
function Set-CourseProperty
    Given a course determined by ID update the provided properties. This method is a work in progress, be sure to use the -whatif param liberally. So far it only supports updating those items that are explicitally put in params.
    Given a course determined by ID update the provided properties. This method is a work in progress, be sure to use the -whatif param liberally. So far it only supports updating those items that are explicitally put in params.
    Set-CourseProperty -CourseID '' -whatif



        $Body = @{
            termId = $termId
        if($(!$courseId -eq "") -and $(!$termId -eq "")){

            Invoke-BBRestMethod -API "/learn/api/public/v3/courses/$courseId" `
                -Method Patch `
                -ContentType application/json `
                -Body $Body
