
function Get-CCMSoftwareUpdateGroup {
        Get information for the Software Update Groups deployed to a computer, including compliance
        Uses CIM to find information for the Software Update Groups deployed to a computer. This includes checking the currently
        reported 'compliance' for a software update group using the CCM_AssignmentCompliance CIM class
    .PARAMETER AssignmentName
        Provide an array of Software Update Group names to query for
    .PARAMETER AssignmentID
        Provide an array of Software Update Group assignemnt ID to query for
    .PARAMETER CimSession
        Computer CimSession(s) which you want to get information for the Software Update Groups
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Computer name(s) which you want to get information for the Software Update Groups
        PS C:\> Get-CCMSoftwareUpdateGroup -Computer Testing123
            Will return all info available for the Software Update Groups deployed to Testing123
        FileName: Get-CCMSoftwareUpdateGroup.ps1
        Author: Cody Mathis
        Contact: @CodyMathis123
        Created: 2020-01-21
        Updated: 2020-01-21

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CimSession')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName')]
        [Alias('Connection', 'PSComputerName', 'PSConnectionName', 'IPAddress', 'ServerName', 'HostName', 'DNSHostName')]
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
    begin {
        $ConnectionSplat = @{ }
        $getSUGSplat = @{
            Namespace = 'root\CCM\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig'
        $getSUGComplianceSplat = @{
            Namespace = 'ROOT\ccm\SoftwareUpdates\DeploymentAgent'

        $suppressRebootMap = @{
            0 = 'Not Suppressed'
            1 = 'Workstations Suppressed'
            2 = 'Servers Suppressed'
            3 = 'Workstations and Servers Suppressed'
    process {
        foreach ($Connection in (Get-Variable -Name $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ValueOnly)) {
            $Computer = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'ComputerName' {
                    Write-Output -InputObject $Connection
                    switch ($Connection -eq $env:ComputerName) {
                        $false {
                            if ($ExistingCimSession = Get-CimSession -ComputerName $Connection -ErrorAction Ignore) {
                                Write-Verbose "Active CimSession found for $Connection - Passing CimSession to CIM cmdlets"
                                $ConnectionSplat['CimSession'] = $ExistingCimSession
                            else {
                                Write-Verbose "No active CimSession found for $Connection - falling back to -ComputerName parameter for CIM cmdlets"
                                $ConnectionSplat['ComputerName'] = $Connection
                        $true {
                            Write-Verbose 'Local computer is being queried - skipping computername, and cimsession parameter'
                'CimSession' {
                    Write-Verbose "Active CimSession found for $Connection - Passing CimSession to CIM cmdlets"
                    Write-Output -InputObject $Connection.ComputerName
                    $ConnectionSplat['CimSession'] = $Connection
            $Result = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
            $Result['ComputerName'] = $Computer

            try {
                $FilterParts = switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
                    'AssignmentName' {
                        [string]::Format('AssignmentName = "{0}"', [string]::Join('" OR AssignmentName = "', $AssignmentName))
                    'AssignmentID' {
                        [string]::Format('AssignmentID = "{0}"', [string]::Join('" OR AssignmentID = "', $AssignmentID))
                $Filter = switch ($null -ne $FilterParts) {
                    $true {
                        [string]::Format(' WHERE {0}', [string]::Join(' OR ', $FilterParts))
                    $false {
                        ' '
                $getSUGSplat['Query'] = [string]::Format('SELECT * FROM CCM_UpdateCIAssignment{0}', $Filter)

                [ciminstance[]]$DeployedSUG = Get-CimInstance @getSUGSplat @ConnectionSplat
                if ($DeployedSUG -is [Object] -and $DeployedSUG.Count -gt 0) {
                    foreach ($SUG in $DeployedSUG) {
                        $Result['AssignmentName'] = $SUG.AssignmentName

                        #region Query CCM_AssignmentCompliance to return SUG compliance
                        $getSUGComplianceSplat['Query'] = [string]::Format('SELECT IsCompliant FROM CCM_AssignmentCompliance WHERE AssignmentID = "{0}"', $SUG.AssignmentID)
                        $Result['AssignmentCompliance'] = (Get-CimInstance @getSUGComplianceSplat @ConnectionSplat).IsCompliant
                        #endregion Query CCM_AssignmentCompliance to return SUG compliance

                        $Result['StartTime'] = $SUG.StartTime
                        $Result['EnforcementDeadline'] = $SUG.EnforcementDeadline
                        $Result['UseGMTTimes'] = $SUG.UseGMTTimes
                        $Result['NotifyUser'] = $SUG.NotifyUser
                        $Result['OverrideServiceWindows'] = $SUG.OverrideServiceWindows
                        $Result['RebootOutsideOfServiceWindows'] = $SUG.RebootOutsideOfServiceWindows
                        $Result['SuppressReboot'] = $suppressRebootMap[[int]$SUG.SuppressReboot]
                        $Result['UserUIExperience'] = $xml_Reserved1.SUMReserved.UserUIExperience
                        $Result['WoLEnabled'] = $SUG.WoLEnabled
                        # TODO - Determine if AssignmentAction needs figured out
                        $Result['AssignmentAction'] = $SUG.AssignmentAction
                        $Result['AssignmentFlags'] = $SUG.AssignmentFlags
                        $Result['AssignmentID'] = $SUG.AssignmentID
                        $Result['ConfigurationFlags'] = $SUG.ConfigurationFlags
                        $Result['DesiredConfigType'] = $SUG.DesiredConfigType
                        $Result['DisableMomAlerts'] = $SUG.DisableMomAlerts
                        $Result['DPLocality'] = $SUG.DPLocality
                        $Result['ExpirationTime'] = $SUG.ExpirationTime
                        $Result['LogComplianceToWinEvent'] = $SUG.LogComplianceToWinEvent
                        # ENHANCE - Parse NonComplianceCriticality
                        $Result['NonComplianceCriticality'] = $SUG.NonComplianceCriticality
                        $Result['PersistOnWriteFilterDevices'] = $SUG.PersistOnWriteFilterDevices
                        $Result['RaiseMomAlertsOnFailure'] = $SUG.RaiseMomAlertsOnFailure

                        #region store the 'Reserved1' property of the SUG as XML so we can parse the properties
                        [xml]$xml_Reserved1 = $SUG.Reserved1
                        $Result['StateMessageVerbosity'] = $xml_Reserved1.SUMReserved.StateMessageVerbosity
                        $Result['LimitStateMessageVerbosity'] = $xml_Reserved1.SUMReserved.LimitStateMessageVerbosity
                        $Result['UseBranchCache'] = $xml_Reserved1.SUMReserved.UseBranchCache
                        $Result['RequirePostRebootFullScan'] = $xml_Reserved1.SUMReserved.RequirePostRebootFullScan
                        #endregion store the 'Reserved1' property of the SUG as XML so we can parse the properties

                        $Result['SendDetailedNonComplianceStatus'] = $SUG.SendDetailedNonComplianceStatus
                        $Result['SettingTypes'] = $SUG.SettingTypes
                        $Result['SoftDeadlineEnabled'] = $SUG.SoftDeadlineEnabled
                        $Result['StateMessagePriority'] = $SUG.StateMessagePriority
                        $Result['UpdateDeadline'] = $SUG.UpdateDeadline
                        $Result['UseSiteEvaluation'] = $SUG.UseSiteEvaluation
                        $Result['Reserved2'] = $SUG.Reserved2
                        $Result['Reserved3'] = $SUG.Reserved3
                        $Result['Reserved4'] = $SUG.Reserved4
                        #region loop through the AssignedCIs and cast them as XML so they can be easily work with
                        $Result['AssignedCIs'] = foreach ($AssignCI in $SUG.AssignedCIs) {
                        #endregion loop through the AssignedCIs and cast them as XML so they can be easily work with

                else {
                    Write-Verbose "No deployed SUGs found for $Computer"
            catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Error $ErrorMessage