
# Localized resources for MSFT_xWindowsProcess

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    CouldNotCreateProcessError = Could not create process. Error code:
    DuplicateTokenError = Duplicate token. Error code:
    FileNotFound = File '{0}' not found in the environment path.
    ErrorInvalidUserName = Invalid username: {0}. Username cannot contain multiple '@' or multiple '\'
    ErrorParametersNotSupportedWithCredential = Can't specify StandardOutputPath, StandardInputPath or WorkingDirectory when trying to run a process under a local user.
    ErrorRunAsCredentialParameterNotSupported = The PsDscRunAsCredential parameter is not supported by the Process resource. To start the process with user '{0}', add the Credential parameter.
    ErrorStarting = Failure starting process matching path '{0}'. Message: {1}.
    ErrorStopping = Failure stopping processes matching path '{0}' with IDs '({1})'. Message: {2}.
    FailureWaitingForProcessesToStart = Failed to wait for processes to start.
    FailureWaitingForProcessesToStop = Failed to wait for processes to stop.
    GetTargetResourceStartMessage = Begin executing Get functionality for the process {0}.
    GetTargetResourceEndMessage = End executing Get functionality for the process {0}.
    OpenProcessTokenError = Error while opening process token. Error code:
    ParameterShouldNotBeSpecified = Parameter {0} should not be specified.
    PathShouldBeAbsolute = The path '{0}' should be absolute for argument '{1}'.
    PathShouldExist = The path '{0}' should exist for argument '{1}'.
    PrivilegeLookingUpError = Error while looking up privilege. Error code:
    ProcessAlreadyStarted = Process matching path '{0}' found running. No action required.
    ProcessAlreadyStopped = Process matching path '{0}' not found running. No action required.
    ProcessesStarted = Processes matching path '{0}' started.
    ProcessesStopped = Processes matching path '{0}' with IDs '({1})' stopped.
    RetriveStatusError = Failed to retrieve status. Error code:
    SetTargetResourceStartMessage = Begin executing Set functionality for the process {0}.
    SetTargetResourceEndMessage = End executing Set functionality for the process {0}.
    StartingProcessWhatif = Start-Process.
    StoppingProcessWhatIf = Stop-Process.
    TestTargetResourceStartMessage = Begin executing Test functionality for the process {0}.
    TestTargetResourceEndMessage = End executing Test functionality for the process {0}.
    TokenElevationError = Error while getting token elevation. Error code:
    UserCouldNotBeLoggedError = User could not be logged. Error code:
    WaitFailedError = Failed while waiting for process. Error code:
    VerboseInProcessHandle = In process handle {0}.