
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
# English strings
init01 = SQLite.dll not found
init02 = Error loading SQLite.dll: {0}
nbb001 = New bookmark constructed successfully
nbb002 = Error trying to acquire HTML: {0}
nbb003 = No link tag found for rels: {0}
nbb004 = Found link tag with rel {1} and href {0}
nbb005 = Could not resolve HREF to an absolute path
nbb006 = Resulting IconFile path: {0}
bfb001 = Input file '{0}' validated successfully
bfb002 = Output path '{0}' not found
bfb003 = Error backing up to {1}: '{0}'
gfb001 = Input file '{0}' not found!
gfb002 = SQLite: The DB structure of '{0}' is not valid
gfb003 = SQLite: No URL found for key {0}!
gfb004 = Source file '{0}' not found
gfb005 = Closing SQLite connection...
gfb006 = No URL in bookmark!
afb001 = Copying empty DB to target: {0}
afb002 = {0} Bookmarks found in target
afb003 = No bookmarks found in target
afb004 = Error copying the empty DB: {0}
afb005 = Backup created successfully: {0}
afb006 = Backup could not be created
afb007 = Error opening target database: {0}
afb008 = Determining folder root: toolbar
afb009 = Determining folder root: menu
afb010 = Determining folder root: unfiled
afb011 = Determining folder root: lowest ID
afb012 = Could not determine folder root!
afb013 = Folder root ID: {0}
afb014 = Building folder tree...
afb015 = Looking up folder path {0}
afb016 = Folder exists: {0}
afb017 = Floder not found, creating
afb018 = Partiel path: {0}
afb019 = Full path: {0}
afb020 = Folder exists: ID={0}
afb021 = Highest ordinal in this branch: {0}
afb022 = Origin found: ID={0}
afb023 = Origin created: ID={0}
afb024 = New URL entry, ID={0}
afb025 = New bookmark entry, ID={0}
afb026 = Origins table exists
afb027 = Origins table does not exist, old DB version
gil001 = IE Fave path not found in registry!
gil002 = IE Fave path: '{0}'
bib001 = Input folder '{0}' validated successfully
bib002 = Output path '{0}' not found
bib003 = Error backing up to {1}: '{0}'
gib001 = Source folder found: '{0}'
gib002 = Source folder not found: '{0}'
gib003 = Unknown type {0} in Description line
gib004 = Unknown type {0} in Notes line
gib005 = Unknown type {0} in Stars line
gib006 = No contents in Description line
gib007 = No contents in Notes line
gib008 = No contents in Stars line
gib009 = Unknown value '{0}' for the number of stars
aib001 = Target folder '{0}' not found, creating...
aib002 = Could not create target folder '{0}'
aib003 = Error creating target folder: {0}
aib004 = Found {0} bookmarks in target
aib005 = Error creating backup: {0}
aib006 = No bookmarks found in target
aib007 = Error creating '{0}': {1}
aib008 = Could not create file '{0}'
aib009 = Setting date for '{0}' to {1}
aib010 = The file '{0}' is already present
aib011 = URL '{0}' is already present
aib012 = Empty URL detected
aib013 = Error creating file '{0}': {1}
aib014 = Error setting date for file '{0}': {1}
gfl001 = Looking for installs.ini in '{0}'...
gfl002 = installs.ini contains {0} settings
gfl003 = Default profile path: '{0}'
gfl004 = installs.ini not found in '{0}'
gfl005 = File '{0}' not found
bcb001 = Input file '{0}' validated successfully
bcb002 = Output path '{0}' not found
bcb003 = Error backing up to {1}: '{0}'
gcl001 = SyncDisabled set at machine level
gcl002 = SyncDisabled set at user level
gcl003 = RoamingProfileSupportEnabled set at machine level
gcl004 = RoamingProfileSupportEnabled set at user level
gcl005 = Roaming Profile support disabled
gcl006 = Error reading JSON file: {0}
pcb001 = URL passed for processing instead of folder: {0}
pcb002 = Unknown Chrome Structure type: {0}
icf001 = Error reading JSON file: {0}
icf002 = JSON structure is incorrect
icf003 = File not found: {0}
rcb001 = Branch path: {0}
rcb002 = Folder: {0}
rcb003 = Leaf: {0}
gcb001 = Successfully loaded Chrome bookmarks from file: {0}
acb001 = Copying an empty JSON skeleton to {0}
acb002 = Error copying template: {0}
acb003 = Last ID in file: {0}
acb004 = {0} bookmarks found in target
acb005 = No bookmarks found in target
acb006 = Empty URL detected
acb007 = URL '{0}' already in target
acb008 = Adding new item to root
acb009 = Adding folder {0} to folder {1}
acb010 = Adding new item to folder {0}
sql001 = Error opening database connection: '{0}'
sql002 = SQLite: The DB structure of '{0}' is not valid - no bookmarks found
sql003 = Bookmarks found in DB: '{0}'
sql004 = Closing SQLite connection
url001 = Empty URL detected
url002 = URL {0} already present
url003 = Adding URL {0}