
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData @'
FileNotFound=File not found in the environment path.
AbsolutePathOrFileName=Absolute path or file name expected.
InvalidArgument=Invalid argument: '{0}' with value: '{1}'.
InvalidArgumentAndMessage={0} {1}
ProcessStarted=Process matching path '{0}' started
ProcessesStopped=Proceses matching path '{0}' with Ids '({1})' stopped.
ProcessAlreadyStarted=Process matching path '{0}' found running and no action required.
ProcessAlreadyStopped=Process matching path '{0}' not found running and no action required.
ErrorStopping=Failure stopping processes matching path '{0}' with IDs '({1})'. Message: {2}.
ErrorStarting=Failure starting process matching path '{0}'. Message: {1}.
ProcessNotFound=Process matching path '{0}' not found
PathShouldBeAbsolute="The path should be absolute"
PathShouldExist="The path should exist"
ParameterShouldNotBeSpecified="Parameter {0} should not be specified."
FailureWaitingForProcessesToStart="Failed to wait for processes to start"
FailureWaitingForProcessesToStop="Failed to wait for processes to stop"


Import-LocalizedData  LocalizedData -filename MSFT_xProcessResource.strings.psd1

function ExtractArguments($functionBoundParameters,[string[]]$argumentNames,[string[]]$newArgumentNames)
    for($i=0;$i -lt $argumentNames.Count;$i++)

        if($newArgumentNames -eq $null)


    return $returnValue

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $Path=(ResolvePath $Path)
    $PSBoundParameters["Path"] = $Path
    $getArguments = ExtractArguments $PSBoundParameters ("Path","Arguments","Credential")
    $processes = @(GetWin32_Process @getArguments)

    if($processes.Count -eq 0)
        return @{

    foreach($process in $processes)
        # in case the process was killed between GetWin32_Process and this point, we should
        # ignore errors which will generate empty entries in the return
        $gpsProcess = (get-process -id $process.ProcessId -ErrorAction Ignore)

            Arguments=(GetProcessArgumentsFromCommandLine $process.CommandLine)

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]





    $Path=ResolvePath $Path
    $PSBoundParameters["Path"] = $Path
    $getArguments = ExtractArguments $PSBoundParameters ("Path","Arguments","Credential")
    $processes = @(GetWin32_Process @getArguments)

    if($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        "StandardOutputPath","StandardErrorPath","StandardInputPath","WorkingDirectory" | AssertParameterIsNotSpecified $PSBoundParameters

        if ($processes.Count -gt 0)

           $err=Stop-Process -Id $processIds -force 2>&1

           if($err -eq $null)
               Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ProcessesStopped -f $Path,($processIds -join ","))
               Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ErrorStopping -f $Path,($processIds -join ","),($err | out-string))
               throw $err

           # Before returning from Set-TargetResource we have to ensure a subsequent Test-TargetResource is going to work
           if (!(WaitForProcessCount @getArguments -waitCount 0))
                $message = $LocalizedData.ErrorStopping -f $Path,($processIds -join ","),$LocalizedData.FailureWaitingForProcessesToStop
                Write-Log $message
                ThrowInvalidArgumentError "FailureWaitingForProcessesToStop" $message
            Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ProcessAlreadyStopped -f $Path)
        "StandardInputPath","WorkingDirectory" |  AssertAbsolutePath $PSBoundParameters -Exist
        "StandardOutputPath","StandardErrorPath" | AssertAbsolutePath $PSBoundParameters

        if ($processes.Count -eq 0)
            $startArguments = ExtractArguments $PSBoundParameters `
                 ("Path",     "Arguments",    "Credential", "StandardOutputPath",     "StandardErrorPath",     "StandardInputPath", "WorkingDirectory") `
                 ("FilePath", "ArgumentList", "Credential",  "RedirectStandardOutput", "RedirectStandardError", "RedirectStandardInput", "WorkingDirectory")


                    $argumentError = $false
                        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("StandardOutputPath") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("StandardInputPath") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WorkingDirectory"))
                            $argumentError = $true
                            $errorMessage = "Can't specify StandardOutptPath, StandardInputPath or WorkingDirectory when trying to run a process under a user context"
                            throw $errorMessage
                            [Source.NativeMethods]::CreateProcessAsUser(("$Path "+$Arguments), $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Domain, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
                        $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException $_;
                            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
                            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception,"Invalid combination of arguments", $errorCategory, $null
                            $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::OperationStopped
                            $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, "Win32Exception", $errorCategory, $null
                        $err = $errorRecord

                    $err=Start-Process @startArguments 2>&1
                if($err -eq $null)
                    Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ProcessStarted -f $Path)
                    Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ErrorStarting -f $Path,($err | Out-String))
                    throw $err

                # Before returning from Set-TargetResource we have to ensure a subsequent Test-TargetResource is going to work
                if (!(WaitForProcessCount @getArguments -waitCount 1))
                    $message = $LocalizedData.ErrorStarting -f $Path,$LocalizedData.FailureWaitingForProcessesToStart
                    Write-Log $message
                    ThrowInvalidArgumentError "FailureWaitingForProcessesToStart" $message
            Write-Log ($LocalizedData.ProcessAlreadyStarted -f $Path)

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]





    $Path=ResolvePath $Path
    $PSBoundParameters["Path"] = $Path
    $getArguments = ExtractArguments $PSBoundParameters ("Path","Arguments","Credential")
    $processes = @(GetWin32_Process @getArguments)

    if($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        return ($processes.Count -eq 0)
        return ($processes.Count -gt 0)

function GetWin32ProcessOwner
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # if the process was killed by the time this is called, GetOwner
    # will throw a WMIMethodException "Not found"
        $owner = $process.GetOwner()

    if($owner.Domain -ne $null)
        return $owner.Domain + "\" + $owner.User
        return $owner.User

function WaitForProcessCount
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    $start = [DateTime]::Now
        $getArguments = ExtractArguments $PSBoundParameters ("Path","Arguments","Credential")
        $value = @(GetWin32_Process @getArguments).Count -eq $waitCount
    } while(!$value -and ([DateTime]::Now - $start).TotalMilliseconds -lt 2000)

    return $value

function GetWin32_Process

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    $fileName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path)

    $gpsProcesses = @(get-process -Name $fileName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

    if($gpsProcesses.Count -ge $useWmiObjectCount)
        # if there are many processes it is faster to perform a Get-WmiObject
        # in order to get Win32_Process objects for all processes
        Write-Verbose "When gpsprocess.count is greater than usewmiobjectcount"
        $Path=WQLEscape $Path
        $filter = "ExecutablePath = '$Path'"
        $processes = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter $filter
        # if there are few processes, building a Win32_Process for
        # each matching result of get-process is faster
        $processes = foreach($gpsProcess in $gpsProcesses)
            if(!($gpsProcess.Path -ieq $Path))

                Write-Verbose "in process handle, $($gpsProcess.Id)"
                #ignore if could not retrieve process

        # Since there are credentials we need to call the GetOwner method in each process to search for matches
        $processes = $processes | where { (GetWin32ProcessOwner $_) -eq $Credential.UserName }


    if($Arguments -eq $null) {$Arguments = ""}
    $processes = $processes | where { (GetProcessArgumentsFromCommandLine $_.CommandLine) -eq $Arguments }

    return $processes

   Strips the Arguments part of a commandLine. In "c:\temp\a.exe X Y Z" the Arguments part is "X Y Z".

function GetProcessArgumentsFromCommandLine

    if($commandLine -eq $null)
        return ""


    if($commandLine.Length -eq 0)
        return ""

    if($commandLine[0] -eq '"')
        $charToLookfor=[char]' '

    $endofCommand=$commandLine.IndexOf($charToLookfor ,1)
    if($endofCommand -eq -1)
        return ""

    return $commandLine.Substring($endofCommand+1).Trim()

   Escapes a string to be used in a WQL filter as the one passed to get-wmiobject

function WQLEscape

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $query.Replace("\","\\").Replace('"','\"').Replace("'","\'")

function ThrowInvalidArgumentError

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $exception = New-Object System.ArgumentException $errorMessage;
    $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null
    throw $errorRecord

function ResolvePath
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Path = [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($Path)

    if(IsRootedPath $Path)
        if(!(Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf))
            ThrowInvalidArgumentError "CannotFindRootedPath" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f "Path",$Path), $LocalizedData.FileNotFound)

        return $Path

        ThrowInvalidArgumentError "EmptyEnvironmentPath" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f "Path",$Path), $LocalizedData.FileNotFound)

    # This will block relative paths. The statement is only true id $Path contains a plain file name.
    # Checking a relative path against segments of the $env:Path does not make sense
    if((Split-Path $Path -Leaf) -ne $Path)
        ThrowInvalidArgumentError "NotAbsolutePathOrFileName" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f "Path",$Path), $LocalizedData.AbsolutePathOrFileName)

    foreach($rawSegment in $env:Path.Split(";"))
        $segment = [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($rawSegment)

        # if an exception causes $segmentedRooted not to be set, we will consider it $false
        $segmentRooted = $false
            # If the whole path passed through [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted with no exceptions, it does not have
            # invalid characters, so segment has no invalid characters and will not throw as well
        catch {}


        $candidate = join-path $segment $Path

        if(Test-Path $candidate -PathType Leaf)
            return $candidate

    ThrowInvalidArgumentError "CannotFindRelativePath" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f "Path",$Path), $LocalizedData.FileNotFound)

function AssertAbsolutePath

        [Parameter (ValueFromPipeline=$true)]




        if(!(IsRootedPath $Path))
            ThrowInvalidArgumentError "PathShouldBeAbsolute" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f $ParameterName,$Path),


        if(!(Test-Path $Path))
            ThrowInvalidArgumentError "PathShouldExist" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f $ParameterName,$Path),

function AssertParameterIsNotSpecified

        [Parameter (ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

            ThrowInvalidArgumentError "ParameterShouldNotBeSpecified" ($LocalizedData.ParameterShouldNotBeSpecified -f $ParameterName)

function IsRootedPath
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        return [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path)
        # if the Path has invalid characters like >, <, etc, we cannot determine if it is rooted so we do not go on
        ThrowInvalidArgumentError "CannotGetIsPathRooted" ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgumentAndMessage -f ($LocalizedData.InvalidArgument -f "Path",$Path), $_.Exception.Message)

function Write-Log
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Message, $null, $null))
        Write-Verbose $Message

function CallPInvoke
$script:ProgramSource = @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;

namespace Source
    public static class NativeMethods
        //The following structs and enums are used by the various Win32 API's that are used in the code below

        public struct STARTUPINFO
            public Int32 cb;
            public string lpReserved;
            public string lpDesktop;
            public string lpTitle;
            public Int32 dwX;
            public Int32 dwY;
            public Int32 dwXSize;
            public Int32 dwXCountChars;
            public Int32 dwYCountChars;
            public Int32 dwFillAttribute;
            public Int32 dwFlags;
            public Int16 wShowWindow;
            public Int16 cbReserved2;
            public IntPtr lpReserved2;
            public IntPtr hStdInput;
            public IntPtr hStdOutput;
            public IntPtr hStdError;

        public struct PROCESS_INFORMATION
            public IntPtr hProcess;
            public IntPtr hThread;
            public Int32 dwProcessID;
            public Int32 dwThreadID;

        public enum LogonType
            LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE = 2,
            LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK = 3,
            LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH = 4,
            LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE = 5,
            LOGON32_LOGON_UNLOCK = 7,

        public enum LogonProvider
            LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0,
        public struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
            public Int32 Length;
            public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
            public bool bInheritHandle;


        public enum TOKEN_TYPE
            TokenPrimary = 1,

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        internal struct TokPriv1Luid
            public int Count;
            public long Luid;
            public int Attr;

        public const int GENERIC_ALL_ACCESS = 0x10000000;
        public const int CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000;
        internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002;
        internal const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008;
        internal const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x00000020;
        internal const string SE_INCRASE_QUOTA = "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege";

              EntryPoint = "CloseHandle", SetLastError = true,
              CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);

              EntryPoint = "CreateProcessAsUser", SetLastError = true,
              CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
        public static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(
            IntPtr hToken,
            string lpApplicationName,
            string lpCommandLine,
            ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
            ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
            bool bInheritHandle,
            Int32 dwCreationFlags,
            IntPtr lpEnvrionment,
            string lpCurrentDirectory,
            ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
            ref PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation

        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "DuplicateTokenEx")]
        public static extern bool DuplicateTokenEx(
            IntPtr hExistingToken,
            Int32 dwDesiredAccess,
            ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
            Int32 ImpersonationLevel,
            Int32 dwTokenType,
            ref IntPtr phNewToken

        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern Boolean LogonUser(
            String lpszUserName,
            String lpszDomain,
            String lpszPassword,
            LogonType dwLogonType,
            LogonProvider dwLogonProvider,
            out IntPtr phToken

        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        internal static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(
            IntPtr htok,
            bool disall,
            ref TokPriv1Luid newst,
            int len,
            IntPtr prev,
            IntPtr relen

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken(
            IntPtr h,
            int acc,
            ref IntPtr phtok

        [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue(
            string host,
            string name,
            ref long pluid

        public static void CreateProcessAsUser(string strCommand, string strDomain, string strName, string strPassword)
            var hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
            var hDupedToken = IntPtr.Zero;
            TokPriv1Luid tp;
            var pi = new PROCESS_INFORMATION();
            var sa = new SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
            sa.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(sa);
            Boolean bResult = false;
                bResult = LogonUser(
                    out hToken
                if (!bResult)
                    throw new Win32Exception("The user could not be logged on. Ensure that the user has an existing profile on the machine and that correct credentials are provided. Logon error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
                IntPtr hproc = GetCurrentProcess();
                IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
                bResult = OpenProcessToken(
                        TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY,
                        ref htok
                    throw new Win32Exception("Open process token error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
                tp.Count = 1;
                tp.Luid = 0;
                tp.Attr = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
                bResult = LookupPrivilegeValue(
                    ref tp.Luid
                    throw new Win32Exception("Error in looking up privilege of the process. This should not happen if DSC is running as LocalSystem Lookup privilege error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
                bResult = AdjustTokenPrivileges(
                    ref tp,
                    throw new Win32Exception("Token elevation error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());

                bResult = DuplicateTokenEx(
                    ref sa,
                    ref hDupedToken
                    throw new Win32Exception("Duplicate Token error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
                var si = new STARTUPINFO();
                si.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(si);
                si.lpDesktop = "";
                bResult = CreateProcessAsUser(
                    ref sa,
                    ref sa,
                    ref si,
                    ref pi
                    throw new Win32Exception("The process could not be created. Create process as user error #" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString());
                if (pi.hThread != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (pi.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)
                 if (hDupedToken != IntPtr.Zero)


            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $ProgramSource -ReferencedAssemblies "System.ServiceProcess"

Export-ModuleMember -function Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, Test-TargetResource