
    Please note that some of these tests depend on each other.
    They must be run in the order given - if one test fails, subsequent tests may
    also fail.

$errorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

Describe 'xMsiPackage End to End Tests' {
    BeforeAll {
        # Import CommonTestHelper
        $testsFolderFilePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
        $commonTestHelperFilePath = Join-Path -Path $testsFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'CommonTestHelper.psm1'
        Import-Module -Name $commonTestHelperFilePath

        $script:testEnvironment = Enter-DscResourceTestEnvironment `
            -DscResourceModuleName 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration' `
            -DscResourceName 'MSFT_xMsiPackage' `
            -TestType 'Integration'

        # Import xMsiPackage resource module for Test-TargetResource
        $moduleRootFilePath = Split-Path -Path $testsFolderFilePath -Parent
        $dscResourcesFolderFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath 'DscResources'
        $msiPackageResourceFolderFilePath = Join-Path -Path $dscResourcesFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'MSFT_xMsiPackage'
        $msiPackageResourceModuleFilePath = Join-Path -Path $msiPackageResourceFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'MSFT_xMsiPackage.psm1'
        Import-Module -Name $msiPackageResourceModuleFilePath -Force

        # Import the xPackage test helper
        $packageTestHelperFilePath = Join-Path -Path $testsFolderFilePath -ChildPath 'MSFT_xPackageResource.TestHelper.psm1'
        Import-Module -Name $packageTestHelperFilePath -Force

        # Set up the paths to the test configurations
        $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'MSFT_xMsiPackage_NoOptionalParameters'
        $script:configurationFilePathLogPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'MSFT_xMsiPackage_LogPath'

            This log file is used to log messages from the mock server which is important for debugging since
            most of the work of the mock server is done within a separate process.

        $script:logFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'PackageTestLogFile.txt'
        $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage = 'The current environment is not in the expected state for this test - either something was setup incorrectly on your machine or a previous test failed - results after this may be invalid.'

        $script:msiName = 'DSCSetupProject.msi'
        $script:msiLocation = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $script:msiName

        $script:packageId = '{deadbeef-80c6-41e6-a1b9-8bdb8a05027f}'

        $null = New-TestMsi -DestinationPath $script:msiLocation

        # Clear the log file
        'Beginning integration tests' > $script:logFile

    AfterAll {
        # Remove the test MSI if it is still installed
        if (Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId)
            $null = Start-Process -FilePath 'msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList @("/x$script:packageId", '/passive') -Wait
            $null = Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        if (Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId)
            throw 'Test package could not be uninstalled after running all tests. It may cause errors in subsequent test runs.'

        Exit-DscResourceTestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $script:testEnvironment

    Context 'Uninstall package that is already Absent' {
        $configurationName = 'RemoveAbsentMsiPackage'

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Absent'

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $true

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $true)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

    Context 'Install package that is not installed yet' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallMsiPackage'

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Present'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

    Context 'Install package that is already installed' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallExistingMsiPackage'

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Present'

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $true

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $true)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

    Context 'Uninstall package that is installed' {
        $configurationName = 'UninstallExistingMsiPackage'

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Absent'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

    Context 'Install package that is not installed and write to specified log file' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallWithLogFile'

        $logPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath 'TestMsiLog.txt'

        if (Test-Path -Path $logPath)
            Remove-Item -Path $logPath -Force

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Present'
            LogPath = $logPath

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathLogPath -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Should have created the log file' {
            Test-Path -Path $logPath | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

    Context 'Uninstall package that is installed and write to specified log file' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallWithLogFile'

        $logPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath 'TestMsiLog.txt'

        if (Test-Path -Path $logPath)
            Remove-Item -Path $logPath -Force

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $script:msiLocation
            Ensure = 'Absent'
            LogPath = $logPath

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

        It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                . $script:configurationFilePathLogPath -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
            } | Should Not Throw

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Should have created the log file' {
            Test-Path -Path $logPath | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

    Context 'Install package from HTTP Url' {
        $configurationName = 'UninstallExistingMsiPackageFromHttp'

        $baseUrl = 'http://localhost:1242/'
        $msiUrl = "$baseUrl" + 'package.msi'

        $fileServerStarted = $null
        $job = $null

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $msiUrl
            Ensure = 'Present'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

            $serverResult = Start-Server -FilePath $script:msiLocation -LogPath $script:logFile -Https $false
            $fileServerStarted = $serverResult.FileServerStarted
            $job = $serverResult.Job              


            It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                    . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                    & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                    Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
                } | Should Not Throw
                This must be called after Start-Server to ensure the listening port is closed,
                otherwise subsequent tests may fail until the machine is rebooted.

            Stop-Server -FileServerStarted $fileServerStarted -Job $job

        It 'Should return True from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

    Context 'Uninstall Msi package from HTTP Url' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallMsiPackageFromHttp'

        $baseUrl = 'http://localhost:1242/'
        $msiUrl = "$baseUrl" + 'package.msi'

        $fileServerStarted = $null
        $job = $null

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $msiUrl
            Ensure = 'Absent'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true
            $serverResult = Start-Server -FilePath $script:msiLocation -LogPath $script:logFile -Https $false
            $fileServerStarted = $serverResult.FileServerStarted
            $job = $serverResult.Job


            It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                    . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                    & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                    Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
                } | Should Not Throw
                This must be called after Start-Server to ensure the listening port is closed,
                otherwise subsequent tests may fail until the machine is rebooted.

            Stop-Server -FileServerStarted $fileServerStarted -Job $job

        It 'Should return true from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false

    Context 'Install Msi package from HTTPS Url' {
        $configurationName = 'InstallMsiPackageFromHttpS'

        $baseUrl = 'https://localhost:1243/'
        $msiUrl = "$baseUrl" + 'package.msi'

        $fileServerStarted = $null
        $job = $null

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $msiUrl
            Ensure = 'Present'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false
            $serverResult = Start-Server -FilePath $script:msiLocation -LogPath $script:logFile -Https $true
            $fileServerStarted = $serverResult.FileServerStarted
            $job = $serverResult.Job


            It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                    . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                    & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                    Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
                } | Should Not Throw
                This must be called after Start-Server to ensure the listening port is closed,
                otherwise subsequent tests may fail until the machine is rebooted.

            Stop-Server -FileServerStarted $fileServerStarted -Job $job

        It 'Should return true from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true
    Context 'Uninstall Msi package from HTTPS Url' {
        $configurationName = 'UninstallMsiPackageFromHttps'

        $baseUrl = 'https://localhost:1243/'
        $msiUrl = "$baseUrl" + 'package.msi'

        $fileServerStarted = $null
        $job = $null

        $msiPackageParameters = @{
            ProductId = $script:packageId
            Path = $msiUrl
            Ensure = 'Absent'

        It 'Should return False from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters before configuration' {
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult = MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters 
            $testTargetResourceInitialResult | Should Be $false

            if ($testTargetResourceInitialResult -ne $false)
                    Not throwing an error here since the tests should still run correctly after this,
                    we just want to notify the user that the tests aren't necessarily testing what
                    they should be

                Write-Error -Message $script:environmentInIncorrectStateErrorMessage

        It 'Package should exist on the machine before configuration is run' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $true

            $serverResult = Start-Server -FilePath $script:msiLocation -LogPath $script:logFile -Https $true
            $fileServerStarted = $serverResult.FileServerStarted
            $job = $serverResult.Job


            It 'Should compile and run configuration' {
                    . $script:configurationFilePathNoOptionalParameters -ConfigurationName $configurationName
                    & $configurationName -OutputPath $TestDrive @msiPackageParameters
                    Start-DscConfiguration -Path $TestDrive -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Wait -Force
                } | Should Not Throw
                This must be called after Start-Server to ensure the listening port is closed,
                otherwise subsequent tests may fail until the machine is rebooted.

            Stop-Server -FileServerStarted $fileServerStarted -Job $job

        It 'Should return true from Test-TargetResource with the same parameters after configuration' {
            MSFT_xMsiPackage\Test-TargetResource @msiPackageParameters | Should Be $true

        It 'Package should not exist on the machine' {
            Test-PackageInstalledById -ProductId $script:packageId | Should Be $false