
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\microsoft\\windows\\DesiredStateConfiguration")

[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("xSqlServerInstall")]
class MSFT_xSqlServerInstall : OMI_BaseResource
    [key, Description("The name of sql instance.")] string InstanceName;

    [required, Description("The share path of sql server software.")] string SourcePath;
    [write, Description("The numeric version identifier for the instance to be installed")] string VersionID;

    Description("The credential that vm could use to access net share of sql server software.")]
    string SourcePathCredential;

    [write, Description("List of names of Sql Server features to install")] string Features;

    [write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Sql sa credential")] string SqlAdministratorCredential;

    [write, Description("Specify whether SQL server setup should discover and include product updates.")] boolean UpdateEnabled;
    [write, Description("Specify the startup account for the SQL server service.")] string SvcAccount;
    [write, Description("Specify logins to be members of the sysadmin role.")] string SysAdminAccounts;
    [write, Description("Specify the account for SQL server agent service.")] string AgentSvcAccount;
    [write, Description("Specify the default collation for SQL server")] string SqlCollation;
    [write, Description("Specify the directory for SQL server system db files")] string InstallSqlDataDir;
    [write, Description("Specify the directory for TempDB files.")] string SqlTempDBDir;
    [write, Description("Specify the directory for UserDB data files.")] string SqlUserDBDir;
    [write, Description("Specify the directory for UserDB log files.")] string SqlUserDBLogDir;
    [write, Description("Specify the directory for backup files.")] string SqlBackupDir;