
function Get-TargetResource 

    #Load helper module
    Import-Module "$((Get-Item -LiteralPath "$($PSScriptRoot)").Parent.Parent.FullName)\Misc\xExchangeCommon.psm1" -Verbose:0

    LogFunctionEntry -Parameters @{"Path" = $Path; "Arguments" = $Arguments} -VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference

    $returnValue = @{
        Path = $Path
        Arguments = $Arguments


function Set-TargetResource


    Import-Module "$((Get-Item -LiteralPath "$($PSScriptRoot)").Parent.Parent.FullName)\Misc\xExchangeCommon.psm1" -Verbose:0

    LogFunctionEntry -Parameters @{"Path" = $Path; "Arguments" = $Arguments} -VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference

    $installStatus = GetInstallStatus -Arguments $Arguments

    if ($installStatus.ShouldStartInstall -eq $true)
        #Check if WSMan needs to be configured, as it will require an immediate reboot
        $needReboot = CheckWSManConfig -AllowImmediateReboot $AllowImmediateReboot

        if ($needReboot -eq $true)

        Write-Verbose "Initiating Exchange Setup. Command: $($Path) $($Arguments)"

        StartScheduledTask -Path "$($Path)" -Arguments "$($Arguments)" -Credential $Credential -TaskName "Install Exchange" -VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference

        $detectedExsetup = $false

        Write-Verbose "Waiting up to 60 seconds before exiting to give time for ExSetup.exe to start"

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt 60; $i++)
            if ((Get-Process -Name ExSetup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                Write-Verbose "Detected that ExSetup.exe is running"
                $detectedExsetup = $true

        if ($detectedExsetup -eq $false)
            throw "Waited 60 seconds, but was unable to detect that ExSetup.exe was started"

        #Now wait for setup to finish
        while ((Get-Process -Name ExSetup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Setup is still running at $([DateTime]::Now). Sleeping for 1 minute."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        if ($installStatus.SetupComplete)
            Write-Verbose "Exchange setup has already successfully completed."
            Write-Verbose "Exchange setup is already in progress."

function Test-TargetResource 


    Import-Module "$((Get-Item -LiteralPath "$($PSScriptRoot)").Parent.Parent.FullName)\Misc\xExchangeCommon.psm1" -Verbose:0

    LogFunctionEntry -Parameters @{"Path" = $Path; "Arguments" = $Arguments} -VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference

    $installStatus = GetInstallStatus -Arguments $Arguments

    if ($installStatus.ShouldStartInstall -eq $true)
        if($installStatus.ShouldInstallLanguagePack -eq $true)
            Write-Verbose "Language pack will be installed"
            Write-Verbose "Exchange is either not installed, or a previous install only partially completed."
        if ($installStatus.SetupComplete)
            Write-Verbose "Exchange setup has already successfully completed."
            Write-Verbose "Exchange setup is already in progress."

    return (!($installStatus.ShouldStartInstall))

#Checks for the exact status of Exchange setup and returns the results in a Hashtable
function GetInstallStatus

    $shouldStartInstall = $false

    $shouldInstallLanguagePack = ShouldInstallLanguagePack -Arguments $Arguments
    $setupRunning = IsSetupRunning
    $setupComplete = IsSetupComplete
    $exchangePresent = IsExchangePresent
    $setupPartiallyComplete = IsSetupPartiallyCompleted

    if ($setupRunning -eq $true -or $setupComplete -eq $true)
        if($shouldInstallLanguagePack -eq $true -and $setupComplete -eq $true)
            $shouldStartInstall = $true
            #Do nothing. Either Install is already running, or it's already finished successfully
    elseif ($exchangePresent -eq $false -or $setupPartiallyComplete -eq $true)
        $shouldStartInstall = $true

    $returnValue = @{
        ShouldInstallLanguagePack = $shouldInstallLanguagePack
        SetupRunning = $setupRunning
        SetupComplete = $setupComplete
        ExchangePresent = $exchangePresent
        SetupPartiallyComplete = $setupPartiallyComplete
        ShouldStartInstall = $shouldStartInstall


#Check for missing registry keys that may cause Exchange setup to try to restart WinRM mid setup , which will in turn cause the DSC resource to fail
#If any required keys are missing, configure WinRM, then force a reboot
function CheckWSManConfig
    $needReboot = $false

    $wsmanKey = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($wsmanKey -ne $null)
        if ($wsmanKey.UpdatedConfig -eq $null)
            $needReboot = $true

            Write-Verbose "Value 'UpdatedConfig' missing from registry key HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN. Running: winrm i restore winrm/config"

            Set-Location "$($env:windir)\System32\inetsrv"
            Invoke-Expression -Command "winrm i restore winrm/config" | Out-Null

            Write-Verbose "Machine needs to be rebooted before Exchange setup can proceed"

            $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
        throw "Unable to find registry key: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN"

    return $needReboot

function ShouldInstallLanguagePack

    if($Arguments -match '(?<=/AddUMLanguagePack:)(([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2},?)+)(?=\s)')
        $Cultures = $Matches[0]
        Write-Verbose "AddUMLanguagePack parameters detected: $Cultures"
        $Cultures = $Cultures -split ","

        foreach($Culture in $Cultures)
            if((IsUMLanguagePackInstalled -Culture $Culture) -eq $false)
                Write-Verbose "UM Language Pack: $Culture is not installed"
                return $true
    return $false

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource