAndFuture") {
         $CurrentAndFutureTerms = $($Terms | Sort-object -Property {$_.availability.duration.end} | where-object {$_.availability.duration.end -gt $(Get-Date)})
      return $CurrentAndFutureTerms
      }else {
        return $Terms