
function ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject {
  #requires -Version 3.0
      Converts any powershell custom object to a custom hashtable.

      Iterates through elements of a custom object and converts them to a corresponding items in a hashtable. Uses recursion to go deep into json object.

      .PARAMETER PSCustomObject
      PS Custom Object that should be converted to a hashtable

      ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject -PSCustomObject SomePSCustomObject
      This will convert SomePSCustomObject to a corresponding hashtable

      Any Powershell Custom Object

      A hashtable

  param ( 
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0,         
              ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
  process { 
    foreach ($myPsObject in $PSCustomObject) { 
      $output = @{} 
      $myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object { 
        $value = $myPsObject.($
        if ($value -is [PSCustomObject]) {
          $value = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject -psCustomObject $value
        $output.($ = $value