
# Localized ArchiveResources.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
InvalidChecksumArgsMessage=Specifying a Checksum without requesting content validation (the Validate parameter) is not meaningful
InvalidDestinationDirectory=The specified destination directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory
InvalidSourcePath=The specified source file {0} does not exist or is not a file
ErrorOpeningExistingFile=An error occurred while opening the file {0} on disk. Please examine the inner exception for details
ErrorOpeningArchiveFile=An error occurred while opening the archive file {0}. Please examine the inner exception for details
ItemExistsButIsWrongType=The named item ({0}) exists but is not the expected type, and Force was not specified
ItemExistsButIsIncorrect=The destination file {0} has been determined not to match the source, but Force has not been specified. Cannot continue
ErrorCopyingToOutstream=An error was encountered while copying the archived file to {0}
PackageUninstalled=The archive at {0} was removed from destination {1}
PackageInstalled=The archive at {0} was unpacked to destination {1}
ConfigurationStarted=The configuration of MSFT_ArchiveResource is starting
ConfigurationFinished=The configuration of MSFT_ArchiveResource has completed
MakeDirectory=Make directory {0}
RemoveFileAndRecreateAsDirectory=Remove existing file {0} and replace it with a directory of the same name
RemoveFile=Remove file {0}
RemoveDirectory=Remove directory {0}
UnzipFile=Unzip archived file to {0}
DestMissingOrIncorrectTypeReason=The destination file {0} was missing or was not a file
DestHasIncorrectHashvalue=The destination file {0} exists but its checksum did not match the origin file
DestShouldNotBeThereReason=The destination file {0} exists but should not
PathNotFoundError=The path {0} either does not exist or is not a valid file system path.
InvalidZipFileExtensionError={0} is not a supported archive file format. {1} is the only supported archive file format.
ZipFileExistError=The archive file {0} already exists. If you want to update the existing archive file, run the same command with -Update switch parameter.
InvalidPathForExpandError=The input to Path parameter {0} contains multiple file system paths. When DestinationType is set to Directory, the Path parameter can accept only one path to the archive file which would be expanded to the path specified by Destination parameter.
InvalidDirZipFileExtensionError={0} is a directory path. The destination path needs to be a path to an archive file. {1} is the only supported archive file format.
DuplicatePathFoundError=The input to {0} parameter contains a duplicate path '{1}'. Provide a unique set of paths as input to {2} parameter.