
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
ElementName=Adding filter for Element Name of {0}
FilterText=Adding the filter text ({0}) to the query.
IsActiveFilter=Adding filter for IsActive = True
NoFilterCriteria=No filter criteria. Making sure nothing is hanging around.
Cruft=Found some cruft. Removing.
MatchingActivePowerPlan=Found a matching active powerplan.
NoMatchingActivePowerPlan=Did not a matching active powerplan.
SettingActivePowerPlan=Setting active Power Plan to {0}
CurrentPowerPlan=Current Power Plan is set to {0}.
CheckingForActivePowerPlan=Checking for an active powerplan called {0}.
ActivePlanNotSetTo=The active Power Plan is not set to {0}.
ActivePlanSetTo=The active Power Plan is set to {0}. All good here.
ActivePlanSetToAndShouldNotBe=The active Power Plan is set to {0}, and should not be.
ActivePlanNotSetToAndShouldNotBe=The active Power Plan is not set to {0}, and should not be. All good here.