
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
### <Script>
### <Author>
### Chad Miller
### </Author>
### <Description>
### Defines function wrappers around many of the SMO Classes and implements 2000
### (80) versions of functions where the SMO class does not support SQL 2000.
### Also defines several utility functions: Get-SqlData, Set-SqlData and Get-SqlShowMbrs
### </Description>
### <Usage>
### . ./LibrarySmo.ps1
### </Usage>
### </Script>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop}
catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo"}

try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop; $smoVersion = 10}
catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo"; $smoVersion = 9}

    try {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop}
    catch {add-type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended" -EA Stop}
catch {Write-Warning "SMOExtended not available"}

$scriptRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)

Set-Alias Get-InvalidLogins $scriptRoot\Get-InvalidLogins.ps1
Set-Alias Get-SessionTimeStamp $scriptRoot\Get-SessionTimeStamp.ps1

Gets a ServerConnection.
The Get-SqlConnection function gets a ServerConnection to the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlConnection
    Get-SqlConnection returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection object.
Get-SqlConnection "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a ServerConnection to SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlConnection "Z002\sql2K8" "sa" "Passw0rd"
This command gets a ServerConnection to SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication.

function Get-SqlConnection
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$username, 
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlConnection $sqlserver"
    if($Username -and $Password)
    { $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $sqlserver,$username,$password }
    { $con = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection") $sqlserver }

    Write-Output $con
} #Get-ServerConnection

Gets an SMO Server object.
The Get-SqlServer function gets a SMO Server object for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlServer
    Get-SqlServer returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server object.
Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets an SMO Server object for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8" "sa" "Passw0rd"
This command gets a SMO Server object for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication.

function Get-SqlServer
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$username, 
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$StatementTimeout=0
    #When $sqlserver passed in from the SMO Name property, brackets
    #are automatically inserted which then need to be removed
    $sqlserver = $sqlserver -replace "\[|\]"

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlServer $sqlserver"

    $con = Get-SqlConnection $sqlserver $Username $Password

    $server = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $con
    #Some operations might take longer than the default timeout of 600 seconnds (10 minutes). Set new default to unlimited
    $server.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = $StatementTimeout
    $server.SetDefaultInitFields([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.StoredProcedure], "IsSystemObject")
    $server.SetDefaultInitFields([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Table], "IsSystemObject")
    $server.SetDefaultInitFields([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View], "IsSystemObject")
    $server.SetDefaultInitFields([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.UserDefinedFunction], "IsSystemObject")
    #trap { "Check $SqlServer Name"; continue} $server.ConnectionContext.Connect()
    Write-Output $server
} #Get-SqlServer

Gets an SMO Database object.
The Get-SqlDatabase function gets an SMO Database object for the specified SQL Database or collection of Database objects.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlDatabase
    Get-SqlDatabase returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database object.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a collection of SMO Database objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase $(Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8" "sa" "Passw0rd") "pubs"
This command gets a SMO Database object for SQL database pubs on the SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8 using SQL authentication.

function Get-SqlDatabase
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$force

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlDatabase:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlDatabase $($server.Name) $dbname"

    if ($dbname)
    { if ($server.Databases.Contains("$dbname") -and $server.Databases[$dbname].IsAccessible)
        {throw "Database $dname does not exist or is not accessible."}
    elseif ($force)
    { $server.Databases | where {$_.IsAccessible -eq $true} }
    #Skip systems databases
    { $server.Databases | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false -and $_.IsAccessible -eq $true} }

} # Get-SqlDatabase

Executes a query and returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
The Get-SqlData function executes a query and returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlData
    Get-SqlData returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlData "Z002\sql2K8" "pubs" "select * from authors"
This command executes the specified SQL query using Windows authentication.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8" "sa" "Passw0rd"
Get-SqlData $server "pubs" "select * from authors"
This command executes the specified SQL query using SQL authentication.

function Get-SqlData
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$qry

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Get-SqlData:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    #Write-Verbose "Get-SqlData $($database.Parent.Name) $($database.Name) $qry"
    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlData $($database.Parent.Name) $($database.Name)"

    $ds = $database.ExecuteWithResults("$qry")
    $ds.Tables | foreach { $_.Rows}    

}# Get-SqlData

 Executes a query that does not return a result set.
The Set-SqlData function executes a query that does not return a result set.
    You cannot pipe objects to Set-SqlData
    Set-SqlData does not produce any output.
Set-SqlData "Z002\sql2K8" "pubs" "Update authors set au_lname = 'Brown' WHERE au_lname = 'White'"
This command executes the specified SQL query using Windows authentication.
$server = Set-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8" "sa" "Passw0rd"
Set-SqlData $server "pubs" "Update authors set au_lname = 'Brown' WHERE au_lname = 'White'"
This command executes the specified SQL query using SQL authentication.

function Set-SqlData
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$qry

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Set-SqlData:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }
    #Write-Verbose "Set-SqlData $($database.Parent.Name) $($database.Name) $qry"
    Write-Verbose "Set-SqlData $($database.Parent.Name) $($database.Name)"

}# Set-SqlData

function ConvertTo-MemberXml

    $xmlMember = $null
    $member | foreach { $xmlMember += "<member>$_</member>"}
    return $xmlMember

}# ConvertTo-MemberXml

Recursively enumerates AD and local groups handling built-in SQL Server Windows groups.
The Get-SqlShowMbrs function recursively enumerates AD/local groups handling built-in SQL Server Windows groups.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlShowMbrs
    Get-SqlShowMbrs returns an array of System.String.
Get-SqlShowMbrs $(Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2K8") "Z002\PayrollUsers"
This command gets a fully recursive list of members for the Windows group Z002\PayrollUsers.

function Get-SqlShowMbrs
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server]$server,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$group

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlShowMbrs $($server.Name) $group"


    #The call to EnumWindowsGroupInfo will error out on groups which have been removed from AD or
    #which have been renamed. We need to check for this condition when enumerating groups
    #Individual logins may also be orphaned so we will skip orphaned and enumerate the renamed group
    #for renamed groups. As a best practice you should run Get-InvalidLogins to identifiy logins/groups and drop
    #orphaned logins or recreate renamed logins to maintain consistency with Active Directory
    $invalidLogin = @()
    Get-InvalidLogins $server.Name | foreach {$invalidLogin += $_.NTLogin}
    $renamed = @{}
    Get-InvalidLogins $server.Name | where {$_.IsRenamed -eq $true} | foreach {$renamed[$_.NTLogin] = $_.NewNTAccount}

    #if group is a valid login i.e. not in invalidLogin array then enumerate it
    if (!($invalidLogin -contains $group ))
        #EnumWindowsGroupInfo is somewhat unreliable, for instance MyServer\SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$MyServer$Myinstance
        #will return null but using a WMI query will return group information. EnumWindowsGroupInfo does not work
        #for groups which have not been granted access to the SQ instnace. since we are using a global session variable
        #to store group user membership the Builtin group is not unique (all other group members should be i.e. a domain
        #or computer cannot have duplicate group names). So Builtin needs to be handled specially
        if ($group -eq 'BUILTIN\Administrators')
           #if we've already enumerated Builtin perhaps for another server remove it and re-enumerate it

            if ($server.Information.IsClustered)
            {   $allNodes = Get-WmiObject -class MSCluster_Node -namespace "root\mscluster" -computername $($server.Information.NetName) | select name
                foreach ($node in $allNodes)
                { Get-GroupUser "$($node.name)\Administrators" 'BUILTIN\Administrators'}}

            { Get-GroupUser "$($server.Information.NetName)\Administrators" 'BUILTIN\Administrators'}
            { Get-GroupUser $group }
    #if the group is invalid but has been renamed in AD thus still has access to SQL Server enumerate the new group name
    elseif ($renamed.Contains($group))
        Get-GroupUser $renamed[$group]

    return $__SQLPSXGroupUser[$group]

} #Get-SqlShowMbrs

Gets an SMO User object.
The Get-SqlUser function gets a collection of SMO User objects for the specified SQL Database.
    You can pipe database objects to Get-SqlUser
    Get-SqlUser returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.User object.
Additional properties including all of the objects owned by the user and the effective members of the user are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure.
Get-SqlUser $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO User objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlUser
This command gets a collection SMO User objects for all SQL databases on the SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlUser
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

            foreach ($user in $database.Users | where {$_.UserType.ToString() -ne 'Certificate'})
                $member = @()

                if ($user.HasDBAccess -and $user.Login) 
                    $member += @($(Get-UserMember $user))
                    $object = $null

                    #Get objects owned by user, this part is slow with SQL 2000, In 2005 if user owns an object only the schema is listed
                    #as the owned object, so even though SQL 2000 does really doesn't have schemas, will just report they do.
                    if ($database.Parent.Information.Version.Major -ge 9)
                        foreach ($urn in $user.EnumOwnedObjects())
                            $object += [string] "<Object ObjectType=`"" + $urn.Type+ "`" ObjectName=`"" + $urn.GetNameForType($urn.Type) + "`"></Object>"
                    elseif ($user.EnumOwnedObjects() -ne $null)
                    { $object += [string] "<Object ObjectType=`"Schema`" ObjectName=`"" + $user.Name + "`"></Object>" }

                    #Return SqlUser Object
                    $user | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name objects -value $object -passthru |
                            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru


} # Get-SqlUser

function New-UserMember
    Write-Verbose "New-UserMember"

    #__SQLPSXUserMember is a session variable, so only create if it doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-Path Variable:__SQLPSXUserMember))
    { Set-Variable __SQLPSXUserMember @{} -Scope Global -Option AllScope -Description "SQLPSX variable" }
} #New-UserMember

function Get-UserMember

    Write-Verbose "Get-UserMember $($user.Name) $($database.Name)"


    if ($user)
        $key = $null
        $key = "$($user.parent.parent.name).$($user.parent.name)"

        if(!($__SQLPSXUserMember.$key.$($user.Name))) {
            $member = @()
            $tmpMember = $null        
            if ($user.LoginType -eq 1)
                if ($user.Login)
                { $tmpMember = Get-SqlShowMbrs $user.parent.parent $user.Login }
                if ($tmpMember -ne $null)
                 {$member += $tmpMember}

            #If Guest user i.e. UserType = NoLogin
            if ($user.UserType.ToString() -eq 'NoLogin' -or $user.Name -eq 'guest')
            { $member += $user.Name }
            elseif ($member -notcontains $user.Login)
            { $member += $user.Login }
            #Add member to global hash
            $__SQLPSXUserMember[$key] += @{$user.Name = $member}
            #Return member array
            Return $member
            { $($__SQLPSXUserMember).$($key).$($user.Name) }
    elseif ($database)
        $key = $null
        $key = "$($database.parent.name).$($database.name)"
        if(!($__SQLPSXUserMember[$key])) {
            Get-SqlUser $database > $null
            #Return User Hash
        #Return Login Hash
        { $__SQLPSXUserMember[$key] }
    { throw 'Get-UserMember:Param `$user or `$database missing.' }

} # Get-UserMember

Returns a SMO DatabaseRole object with additional properties.
The Get-SqlDatabaseRole function gets a collection of SMO DatabaseRole objects for the specified SQL Database.
    You can pipe database objects to Get-SqlDatabaseRole
    Get-SqlDatabaseRole returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabaseRole object.
Additional properties are returned including the effective members of a role recursiving enumerates nested roles, and Windows Groups.
Get-SqlDatabaseRole $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO DatabaseRole objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlDatabaseRole
This command gets a collection SMO DatabaseRole objects for all SQL databases on the SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlDatabaseRole
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database


        foreach ($role in $database.Roles)
            $member = @()
            $member += @($(Get-DatabaseRoleMember $role))

            #Return DatabaseRole Object
            $role | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru


} #Get-SqlDatabaseRole

function New-DatabaseRoleMember
    Write-Verbose "New-DatabaseRoleMember"

    #__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember is a session variable, so only create if it doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-Path Variable:__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember))
    { Set-Variable __SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember @{} -Scope Global -Option AllScope -Description "SQLPSX variable" }
} #New-DatabaseRoleMember

function Get-DatabaseRoleMember

    Write-Verbose "Get-DatabaseRoleMember $($role.Name) $($database.Name)"


    if ($role)
        $key = $null
        $key = $role.parent.parent.name + "." + $role.parent.name

        if(!($__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember.$key.$($role.Name))) {
            $user = @{}
            $user = Get-UserMember -database $role.parent

            $member = @()
            $tmpMember = @()        

            #Although public is a role its members cannot be enumerated using EnumMembers()
            if (!($role.Name -eq "public"))
                 #The EnumMembers() method will recursively (reports nested role members) enumerate role membership for you
                 #Thank You Microsoft SMO Developers!
                 #List only members that are Roles or valid users i.e. users which meet condition in get-sqluser, this will
                 #eliminate users that do not have access to the database (orphaned DB users)
                 $tmpMember = $role.EnumMembers() | where { $role.parent.Roles.Contains($_) -or $user.Contains($_) }
                 if ($tmpMember -ne $null)
                 {$member += $tmpMember}
                 $member += $role.Name
                 #Now let's re-enumerate and flatten out Windows group membership, adding the SqlUser Objects members array
                 #However we will ensure we only list an individual login once
                 $member | where { $user.Contains($_) } | foreach { $member += $user[$_] }
                 $member = $member | Sort-Object -unique
            #enumerate public role by extractng unique values from user hash
                $user.values | foreach { $member += $_ } 
                $member += $role.Name
                $member = $member | Sort-Object -unique
            #Add member to global hash
            $__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember[$key] += @{$role.Name = $member}
            #Return member array
            Return $member
            { $__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember.$key.$($role.Name) }
    elseif ($database)
        $key = $null
        $key = $database.parent.name + "." + $database.name
        if(!($__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember[$key])) {
            Get-SqlDatabaseRole $database > $null
            #Return User Hash
        #Return Login Hash
        { $__SQLPSXDatabaseRoleMember[$key] }
    { throw 'Get-DatabaseRoleMember:Param `$role or `$database missing' }

} # Get-DatabaseRoleMember

Gets an SMO Login object.
The Get-SqlLogin function gets a collection of SMO Login objects for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlLogin
    Get-SqlLogin returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login object.
Additional properties including the effective members of the Login are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure.
Get-SqlLogin "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a collection of SMO Login objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlLogin
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlLogin:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlLogin $($server.Name)"

    foreach ($login in $server.Logins | where {$_.LoginType.ToString() -ne 'Certificate'})
        $member = @()
        $member += @($(Get-LoginMember $login))

        #Return Login Object
        $login | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                 add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                 add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                 add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $server.Name -passthru


} # Get-SqlLogin

Gets an SMO LinkedServerLogin object.
The Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin function gets a collection of SMO LinkedServerLogin objects for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin
    Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LinkedServerLogin object.
Additional properties including the DataSource property are returned.
Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a collection of SMO LinkedServerLogin objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlLogin:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlLogin $($server.Name)"

    foreach ($linkedSrv in $server.LinkedServers)
        #Some DataSources contains commas such as "myserver.mydomain.com,1433"
        #This can cause problems when exporting to csv so replace , with ;
        $dataSource = $linkedSrv.DataSource -replace ",",";"

        foreach ($linkedSrvLogin in $linkedSrv.LinkedServerLogins)
        #Return linked Server Login Object
        $linkedSrvLogin | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name LinkedServer -value $linkedSrv.Name -passthru |
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name DataSource -value $dataSource -passthru |
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $server.Name -passthru
}# Get-SqlLinkedServerLogin

function New-LoginMember
    Write-Verbose "New-LoginMember"

    #__SQLPSXLoginMember is a session variable, so only create if it doesn't exist
    if (!(Test-Path Variable:__SQLPSXLoginMember))
    { Set-Variable __SQLPSXLoginMember @{} -Scope Global -Option AllScope -Description "SQLPSX variable" }
} #New-LoginMember

function Get-LoginMember

    Write-Verbose "Get-LoginMember $($login.Name) $($server.Name)"


    if ($login)
        if(!($__SQLPSXLoginMember.$($login.parent.name).$($login.Name))) {
            $member = @()
            $tmpMember = $null        
            if ($login.LoginType -eq 1)
                $tmpMember = Get-SqlShowMbrs $login.parent $login.Name
                if ($tmpMember -ne $null)
                 {$member += $tmpMember}

            if ($member -notcontains $login.Name)
            { $member += $login.Name }
            #Add member to global hash
            $__SQLPSXLoginMember[$login.parent.name] += @{$login.Name = $member}
            #Return member array
            Return $member
            { $__SQLPSXLoginMember.$($login.parent.name).$($login.Name) }

    elseif ($server)
        if(!($__SQLPSXLoginMember[$server.name])) {
            Get-SqlLogin $server > $null
            #Return Login Hash
        #Return Login Hash
        { $__SQLPSXLoginMember[$server.name] }
    { throw 'Get-LoginMember:Param `$login or `$server missing.' }

} # Get-LoginMember

Gets an SMO ServerRole object.
The Get-SqlServerRole function gets a collection of SMO ServerRole objects for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlServerRole
    Get-SqlServerRole returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerRole object.
Additional properties including the effective members of the ServerRole are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure.
Get-SqlServerRole "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a collection of SMO ServerRole objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlServerRole
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlServerRole:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlServerRole $($server.Name)"

    $login = @{}
    $login = Get-LoginMember -server $server
    foreach ($svrole in $server.Roles)
        $member = @()
        #Although public is a role its members cannot be enumerated using EnumServerRoleMembers()
        if (!($svrole.Name -eq "public"))
            #EnumMembers and flatten out Windows group membership, adding the Sqllogin Objects members array
            #However we will ensure we only list an individual login once
            $svrole.EnumServerRoleMembers() | foreach {$login.$_} | foreach {if (!($member -contains $_)) {$member += $_}}
        #enumerate public role by extractng unique values from login hash
            $login.values | foreach { $member += $_ }
            $member = $member | Sort-Object -unique

        $member += $svrole.Name

        #Return ServerRole Object
        $svrole | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $server.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlServerRole

Gets an SMO ServerPermissionInfo object.
The Get-SqlServerPermission function gets a collection of SMO ServerPermissionInfo objects for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlServerPermission
    Get-SqlServerPermission returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermissionInfo object.
Additional properties including the effective members of the ServerPermissionInfo are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure. There are only three grantable permissions only applicable to the master database: CREATE DATABASE; BACKUP DATABASE; BACKUP LOG. These permission are included in the output. SQL 2000 does not support this SMO method, instead a System.DataRow is returned of master database permissions.
Get-SqlServerPermission "Z002\sql2K8"
This command gets a collection of SMO ServerPermissionInfo objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlServerPermission
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlServerPermission:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlServerPermission $($server.Name)"

    if ($server.Information.Version.Major -ge 9)
    {$perm = Get-ServerPermission90 $server; $perm += Get-SqlDatabasePermission $(Get-SqlDatabase $server 'master'); $perm}
    else {Get-SqlDatabasePermission $(Get-SqlDatabase $server 'master')}

}# Get-SqlServerPermission

function Get-ServerPermission90
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server]$server

    Write-Verbose "Get-ServerPermission90 $($server.Name)"
    #SQL 2000 Does not suppport the concept of Server Permissions. SQL Server 2000 relies on Server Roles to grant server level permissions
    #There are only three grantable permissions in SQL 2000/2005 only applicable to the master database: CREATE DATABASE; BACKUP DATABASE; BACKUP LOG
    #Although we may think Create Database, Backup and Backup Log are server level permissions the SQL development team apparently does not
    #share the same opinion and EnumServerPermissions will not enumerate these permissions.
    #since I think they should I'll create a custom object and append to accomplish this in Get-SqlServerPermission

    $principal = @{}
    #Get-SqlLogin $server | foreach { $principal[$_.Name] = $_.members }
    $principal = Get-LoginMember -server $server

        #Apparently having a login to SQL Server is considered a ServePermission in SQL 2005, all logins have this permission
        #I'd rather eliminate the CONNECT SQL permissionType from the output
      foreach ($perm in $server.EnumServerPermissions() | where {$_.PermissionType.ToString() -ne 'CONNECT SQL'})
        $member = @()
        $member = $principal["$($perm.Grantee)"]
        #Return ServerPermission Object
        $perm | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                   add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                   add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                   add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname 'master' -passthru |
                   add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $server.Name -passthru
} #Get-ServerPermission90

function Get-Permission80
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

    Write-Verbose "Get-Permission80 $($database.Name)"

$qry = @"
grantee_principal.name AS [Grantee],
grantor_principal.name AS [Grantor],
CASE prmssn.protecttype WHEN 204 THEN 'GRANT_W_GRANT' WHEN 205 THEN 'GRANT' WHEN 206 THEN 'DENY' END AS [PermissionState],
CASE prmssn.id WHEN 0 THEN 'Database' ELSE 'ObjectOrColumn' END AS [ObjectClass],
null AS [ColumnName],
CASE prmssn.id WHEN 0 THEN DB_NAME() ELSE object_name(prmssn.id) END AS [ObjectName],
user_name(prmssn.uid) AS [ObjectSchema],
CASE prmssn.id WHEN 0 THEN DB_ID() ELSE prmssn.id END AS [ObjectID],
    WHEN 1 = grantee_principal.issqlrole THEN 'DatabaseRole'
    WHEN 1 = grantee_principal.isapprole THEN 'ApplicationRole'
    ELSE 'User'
END AS [GranteeType],
    WHEN 1 = grantor_principal.issqlrole THEN 'DatabaseRole'
    WHEN 1 = grantor_principal.isapprole THEN 'ApplicationRole'
    ELSE 'User'
END AS [GrantorType],
CASE CAST(prmssn.action AS int)
END AS [PermissionType]
dbo.sysprotects AS prmssn
INNER JOIN sysusers AS grantee_principal ON grantee_principal.uid = prmssn.uid
INNER JOIN sysusers AS grantor_principal ON grantor_principal.uid = prmssn.grantor
WHERE (prmssn.id > 0 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(prmssn.id,'IsMSShipped') = 0)
OR prmssn.id = 0

    Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry

}# Get-Permission80

# Note: From BOL "sp_helprotect does not return information about securables that are introduced in SQL Server 2005."
# The output of 90 and 80 versions of Get-SqlDatabasePermission and Get-SqlObjectPermissions will not match when
# run against a SQL 2005 or higher server
Gets an SMO DatabasePermissionInfo object.
The Get-SqlDatabasePermission function gets a collection of SMO DatabasePermissionInfo objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlDatabasePermission
    Get-SqlDatabasePermission returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabasePermissionInfo object.
Additional properties including the effective members of the DatabasePermissionInfo are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure. SQL 2000 does not support this SMO method, instead a System.DataRow is returned of database permissions.
Get-SqlDatabasePermission $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO DatabasePermissionInfo objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlDatabasePermission
This command gets a collection of SMO DatabasePermissionInfo objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlDatabasePermission
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

        function Select-SqlDatabasePermission90 ($database)
                Write-Verbose "Get-SqlDatabasePermission90 $($database.Name)"

                $user = @{}
                $role = @{}
                $user = Get-UserMember -database $database
                $role = Get-DatabaseRoleMember -database $database
                #Unfortunately on case sensitive servers you can have a role and user with the same name. So instead of using a single hash called
                #principal we will use two different hashes and use the GranteeType to determine which one to use for listing the effective members
                #of the permission.

            foreach ($perm in $database.EnumDatabasePermissions() | where {$_.PermissionType.ToString() -ne 'CONNECT'})
                $member = @()
                switch ($perm.GranteeType)
                    'User' { $member = $user["$($perm.Grantee)"] }
                    'DatabaseRole' { $member = $role["$($perm.Grantee)"] }

                #Return DatabasePermission Object
                $perm | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru | 
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru | 
                          add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                          add-Member aliasproperty dbname ObjectName -passthru

        }# Select-SqlDatabasePermission90

        function Select-SqlDatabasePermission80 ($database)
                Write-Verbose "Get-SqlDatabasePermission80 $($database.Name)"

                $user = @{}
                $role = @{}
                $user = Get-UserMember -database $database
                $role = Get-DatabaseRoleMember -database $database

            foreach ($perm in Get-Permission80 $database | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'Database'})
                $member = @()
                switch ($perm.GranteeType)
                    'User' { $member = $user["$($perm.Grantee)"] }
                    'DatabaseRole' { $member = $role["$($perm.Grantee)"] }

                #Return DatabasePermission Object
                $perm | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name timestamp  -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp)  -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name Server  -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                          add-member aliasproperty dbname  ObjectName -passthru
        }# Select-SqlDatabasePermission80
        if ($database.Parent.Information.Version.Major -ge 9)
        { Select-SqlDatabasePermission90 $database }
        else { Select-SqlDatabasePermission80 $database }

}# Get-SqlServerPermission

Gets an SMO ObjectPermissionInfo object.
The Get-SqlObjectPermission function gets a collection of SMO ObjectPermissionInfo objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlObjectPermission
    Get-SqlObjectPermission returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionInfo object.
Additional properties including the effective members of the ObjectPermissionInfo are returned. Nested AD/local groups are recursively enumerated and returned in a flat structure. SQL 2000 does not support this SMO method, instead a System.DataRow is returned of object permissions.
Get-SqlObjectPermission $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO ObjectPermissionInfo objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlObjectPermission
This command gets a collection of SMO ObjectPermissionInfo objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlObjectPermission
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

        function Select-SqlObjectPermission90 ($database)
            Write-Verbose "Get-SqlObjectPermission90 $($database.Name)"

            $user = @{}
            $role = @{}
            $user = Get-UserMember -database $database
            $role = Get-DatabaseRoleMember -database $database

            Write-Verbose "EnumObjectPermissions"

            #Skip object permissions for system objects i.e. ObjectID > 0
            #EnumObjectPermissions() will take a long time to return data for very large permission sets
            #in my testing a database with over 57,000 permission will take 10 min.
            #dtproperties is an annoying little MS table used for DB diagrams it shows up as user table and
            #is automatically created when someone clicks on DB Diagrams in SSMS/EM, permissions default to public
            foreach ($perm in $database.EnumObjectPermissions() | where {$_.ObjectID -gt 0 -and $_.ObjectName -ne 'dtproperties'})
                $member = @()
                switch ($perm.GranteeType)
                    'User' { $member = $user["$($perm.Grantee)"] }
                    'DatabaseRole' { $member = $role["$($perm.Grantee)"] }

                #Return ObjectPermission Object
                $perm |  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                           add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru |
                           add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru |
                           add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                           add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru

        } #Select-SqlObjectPermission90

        function Select-SqlObjectPermission80 ($database)
            Write-Verbose "Get-SqlObjectPermission80 $($database.Name)"

            $user = @{}
            $role = @{}
            $user = Get-UserMember -database $database
            $role = Get-DatabaseRoleMember -database $database

            foreach ($perm in Get-Permission80 $database | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'ObjectOrColumn' -and $_.ObjectID -gt 0 -and $_.ObjectName -ne 'dtproperties'})
                $member = @()
                switch ($perm.GranteeType)
                    'User' { $member = $user["$($perm.Grantee)"] }
                    'DatabaseRole' { $member = $role["$($perm.Grantee)"] }

                #Return ObjectPermission Object
                $perm | add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name timestamp  -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp)  -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name members -value $member -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name Xmlmembers -value $(ConvertTo-MemberXml $member) -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name Server  -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                          add-member -memberType NoteProperty -name dbname -value $database.name -passthru

        } #Select-SqlObjectPermission80
        if ($database.Parent.Information.Version.Major -ge 9)
        { Select-SqlObjectPermission90 $database }
        else { Select-SqlObjectPermission80 $database }

}# Get-SqlObjectPermission

Gets an SMO Table object.
The Get-SqlTable function gets a collection of SMO Table objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlTable
    Get-SqlTable returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlTable $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO Table objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlTable
This command gets a collection of SMO Table objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlTable -name "authors"
This command gets an SMO Table object for the authors table in the pubs database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlTable
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $tables = $Database.Tables.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $tables = $Database.Tables.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $tables = $Database.Tables | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $tables = $Database.Tables }

        foreach ($table in $tables)
            if (($Force.IsPresent -or (-not($Force.IsPresent) -and $table.IsSystemObject -eq $false)) `
            -and  (-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $table.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $table.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return Table Object
            $table | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $table.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlTable

Gets an SMO StoredProcedure object.
The Get-SqlStoredProcedure function gets a collection of SMO StoredProcedure objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlStoredProcedure
    Get-SqlStoredProcedure returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.StoredProcedure object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlStoredProcedure $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO StoredProcedure objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlStoredProcedure
This command gets a collection of SMO StoredProcedure objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlStoredProcedure -name "byroyalty"
This command gets an SMO StoredProcedure object for the byroyalty stored procedure in the pubs database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlStoredProcedure
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $storedProcedures = $Database.StoredProcedures.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $storedProcedures = $Database.StoredProcedures.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $storedProcedures = $Database.StoredProcedures | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $storedProcedures = $Database.StoredProcedures }

        foreach ($storedProcedure in $storedProcedures)
            if (($Force.IsPresent -or (-not($Force.IsPresent) -and $storedProcedure.IsSystemObject -eq $false)) `
            -and  (-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $storedProcedure.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $storedProcedure.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return StoredProcedure Object
            $storedProcedure | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
      add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $storedProcedure.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlStoredProcedure

Gets an SMO View object.
The Get-SqlView function gets a collection of SMO View objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlView
    Get-SqlView returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.View object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlView $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO View objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlView
This command gets a collection of SMO View objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlView -name "titleview"
This command gets an SMO View object for the titleview view in the pubs database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlView
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $views = $Database.Views.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $views = $Database.Views.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $views = $Database.Views | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $views = $Database.Views }

        foreach ($view in $views)
            if (($Force.IsPresent -or (-not($Force.IsPresent) -and $view.IsSystemObject -eq $false)) `
            -and  (-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $view.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $view.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return View Object
            $view | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
              add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $view.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlView

Gets an SMO UserDefinedDataType object.
The Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType function gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedDataType objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType
    Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UserDefinedDataType object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedDataType objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType
This command gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedDataType objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType -name "empid"
This command gets an SMO UserDefinedDataType object for the empid user defined dataType in the pubs database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $userDefinedDataTypes = $Database.UserDefinedDataTypes.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $userDefinedDataTypes = $Database.UserDefinedDataTypes.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $userDefinedDataTypes = $Database.UserDefinedDataTypes | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $userDefinedDataTypes = $Database.UserDefinedDataTypes }

        foreach ($userDefinedDataType in $userDefinedDataTypes)
            if ((-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $userDefinedDataType.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $userDefinedDataType.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return UserDefinedDataType Object
            $userDefinedDataType | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $userDefinedDataType.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlUserDefinedDataType

Gets an SMO UserDefinedFunction object.
The Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction function gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedFunction objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction
    Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UserDefinedFunction object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" AdventureWorks)
This command gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedFunction objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, AdventureWorks database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction
This command gets a collection of SMO UserDefinedFunction objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" AdventureWorks | Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction -name "ufnGetAccountingEndDate"
This command gets an SMO UserDefinedFunction object for the ufnGetAccountingEndDate user defined function in the AdventureWorks database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $userDefinedFunctions = $Database.UserDefinedFunctions.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $userDefinedFunctions = $Database.UserDefinedFunctions.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $userDefinedFunctions = $Database.UserDefinedFunctions | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $userDefinedFunctions = $Database.UserDefinedFunctions }

        foreach ($userDefinedFunction in $userDefinedFunctions)
            if (($Force.IsPresent -or (-not($Force.IsPresent) -and $userDefinedFunction.IsSystemObject -eq $false)) `
            -and  (-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $userDefinedFunction.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $userDefinedFunction.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return UserDefinedFunction Object
            $userDefinedFunction | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $userDefinedFunction.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlUserDefinedFunction

Gets an SMO Synonym object.
The Get-SqlSynonym function gets a collection of SMO Synonym objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlSynonym
    Get-SqlSynonym returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Synonym object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlSynonym $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" AdventureWorks)
This command gets a collection of SMO Synonym objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, AdventureWorks database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlSynonym
This command gets a collection of SMO Synonym objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" AdventureWorks | Get-SqlSynonym -name "GrossRevenue"
This command gets an SMO Synonym object for the GrossRevenue synonym in the AdventureWorks database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlSynonym
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$Database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Schema,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force

        if ($Name -and $Schema)
        { $synonyms = $Database.Synonyms.Item($Name,$Schema) }
        elseif ($Name)
        { $synonyms = $Database.Synonyms.Item($Name) }
        elseif ($Schema)
        { $synonyms = $Database.Synonyms | where-object {$_.Schema -eq "$Schema"} }
        else { $synonyms = $Database.Synonyms }

        foreach ($synonym in $synonyms)
            if ((-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $synonym.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $synonym.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
            #Return Synonym Object
            $synonym | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
              add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $synonym.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $Database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $Database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlSynonym

Gets an SMO Trigger object.
The Get-SqlTrigger function gets a collection of SMO Trigger objects for the specified smo object.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database or
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server or
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlTrigger
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Trigger or
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabaseDdlTrigger or
    Get-SqlTrigger returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Trigger/DatabaseDdlTrigger/ServerDdlTrigger object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output. The output type depends on whether a server, database or table/view object is passed to the smo parameter.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTrigger -name tr_MStran_alterview
This command gets the SMO database Trigger, tr_MStran_alterview for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, AdventureWorks database.
 Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlTrigger
This command gets a collection of SMO Trigger objects for all user tables in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlTrigger
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $smo,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude,
    [Switch] $Force


        foreach ($trigger in $smo.Triggers)
            if (($Force.IsPresent -or (-not($Force.IsPresent) -and $trigger.IsSystemObject -eq $false)) `
            -and  (-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $trigger.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $trigger.name -notlike "$Exclude")))
                switch ($smo.GetType().Name)
                    'Server' { $server = $smo.Name }
                    'Database' { $server = $smo.parent.Name; $dbname = $smo.Name }
                    #Default is table or view
                    Default { $server = $smo.parent.parent.Name; $dbname = $smo.parent.Name; $schema = $smo.parent.schema; $tbl = $smo.Name }
                #Return Trigger Object
                if ($trigger -ne $null)
                $trigger | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $trigger.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                        add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $server -passthru |
                        add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $dbname -passthru |
                        add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $schema -passthru |
                        add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $tbl -passthru 


} #Get-SqlTrigger

Gets an SMO Column object.
The Get-SqlColumn function gets a collection of SMO Column objects for the specified table or view.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlColumn
    Get-SqlColumn returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name "authors" | Get-SqlColumn
This command gets a collection of SMO Column objects for the authors table.

function Get-SqlColumn
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Table' -or $_.GetType().Name -eq 'View'})] $table

        foreach ($column in $table.Columns)
            #Return Column Object
            $column | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $column.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $table.parent.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $table.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $table.schema -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $table.Name -passthru 


} #Get-SqlColumn

Gets an SMO Index object.
The Get-SqlIndex function gets a collection of SMO Index objects for the specified table or view.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlIndex
    Get-SqlIndex returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name "authors" | Get-SqlIndex
This command gets a collection of SMO Index objects for the authors table.

function Get-SqlIndex
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Table' -or $_.GetType().Name -eq 'View'})] $table

        foreach ($index in $table.Indexes)
            #Return Index Object
            $index | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $index.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
  add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLIndexedColumns -value $(ConvertTo-IndexedColumnXML $index.IndexedColumns) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $table.parent.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $table.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $table.Schema -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $table.Name -passthru 


} #Get-SqlIndex

Gets an SMO Statistic object.
The Get-SqlStatistic function gets a collection of SMO Statistic objects for the specified table or view.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlStatistic
    Get-SqlStatistic returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Statistic object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "Northwind" | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlStatistic
This command gets a collection of SMO Statistic objects for all user tables in the Northwind database.

function Get-SqlStatistic
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Table' -or $_.GetType().Name -eq 'View'})] $table

        foreach ($statistic in $table.Statistics)
            #Only return statistics not associated with indexes
            if ($statistic.IsFromIndexCreation -eq $false)
            #Return Statistic Object
            $statistic | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $statistic.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLStatisticColumns -value $(ConvertTo-StatisticColumnXML $statistic.StatisticColumns) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $table.parent.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $table.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $table.Schema -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $table.Name -passthru 


} #Get-SqlStatistic

Gets an SMO Check object.
The Get-SqlCheck function gets a collection of SMO Check objects for the specified table or view.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlCheck
    Get-SqlCheck returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Check object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlCheck
This command gets a collection of SMO Check objects for all user tables in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlCheck
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Table' -or $_.GetType().Name -eq 'View'})] $table

        foreach ($Check in $table.Checks)
            #Return Check Object
            $Check | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
            add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $check.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $table.parent.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $table.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $table.Schema -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $table.Name -passthru 

} #Get-SqlCheck

Gets an SMO ForeignKey object.
The Get-SqlForeignKey function gets a collection of SMO ForeignKey objects for the specified table or view.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table or
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlForeignKey
    Get-SqlForeignKey returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ForeignKey object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlForeignKey
This command gets a collection of SMO ForeignKey objects for all user tables in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlForeignKey
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq 'Table' -or $_.GetType().Name -eq 'View'})] $table

        foreach ($ForeignKey in $table.ForeignKeys)
            #Return ForeignKey Object
            $ForeignKey | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
           add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $ForeignKey.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $table.parent.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $table.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Schema -value $table.Schema -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Table -value $table.Name -passthru 

} #Get-SqlForeignKey

Creates a new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions.
The New-SqlScriptingOptions function creates a new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions. This class is used for setting various SMO scripting options.
    You cannot pipe objects to New-SqlScriptingOptions
    New-SqlScriptingOptions returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions object.
ScriptingOptions can be used with Get-SqlScripter. See get-help Get-SqlScripter for additional information.
$scriptingOptions = New-SqlScriptingOptions
This command creates a new SqlScriptingOptions object and assigns output to $scriptingOptions variable.

function New-SqlScriptingOptions
    Write-Verbose "New-SqlScriptingOptions"

    New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions

} #New-SqlScriptingOptions

Scripts an SMO object.
The Get-SqlScripter function calls the script method for an SMO object(s).
    You can pipe SMO objects to Get-SqlScripter
    Get-SqlScripter returns an array System.String.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlScripter
This command scripts out all user tables in the pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name "authors" | Get-SqlScripter
This command scripts out the authors table.
$scriptingOptions = New-SqlScriptingOptions
$scriptingOptions.Permissions = $true
$scriptingOptions.IncludeIfNotExists = $true
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable | Get-SqlScripter -scriptingOptions $scriptingOptions
This command scripts out all users tables in the pubs database and passes a scriptingOptions.

function Get-SqlScripter
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Namespace -like "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo*"})] $smo,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions]$scriptingOptions=$(New-SqlScriptingOptions)

    { $smo.Script($scriptingOptions) }

} #Get-SqlScripter

Returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables for the specified database(s).
The Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables function returns the result set from Information_Schema.Tables for the specified database(s).
    You can pipe Database objects to Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables
    Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Tables
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables for the pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Tables -name "authors"
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables for the pubs database where the table name is like authors.

function Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$name='%'

$qry = @"
AND TABLE_NAME NOT IN ('dtproperties','sysdiagrams')

            Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry

} #Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables

Returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns for the specified database(s).
The Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns function returns the result set from Information_Schema.Columns for the specified database(s).
    You can pipe Database objects to Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns
    Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Columns
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns for the pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Columns -tblname "authors" -colname "au_fname"
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns for the pubs database where the table name is like authors and the column name is like au_fname.

function Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$tblname='%',
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$colname='%'

$qry = @"
WHERE TABLE_NAME NOT IN ('dtproperties','sysdiagrams')
AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%$tblname%'

            Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry
} #Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns

Returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Views for the specified database(s).
The Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views function returns the result set from Information_Schema.Views for the specified database(s).
    You can pipe Database objects to Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views
    Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Views
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Views for the pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Views -name "titleview"
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Views for the pubs database where the view name is like titleview.

function Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$name='%'

$qry = @"
WHERE TABLE_NAME like '%$name%'

            Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry
} #Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views

Returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines for the specified database(s).
The Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines function returns the result set from Information_Schema.Routines for the specified database(s).
    You can pipe Database objects to Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines
    Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Routines
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines for the pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-Information_Schema.Routines -name "reptq1"
This command returns the result set from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines for the pubs database where the routine name is like reptq1.

function Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$name='%',
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$text='%'

$qry = @"

            Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry
} #Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines

Returns the result set from sysdatabases for the specified SQL server.
The Get-SqlSysDatabases function returns the result set from SysDatabases for the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlSysDatabases
    Get-SqlSysDatabases returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlSysDatabases "Z002\sql2k8"
This command returns the result set from SysDatabases for the Z002\sql2k8 SQL server.
Get-SqlSysDatabases "Z002\sql2k8" -name "pubs"
This command returns the result set from SysDatabases where the database name is like pubs.

function Get-SqlSysDatabases
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$name='%'

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlSysDatabases:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlSysDatabases $($server.Name)"

    $database = Get-SqlDatabase $server 'master'
$qry = @"
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS Server, name FROM sysdatabases
WHERE name LIKE '%$name%'

    Get-SqlData -dbname $database -qry $qry

} #Get-SqlSysDatabases

Gets an SMO DataFile object.
The Get-SqlDataFile function gets a collection of SMO DataFile objects for the database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlDataFile
    Get-SqlDataFile returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlDataFile
This command gets a collection of SMO DataFile objects for all data files in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlDataFile
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

        foreach ($dataFile in $database.FileGroups | % {$_.Files})
            #Return DataFile Object
            $dataFile | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name FileGroup -value $dataFile.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name FreeSpace -value $($dataFile.Size - $dataFile.UsedSpace) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru
} #Get-SqlDataFile

Gets an SMO LogFile object.
The Get-SqlLogFile function gets a collection of SMO LogFile objects for the database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlLogFile
    Get-SqlLogFile returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlLogFile
This command gets a collection of SMO LogFile objects for all data files in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlLogFile
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

        foreach ($logFile in $database.LogFiles)
            #Return LogFile Object
            $logFile | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name FreeSpace -value $($logFile.Size - $logFile.UsedSpace) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru
} #Get-SqlLogFile

Returns a custom object with the Server name and version number.
The Get-SqlVersion function returns a custom object with the Server name and version number for the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlVersion
    Get-SqlVersion returns a Selected.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Information object.
Get-SqlVersion "Z002\sql2k8"
This command returns SQL version information for the Z002\sql2k8 SQL Server.

function Get-SqlVersion
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlVersion:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlVersion $($server.Name)"

    $server.information | Select @{name='Server';Expression={$server.Name}}, Version


Uses SQL-DMO to return the port number of the specified SQL Server.
The Get-SqlPort function uses SQL-DMO to return the port number of the specified SQL Server for the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlPort
    Get-SqlPort returns a System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject object.
Get-SqlPort "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
This command returns SQL port information for the Z002\sql2k8 SQL Server.

function Get-SqlPort
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$sqlserver

    #This can be done using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer,
    #but it has some severe limitations -- only support in 2005 or higher and must have a SQL
    #instance installed locally, so back SQLDMO instead of SMO for this one

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {   
            $dmoServer = New-Object -comobject "SQLDMO.SQLServer"
            $dmoServer.loginsecure = $true
            $tcpPort = $dmoServer.registry.tcpport
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{Server = $sqlserver; TcpPort = $tcpPort}
    catch {Write-Error "SQLDMO is not installed."}


function ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $extendedProperty

    Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-SqlExtendedPropertyXML"
    foreach ($xp in $extendedProperty)
            if ($xp.Name -ne $null -and $xp.Value -ne $null)
            { $xpXML += [string] "<ExtendedProperty Name=`"" + $xp.Name + "`" Value=`"" + $xp.Value + "`"></ExtendedProperty>" }

    Return $xpXML

} #ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML

Uses WMI to list all of the SQL Server related services along with the service state and service account.
The Get-Sql function uses WMI to list all of the SQL Server related services running on the specified computer along with the service state and service account.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-Sql
    Get-Sql returns a System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject object.
Get-Sql "Z002"
This command returns SQL service information for the Z002 Server.

function Get-Sql
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$computername

    if((get-wmiobject win32_pingstatus -Filter "address='$computername'").protocoladdress) 
        Get-WmiObject win32_service -computer $computername |
Where {($_.Name -Like "MSSQL*" -or $_.Name -Like "SQLAgent*" -or $_.Name -Like "SQLServer*" -or $_.Name -eq 'MSDTC') -and $_.Name -ne 'MSSQLServerADHelper'} | Select SystemName, Name, State, StartName
} #Get-Sql

function ConvertTo-StatisticColumnXML
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $statisticColumn

    Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-SqlStatisticColumnXML"
    foreach ($wa in $statisticColumn)
        $waXML += [string] "<StatisticColumn Name=`"" + $wa.Name + "`"</StatisticColumn>"

    Return $waXML

} #ConvertTo-StatisticColumnXML

function ConvertTo-IndexedColumnXML
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $indexedColumn

    Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-SqlIndexedColumnXML"
    foreach ($ix in $indexedColumn)
$ixXML += [string] "<IndexedColumn Name=`"" + $ix.Name + "`" Descending=`"" +$($ix.Descending.ToString()) + "`" IsComputed=`"" + $($ix.IsComputed.ToString())  + "`"</IndexedColumn>"

    Return $ixXML

} #ConvertTo-IndexedColumnXML

Performs a database consistency check.
The Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck function performs a database consistency check of the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO Database objects to Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck
    This function does not generate any output.
Performs the equivalent of a DBCC CHECKDB.
 Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck
This command performs a database consistency check of the pubs database.

function Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database

    { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
        Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck $($database.Name)"
        try   { $database.CheckTables('None') }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message

} #Invoke-SqlDatabaseCheck

Performs a reindex.
The Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild function performs a reindex operation on the specified index.
    You can pipe SMO Index objects to Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild
    This function does not generate any output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name authors | Get-SqlIndex | Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild
This command performs a reinidex of the authors table

function Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index]$index

    { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
        Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild $($index.Name)"
        try   { $index.Rebuild() }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message

} #Invoke-SqlIndexRebuild

Defragments an index.
The Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag function defragments the specified index.
    You can pipe SMO Index objects to Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag
    This function does not generate any output.
Performs the equivalent of DBCC INDEXDEFRAG
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name authors | Get-SqlIndex | Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag
This command defragments the indexes of the authors table

function Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index]$index

    { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
        Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag $($index.Name)"
        try   { $index.Reorganize() }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message

} #Invoke-SqlIndexDefrag

Returns index fragmentation.
The Get-SqlIndexFragmentation function returns index fragmentation of the specified index.
    You can pipe SMO Index objects to Get-SqlIndexFragmentation
    Get-SqlIndexFragmentation returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Performs the equivalent of DBCC SHOWCONTIG
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name authors | Get-SqlIndex | Get-SqlIndexFragmentation
This command gets index fragmentation of the indexes of the authors table

function Get-SqlIndexFragmentation
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index]$index

        Write-Verbose "Get-SqlIndexFragmentation $($index.Name)"

} #Get-SqlIndexFragmentation

Updates statistics.
The Update-SqlStatistic function updates the specified statistic.
    You can pipe SMO Statistic objects to Update-SqlStatistic
    This function does not generate any output.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" | Get-SqlTable -name authors | Get-SqlStatistic | Update-SqlStatistic
This command updates the SQL statistics of the authors table

function Update-SqlStatistic
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Statistic]$statistic,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.StatisticsScanType]$scanType='Default',
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [int]$sampleValue,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$recompute

    { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" }
        Write-Verbose "Update-Statistic $($statistic.Name)"

        try {
            if ($sampleValue -and $recompute)
            { $statistic.Update($scanType, $sampleValue, $true) }
            elseif ($sampleValue)
            { $statistic.Update($scanType, $sampleValue) }
            { $statistic.Update($scanType) }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message

} #Update-SqlStatistic

Performs a SQL database or log backup.
The Invoke-SqlBackup function performs a SQL database or log backup of the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-SqlBackup
    This function does not generate any output.
Invoke-SqlBackup "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "C:\sqlrec\pubs.bak"
This command backs up the pubs database to disk.

function Invoke-SqlBackup
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$filepath,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupActionType]$action='Database',
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$description='',
    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$name='',
    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$force,
    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$incremental,
    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$copyOnly

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #action can be Database or Log

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Invoke-SqlBackup:Param sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlBackup $($server.Name) $dbname"

    $backup = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup")
    $backupDevice = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem") $filepath, 'File'

    $backup.Action = $action
    $backup.BackupSetDescription = $description
    $backup.BackupSetName = $name
    if (!$server.Databases.Contains("$dbname")) {throw 'Database $dbname does not exist on $($server.Name).'}
    $backup.Database = $dbname
    $backup.Initialize = $($force.IsPresent)
    $backup.Incremental = $($incremental.IsPresent)
    if ($copyOnly)
    { if ($server.Information.Version.Major -ge 9 -and $smoVersion -ge 10) 
      { $backup.CopyOnly = $true }
      { throw 'CopyOnly is supported in SQL Server 2005(9.0) or higher with SMO version 10.0 or higher.' }
    $percentHandler = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler] {Write-Progress -activity "Backing up Database..." `
    -status "$($backup.Database)" -percentcomplete $($_.Percent); Write-Verbose "$($_.Percent) percent processed."}

    $completeHandler = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerMessageEventHandler] {Write-Verbose "$($_.Error.Message)"}

    try { $backup.SqlBackup($server) }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message
} #Invoke-SqlBackup

Performs a SQL database or log restore.
The Invoke-SqlRestore function performs a SQL database or log restore of the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-SqlRestore
    This function does not generate any output.
Invoke-SqlRestore "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "C:\sqlrec\pubs.bak" -force
This command restores the pubs database from disk replacing the existing database if exists.
Invoke-SqlRestore "Z002\sql2k8" "NorthwindTestRestore" "C:\sqlrec\Northwind.bak" -relocatefiles @{Northwind='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2K8\MSSQL\DATA\northwnd2.mdf'; Northwind_log='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2K8\MSSQL\DATA\northwnd2.ldf'} -force
This command restores the Northwind database as NorthwindTestRestore, relocates database files by passing a hashtable of file names and replaces the existing database if exists.

function Invoke-SqlRestore
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$filepath,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RestoreActionType]$action='Database',
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$stopat,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [hashtable]$relocatefiles,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$force,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$norecovery,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Restore", Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$keepreplication,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FileList", Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$FileListOnly

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #action can be Database or Log

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Invoke-SqlRestore:Param sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Invoke-SqlRestore $($server.Name) $dbname"

    $restore = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore")
    $restoreDevice = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem") $filepath, 'File'
    if ($FileListOnly)
    $restore.Action = $action
    $restore.Database = $dbname
    $restore.ReplaceDatabase = $($force.IsPresent)
    $restore.NoRecovery = $($norecovery.IsPresent)
    $restore.KeepReplication = $($keepreplication.IsPresent)
    if ($stopat)
    { $restore.ToPointInTime = $stopAt }

    if ($relocatefiles)
       foreach ($i in $relocatefiles.GetEnumerator())
            $logicalName = $($i.Key); $physicalName = $($i.Value);
            $relocateFile = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile") $logicalName, $physicalName

    $percentHandler = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler] {Write-Progress -activity "Restoring Database..." `
    -status "$($restore.Database)" -percentcomplete $($_.Percent); Write-Verbose "$($_.Percent) percent processed."}

    $completeHandler = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerMessageEventHandler] {Write-Verbose "$($_.Error.Message)"}

    try { $restore.SqlRestore($server) }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message
} #Invoke-SqlRestore

Removes a database from a SQL Server.
The Remove-SqlDatabase function removes the specified database from SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlDatabase
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "NorthwindTestRestore"
This command removes the NorthwindTestRestore database.

function Remove-SqlDatabase
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dbname
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname
    try { $database.Drop() }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

} #Remove-SqlDatabase

Adds a new filegroup to a database.
The Add-SqlFileGroup function Adds a new filegroup to the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlFileGroup
    Add-SqlFileGroup returns an Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup object.
Add-SqlFileGroup is used by Add-SqlDatabase.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Add-SqlFileGroup $database 'FileGroup2'
This command adds the filegroup FileGroup2 to the pubs database.

function Add-SqlFileGroup
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    $fileGroup = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup') $database, $name
    try { $database.FileGroups.Add($fileGroup) }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

    Write-Output $fileGroup

} #Add-SqlFileGroup

Adds a new dataFile to a filegroup.
The Add-SqlDataFile function adds a new DataFile to the specified filegroup.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlDataFile
    Add-SqlDataFile returns an Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile object.
Add-SqlDataFile is used by Add-SqlDatabase.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
$fileGroup = Add-SqlFileGroup $database 'FileGroup2'
Add-SqlDataFile -filegroup $fileGroup -name 'pubs_DataFile1' -filepath 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2K8\MSSQL\DATA\pubs_DataFile1.ndf'
This command adds the DataFile DataFile2 to the pubs database.

function Add-SqlDataFile
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup]$filegroup,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$filepath,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$size,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGrowthType]$growthType,
    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$growth,
    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$maxSize

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #GrowthType is KB, None, Percent
    $dataFile = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile') $filegroup, $name
    $dataFile.FileName = $filepath

    if ($size)
    { $dataFile.Size = $size }
    if ($growthType)
    { $dataFile.GrowthType = $growthType }
    if ($growth)
    { $dataFile.Growth = $growth }
    if ($maxSize)
    { $dataFile.MaxSize = $maxSize }

    try { $filegroup.Files.Add($dataFile) }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

} #Add-SqlDataFile

Adds a new LogFile to a database.
The Add-SqlLogFile function adds a new LogFile to the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlLogFile
    Add-SqlLogFile returns an Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile object.
Add-SqlLogFile is used by Add-SqlDatabase.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Add-SqlLogFile -database $database -name 'pubs_LogFile1' -filepath 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2K8\MSSQL\DATA\pubs_LogFile1.ldf'
This command adds the LogFile LogFile2 to the pubs database.

function Add-SqlLogFile
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$filepath,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$size,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGrowthType]$growthType,
    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$growth,
    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$maxSize

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #GrowthType is KB, None, Percent
    $logFile = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile') $database, $name
    $logFile.FileName = $filepath
    if ($size)
    { $logFile.Size = $size }
    if ($growthType)
    { $logFile.GrowthType = $growthType }
    if ($growth)
    { $logFile.Growth = $growth }
    if ($maxSize)
    { $logFile.MaxSize = $maxSize }

    try { $database.LogFiles.Add($logFile) }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

} #Add-SqlLogFile

Adds a new database to a SQL Server.
The Add-SqlDatabase function Adds a new database to the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlDatabase
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "NorthwindCopy"
This command adds the NorthwindCopy database to the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Add-SqlDatabase
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$dataName,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$dataFilePath,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$dataSize,
    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGrowthType]$dataGrowthType='KB',
    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$dataGrowth=1,
    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$dataMaxSize,
    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$logName,
    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$logFilePath,
    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$logSize,
    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGrowthType]$logGrowthType='Percent',
    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$logGrowth=10,
    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)] [double]$logMaxSize

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #GrowthType is KB, None, Percent
    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Add-SqlDatabase:Param sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Add-SqlDatabase $($server.Name) $dbname"

    if ($server.Databases.Contains("$dbname")) {throw 'Database $dbname already exists on $($server.Name).'}

    $database = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database') $server, $dbname

    #Need to implement overloaded method if migrated to compiled cmdlet

    if (!($logName))
    { $dataName = $dbname }
    if (!($dataFilePath))
    { $dataFilePath = $(Get-SqlDefaultDir $server 'Data') + '\' + $dbname + '.mdf' }
    if (!($logName))
    { $logName = $dbname + '_log' }
    if (!($logFilePath))
    { $logFilePath = $(Get-SqlDefaultDir $server 'Log') + '\' + $dbname + '_log.ldf' }

    $fileGroup = Add-SqlFileGroup $database 'PRIMARY'
Add-SqlDataFile -filegroup $fileGroup -name $dataName -filepath $dataFilePath -size $dataSize -growthtype $dataGrowthType -growth $dataGrowth -maxsize $dataMaxSize

Add-SqlLogFile -database $database -name $logName -filepath $logFilePath -size $logSize -growthtype $logGrowthType -growth $logGrowth -maxsize $logMaxSize

    try { $database.Create() }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

} #Add-SqlDatabase

Returns the default location for data and log files for a SQL Server.
The Get-SqlDefaultDir function returns the default location for data and log files for the specified SQL Server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlDefaultDir
    Get-SqlDefaultDir returns a System.Stringt.
The DefaultFile and DefaultLog properties are only written to registry if you modify the properties in SSMS
even setting the properties to same value will create the registry keys. If the properties have not been created
Get-SqlDefaultDir will use the InstallDataDirectory properties. This seems to recreate how SSMS works.
Get-SqlDefaultDir "Z002\sql2k8" "Data"
This command returns the default data directory for the Z002\sql2k8 server.
Get-SqlDefaultDir "Z002\sql2k8" "Log"
This command returns the default log directory for the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Get-SqlDefaultDir
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [ValidateSet("Data", "Log")]
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$dirtype
    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlDefaultDir:Param sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlDefaultDir $($server.Name)"
    #I thought about adding this properties to the server object in Get-SqlServer, but felt it was important
    #not to mask whether the default directories had been set or not. You should always set the default directories as
    #a configuration task
    switch ($dirtype)
        'Data'  { if ($server.DefaultFile) { $server.DefaultFile } else { $server.InstallDataDirectory + '\' + 'Data' } }
        'Log'   { if ($server.DefaultLog) { $server.DefaultLog } else { $server.InstallDataDirectory + '\' + 'Data' } }

} #Get-SqlDefaultDir

Adds a new user to a database.
The Add-SqlUser function adds a new user to the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlUser
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlUser "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnit"
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the pubs database.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Add-SqlUser -dbname $database "TestPSUnit"
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the pubs database.

function Add-SqlUser
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$login=$name,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$defaultSchema='dbo'

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Add-SqlUser:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Add-SqlUser $($database.Name) $name"

    $user = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.User') $database, $name
    $user.Login = $login
    if ($db.parent.Information.Version.Major -ne '8')
    { $user.DefaultSchema = $defaultschema }
    try { $user.Create() }
    catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $message = $ex.message
            $ex = $ex.InnerException
            while ($ex.InnerException)
                $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
            Write-Error $message

} #Add-SqlUser

Removes a user from a database.
The Remove-SqlUser function removes a user from the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlUser
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlUser "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnit"
This command Removes the TestPSUnit user from the pubs database.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Remove-SqlUser -dbname $database "TestPSUnit"
This command Removes the TestPSUnit user from the pubs database.

function Remove-SqlUser
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Remove-SqlUser:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Remove-SqlUser $($database.Name) $name"

    $user = $database.Users[$name]
    if ($user)
    { $user.Drop() }
    { throw "User $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Remove-SqlUser

Adds a login to a SQL Server.
The Add-SqlLogin function adds a new login to the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlLogin
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlLogin "Z002\sql2k8" "TestPSUnit" "SQLPSXTesting" 'SqlLogin'
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the Z002\sql2k8 server.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2k8"
Add-SqlLogin $server "TestPSUnit" "SQLPSXTesting" 'SqlLogin'
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Add-SqlLogin
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$password,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LoginType]$logintype='WindowsUser',
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DefaultDatabase='master',
    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$PasswordExpirationEnabled,
    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$PasswordPolicyEnforced

    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Add-SqlLogin:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlDatabase $($server.Name) $dbname"

    $login = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login') $server, $name
    $login.DefaultDatabase = $defaultDatabase

    if ($logintype -eq 'SqlLogin')
        $login.LoginType = $logintype
        if ($server.Information.Version.Major -ne '8')
            $login.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $($PasswordExpirationEnabled.IsPresent)
            $login.PasswordPolicyEnforced = $($PasswordPolicyEnforced.IsPresent)
        try { $login.Create($password) }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message
    elseif ($logintype -eq 'WindowsUser' -or $logintype -eq 'WindowsGroup')
        $login.LoginType = $logintype
        try { $login.Create() }
        catch {
                $ex = $_.Exception
                $message = $ex.message
                $ex = $ex.InnerException
                while ($ex.InnerException)
                    $message += "`n$ex.InnerException.message"
                    $ex = $ex.InnerException
                Write-Error $message


} #Add-SqlLogin

Removes a login from a SQL Server.
The Remove-SqlLogin function removes a login from the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlLogin
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlLogin "Z002\sql2k8" "TestPSUnit"
This command removes the TestPSUnit login from the Z002\sql2k8 server.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2k8"
Remove-SqlLogin $server "TestPSUnit"
This command removes the TestPSUnit login from the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Remove-SqlLogin

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Remove-SqlLogin:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Remove-SqlLogin $($server.Name) $name"

    $login = Get-SqlLogin $server | where {$_.name -eq $name}
    if ($login)
    { $login.Drop() }
    { throw "Login $name does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }

} #Remove-SqlLogin

Adds a login to a server role.
The Add-SqlServerRoleMember function adds a login to the specified server role.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlServerRoleMember
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlServerRoleMember "Z002\sql2k8" "TestPSUnit" "bulkadmin"
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the bulkadmin server role.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2k8"
Add-SqlServerRoleMember $server "TestPSUnit" "bulkadmin"
This command adds the TestPSUnit login to the bulkadmin server role.

function Add-SqlServerRoleMember
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$loginame,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$rolename

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Add-SqlServerRoleMember:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Add-SqlServerRoleMember $($server.Name) $name"

    if($server.Logins | where {$_.name -eq $loginame})
        $svrole = Get-SqlServerRole $server | where {$_.name -eq $rolename}

        if ($svrole)
        { $svrole.AddMember($loginame) }
        { throw "ServerRole $rolename does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }
    { throw "Login $loginame does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }

} #Add-SqlServerRoleMember

Removes a login from a server role.
The Remove-SqlServerRoleMember function removes a login from the specified server role.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlServerRoleMember
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlServerRoleMember "Z002\sql2k8" "TestPSUnit" "bulkadmin"
This command Removes the TestPSUnit login from the bulkadmin server role.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2k8"
Remove-SqlServerRoleMember $server "TestPSUnit" "bulkadmin"
This command Removes the TestPSUnit login from the bulkadmin server role.

function Remove-SqlServerRoleMember
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$loginame,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$rolename

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Remove-SqlServerRoleMember:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Remove-SqlServerRoleMember $($server.Name) $name"

    if($server.Logins | where {$_.name -eq $loginame})
        $svrole = Get-SqlServerRole $server | where {$_.name -eq $rolename}

        if ($svrole)
        { $svrole.DropMember($loginame) }
        { throw "ServerRole $rolename does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }
    { throw "Login $loginame does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }

} #Remove-SqlServerRoleMember

Adds a new database role to a database.
The Add-SqlDatabaseRole function adds a new database role to the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlDatabaseRole
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlDatabaseRole "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command adds the TestPSUnitDBRole role to the pubs database.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Add-SqlDatabaseRole -dbname $database -name "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command adds the TestPSUnitDBRole role to the pubs database.

function Add-SqlDatabaseRole
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Add-SqlDatabaseRole:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Add-SqlDatabaseRole $($database.Name) $name"

    if($database.Roles | where {$_.name -eq $name})
    { throw "DatabaseRole $name already exists in Database $($database.Name)." }
        $role = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabaseRole') $database, $name

} #Add-SqlDatabaseRole

Removes a database role from a database.
The Remove-SqlDatabaseRole function removes a new database role from the specified database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlDatabaseRole
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlDatabaseRole "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command Removes the TestPSUnitDBRole role from the pubs database.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Remove-SqlDatabaseRole -dbname $database -name "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command Removes the TestPSUnitDBRole role from the pubs database.

function Remove-SqlDatabaseRole
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Remove-SqlDatabaseRole:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Remove-SqlDatabaseRole $($database.Name) $name"

    $role = Get-SqlDatabaseRole $database | where {$_.name -eq $name}

    if ($role)
    { $role.Drop() }
    { throw "DatabaseRole $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Remove-SqlDatabaseRole

Adds a user or role to a database role.
The Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember function adds a user or role to the specified database role.
    You cannot pipe objects to Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember
    This function does not generate any output.
Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnit" "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command adds the TestUnit user to the TestPSUnitDBRole database role.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember -dbname $database -name "TestPSUnit" -rolename "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command adds the TestUnit user to the TestPSUnitDBRole database role.

function Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$rolename

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember $($database.Name) $name $rolename"

    if(($database.Users | where {$_.name -eq $name}) -or ($database.Roles | where {$_.name -eq $name}))
        $role = Get-SqlDatabaseRole $database | where {$_.name -eq $rolename}

        if ($role)
        { $role.AddMember($name) }
        { throw "DatabaseRole $rolename does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }
    { throw "Role or User $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Add-SqlDatabaseRoleMember

Removes a user or role from a database role.
The Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember function removes a user or role from the specified database role.
    You cannot pipe objects to Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember
    This function does not generate any output.
Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs" "TestPSUnit" "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command removes the TestUnit user to the TestPSUnitDBRole database role.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember -dbname $database -name "TestPSUnit" -rolename "TestPSUnitDBRole"
This command removes the TestUnit user to the TestPSUnitDBRole database role.

function Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$rolename

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember $($database.Name) $name $rolename"

    if(($database.Users | where {$_.name -eq $name}) -or ($database.Roles | where {$_.name -eq $name}))
        $role = Get-SqlDatabaseRole $database | where {$_.name -eq $rolename}

        if ($role)
        { $role.DropMember($name) }
        { throw "DatabaseRole $rolename does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }
    { throw "Role or User $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Remove-SqlDatabaseRoleMember

Sets a server level permissions.
The Set-SqlServerPermission function sets a server permission.
    You cannot pipe objects to Set-SqlServerPermission
    This function does not generate any output.
Set-SqlServerPermission "Z002\sql2k8" "ViewServerState" "TestPSUnit" "Grant"
This command grants ViewServerState permission to the TestPSUnit login.
$server = Get-SqlServer "Z002\sql2k8"
Set-SqlServerPermission $server "ViewServerState" "TestPSUnit" "Grant"
This command grants ViewServerState permission to the TestPSUnit login.

function Set-SqlServerPermission
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermissionSetValue]$permission,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [ValidateSet("Grant", "Deny", "Revoke")]
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$action

#Valid serverpermissions:
#AdministerBulkOperations AlterAnyConnection AlterAnyCredential AlterAnyDatabase AlterAnyEndpoint AlterAnyEventNotification
#AlterAnyLinkedServer AlterAnyLogin AlterAnyServerAudit AlterResources AlterServerState AlterSettings AlterTrace AuthenticateServer
#ConnectSql ControlServer CreateAnyDatabase CreateDdlEventNotification CreateEndpoint CreateTraceEventNotification ExternalAccessAssembly
#UnsafeAssembly ViewAnyDatabase ViewAnyDefinition ViewServerState

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Set-SqlServerPermission:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Set-SqlServerPermission $($server.Name) $serverpermission $name $action"

    if($server.Logins | where {$_.name -eq $name})
        $perm = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ServerPermissionSet')
        $perm.$($permission.ToString()) = $true

        switch ($action)
            'Grant'  { $server.Grant($perm,$name) }
            'Deny'   { $server.Deny($perm,$name) }
            'Revoke' { $server.Revoke($perm,$name) }
    { throw "Login $name does not exist on server $($server.Name)." }

} #Set-SqlServerPermission

Sets database level permissions.
The Set-SqlDatabasePermission function sets database level permissions.
    You cannot pipe objects to Set-SqlDatabasePermission
    This function does not generate any output.
Set-SqlDatabasePermission -sqlserver "Z002\sql2k8" -dbname $database -permission "ViewDefinition" -name "TestPSUnit" -action "Grant"
This command grants ViewDefinition permission to the TestPSUnit user.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
Set-SqlDatabasePermission -dbname $database -permission "ViewDefinition" -name "TestPSUnit" -action "Grant"
This command grants ViewDefinition permission to the TestPSUnit user.

function Set-SqlDatabasePermission
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabasePermissionSetValue]$permission,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [ValidateSet("Grant", "Deny", "Revoke")]
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$action

#Valid databasepermissions:
#Alter AlterAnyApplicationRole AlterAnyAssembly AlterAnyAsymmetricKey AlterAnyCertificate AlterAnyContract AlterAnyDatabaseAudit
#AlterAnyDatabaseDdlTrigger AlterAnyDatabaseEventNotification AlterAnyDataspace AlterAnyFulltextCatalog AlterAnyMessageType
#AlterAnyRemoteServiceBinding AlterAnyRole AlterAnyRoute AlterAnySchema AlterAnyService AlterAnySymmetricKey AlterAnyUser Authenticate
#BackupDatabase BackupLog Checkpoint Connect ConnectReplication Control CreateAggregate CreateAssembly CreateAsymmetricKey CreateCertificate
#CreateContract CreateDatabase CreateDatabaseDdlEventNotification CreateDefault CreateFulltextCatalog CreateFunction CreateMessageType
#CreateProcedure CreateQueue CreateRemoteServiceBinding CreateRole CreateRoute CreateRule CreateSchema CreateService CreateSymmetricKey
#CreateSynonym CreateTable CreateType CreateView CreateXmlSchemaCollection Delete Execute Insert References Select Showplan
#SubscribeQueryNotifications TakeOwnership Update ViewDatabaseState ViewDefinition

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Set-SqlDatabasePermission:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Set-SqlDatabasePermission $($database.Name) $name $permission $action"

    if(($database.Users | where {$_.name -eq $name}) -or ($database.Roles | where {$_.name -eq $name}))
        $perm = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DatabasePermissionSet')
        $perm.$($permission.ToString()) = $true 

        switch ($action)
            'Grant'  { $database.Grant($perm,$name) }
            'Deny'   { $database.Deny($perm,$name) }
            'Revoke' { $database.Revoke($perm,$name) }
    { throw "Role or User $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Set-SqlDatabasePermission

Sets database object level permissions.
The Set-SqlObjectPermission function sets database object level permissions.
    You can pipe SMO objects to Set-SqlObjectPermission
    This function does not generate any output.
$database = Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
$database | get-sqlschema -name dbo | set-sqlobjectpermission -permission Select -name TestPSUnit -action Grant
This command grants select permission on the dbo schema to the TestPSUnit user.

function Set-SqlObjectPermission

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Namespace -like "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo*"})] $smo,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSetValue]$permission,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$name,
    [ValidateSet("Grant", "Deny", "Revoke")]
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$action
#Alter Connect Control Delete Execute Impersonate Insert Receive References Select Send TakeOwnership Update ViewChangeTracking ViewDefinition
#Example: Get-SqlDatabase 'Z002\Sql1 pubs | get-sqlschema -name dbo | set-sqlobjectpermission -permission Select -name test5 -action Grant
    Write-Verbose "Set-SqlObjectPermission $($smo.Name) $permission $name $action"

        if(($smo.Parent.Users | where {$_.name -eq $name}) -or ($_.Parent.Roles | where {$_.name -eq $name}))
            $perm = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSet')
            $perm.$($permission.ToString()) = $true 

            switch ($action)
                'Grant'  { $smo.Grant($perm,$name) }
                'Deny'   { $smo.Deny($perm,$name) }
                'Revoke' { $smo.Revoke($perm,$name) }
                default  { throw 'Set-SqlObjectPermission:Param `$action must be Grant, Deny or Revoke.' }
        { throw "Role or User $name does not exist in database $($database.Name)." }

} #Set-SqlObjectPermission

Gets an SMO schema object.
The Get-SqlSchema function gets a collection of SMO schema objects for the specified database.
    You can pipe SMO database objects to Get-SqlSchema
    Get-SqlSchema returns a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Schema object.
Additional properties including the database, server and extended properties are included in the output.
Get-SqlSchema $(Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs)
This command gets a collection of SMO schema objects for SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8, pubs database.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" | Get-SqlSchema
This command gets a collection of SMO schema objects for all user databases on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.
Get-SqlDatabase "Z002\sql2K8" pubs | Get-SqlSchema -name "dbo"
This command gets an SMO schema object for the dbo schema in the pubs database on SQL Server Z002\SQL2K8.

function Get-SqlSchema
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database]$database,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Include,
    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$Exclude

        foreach ($schema in $database.Schemas)
            if ((-not($Include)  -or ($Include -and $schema.name -like "$Include")) `
            -and  (-not($Exclude) -or ($Exclude -and $schema.name -notlike "$Exclude")))

                #Return schema Object
                $schema | add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name timestamp -value $(Get-SessionTimeStamp) -passthru |
               add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name XMLExtendedProperties -value $(ConvertTo-ExtendedPropertyXML $schema.ExtendedProperties) -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name Server -value $database.parent.Name -passthru |
                    add-Member -memberType noteProperty -name dbname -value $database.Name -passthru

} #Get-SqlSchema

Returns the current proccesses on a SQL Server. Equivalent to sp_who.
The Get-SqlProcess function returns the current proccesses on a SQL Server. Equivalent to sp_who.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlProcess
    Get-SqlProcess returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlProcess "Z002\sql2k8"
This command returns the current processes on the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Get-SqlProcess
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [int]$spid,
    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [string]$name,
    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$excludeSystemProcesses

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw "Get-SqlProcess:Param '`$sqlserver' must be a String or Server object." }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlProcess $($server.Name)"
        if ($spid)
        { $server.EnumProcesses($spid) }
        elseif ($name)
        { $server.EnumProcesses($name) }
        { $server.EnumProcesses($($excludeSystemProcesses.IsPresent)) }

} #Get-SqlProcess

Returns the current open transactions for a database.
The Get-SqlTransaction function returns returns the current open transactions for a database.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlTransaction
    Get-SqlTransaction returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlTransaction "Z002\sql2k8" "pubs"
This command returns the current open transactoin in the pubs database.

function Get-SqlTransaction
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] $dbname

    switch ($dbname.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $database = Get-SqlDatabase $sqlserver $dbname }
        'Database' { $database = $dbname }
        default { throw "Get-SqlTransaction:Param '`$dbname' must be a String or Database object." }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlTransaction $($database.Name)"


} #Get-SqlTransaction

Returns the SQL Server Errorlog.
The Get-SqlErrorLog function returns the SQL Server Errorlog.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlErrorLog
    Get-SqlErrorLog returns an array of System.Data.DataRow.
Get-SqlErrorLog "Z002\sql2k8"
This command returns the current SQL ErrorLog on the Z002\sql2k8 server.

function Get-SqlErrorLog
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver,
    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [int]$lognumber=0

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw "Get-SqlErrorLog:Param '`$sqlserver' must be a String or Server object." }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlErrorLog $($server.Name)"
} #Get-SqlErrorLog

Returns a custom object with the Server name and Edition.
The Get-SqlEdition function returns a custom object with the Server name and Edition for the specified SQL server.
    You cannot pipe objects to Get-SqlEdition
    Get-SqlEdition returns a Selected.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Information object.
Get-SqlEdition "Z002\sql2k8"
This command returns SQL Edition information for the Z002\sql2k8 SQL Server.

function Get-SqlEdition
    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] $sqlserver

    switch ($sqlserver.GetType().Name)
        'String' { $server = Get-SqlServer $sqlserver }
        'Server' { $server = $sqlserver }
        default { throw 'Get-SqlEdition:Param `$sqlserver must be a String or Server object.' }

    Write-Verbose "Get-SqlEdition $($server.Name)"

    $server.information | Select @{name='Server';Expression={$server.Name}}, Edition


New-Alias -name Get-Information_Schema.Tables -value Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Tables -Description "SQLPSX Alias"
New-Alias -name Get-Information_Schema.Columns -value Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Columns -Description "SQLPSX Alias"
New-Alias -name Get-Information_Schema.Views -value Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Views -Description "SQLPSX Alias"
New-Alias -name Get-Information_Schema.Routines -value Get-SqlInformation_Schema.Routines -Description "SQLPSX Alias"
New-Alias -name Get-SysDatabases -value Get-SqlSysDatabases -Description "SQLPSX Alias"

Export-ModuleMember -function * -alias *