
function Convert-FunctionToString {
        Convert function to string
            This function is used to take a function, and convert it to a string. This allows it to be
            moved around more easily
        .PARAMETER FunctionToConvert
            The name of the function(s) you wish to convert to a string. You can provide multiple
            PS C:\> Convert-FunctionTostring -FunctionToConvert 'Get-CMClientMaintenanceWindow'
            FileName: Convert-FunctionTostring.ps1
            Author: Cody Mathis
            Contact: @CodyMathis123
            Created: 2020-01-07
            Updated: 2020-01-07

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
    $AllFunctions = foreach ($FunctionName in $FunctionToConvert) {
        try {
            $Function = Get-Command -Name $FunctionName -CommandType Function -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to find the specified function [Name = '$FunctionName']"
        $ScriptBlock = $Function.ScriptBlock
        if ($null -ne $ScriptBlock) {
            [string]::Format("`r`nfunction {0} {{{1}}}", $FunctionName, $ScriptBlock)
        else {
            Write-Error "Function $FunctionName does not have a Script Block and cannot be converted."
    $AllFunctions -join "`r`n"