
function Get-DPContent {
        Get all content distributed to a given distribution point by querying SMS_DPContentInfo class.
        Get all content distributed to a given distribution point by querying SMS_DPContentInfo class.
        By default this function returns all content object types that match the given distribution point in the SMS_DPContentInfo class on the site server.
        You can filter the content objects by cumulatively using the available switches, e.g. using -Package -DriverPackage will return packages and driver packages.
        Properties returned are: ObjectName, Description, ObjectType, ObjectID, SourceSize, DistributionPoint.
        Name of distribution point (as it appears in ConfigMgr, usually FQDN) you want to query.
    .PARAMETER Package
        Filter on packages
    .PARAMETER DriverPackage
        Filter on driver packages
    .PARAMETER DeploymentPackage
        Filter on deployment packages
    .PARAMETER OperatingSystemImage
        Filter on Operating System images
    .PARAMETER OperatingSystemInstaller
        Filter on Operating System upgrade images
    .PARAMETER BootImage
        Filter on boot images
    .PARAMETER Application
        Filter on applications
    .PARAMETER SiteServer
        It is not usually necessary to specify this parameter as importing the PSCMContentMgr module sets the $CMSiteServer variable which is the default value for this parameter.
        Specify this to query an alternative server, or if the module import process was unable to auto-detect and set $CMSiteServer.
    .PARAMETER SiteCode
        Site code of which the server specified by -SiteServer belongs to.
        It is not usually necessary to specify this parameter as importing the PSCMContentMgr module sets the $CMSiteCode variable which is the default value for this parameter.
        Specify this to query an alternative site, or if the module import process was unable to auto-detect and set $CMSiteCode.
        PS C:\> Get-DPContent -Name -Package -Application
        Return all packages and applications found on

    param (



        [String]$SiteServer = $CMSiteServer,
        [String]$SiteCode = $CMSiteCode
    begin {
        switch ($null) {
            $SiteCode {
                Write-Error -Message "Please supply a site code using the -SiteCode parameter" -Category "InvalidArgument" -ErrorAction "Stop"
            $SiteServer {
                Write-Error -Message "Please supply a site server FQDN address using the -SiteServer parameter" -Category "InvalidArgument" -ErrorAction "Stop"
        try {
            Resolve-DP -Name $DistributionPoint -SiteServer $SiteServer -SiteCode $SiteCode
        catch {
    process {
        $Namespace = "ROOT/SMS/Site_{0}" -f $SiteCode
        $Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_DPContentInfo WHERE NALPath like '%{0}%'" -f $DistributionPoint
        $conditions = switch ($true) {
            $Package                    { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"Package" }
            $DriverPackage              { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"DriverPackage" }
            $DeploymentPackage          { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"DeploymentPackage" }
            $OperatingSystemImage       { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"OperatingSystemImage" }
            $OperatingSystemInstaller   { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"OperatingSystemInstaller" }
            $BootImage                  { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"BootImage" }
            $Application                { "ObjectType = '{0}'" -f [Int][SMS_DPContentInfo]"Application" }
        if ($conditions) { 
            $Query = "{0} AND ( {1} )" -f $Query, ([String]::Join(" OR ", $conditions)) 
        Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace $Namespace -Query $Query -ErrorAction "Stop" | ForEach-Object {
                PSTypeName        = "PSCMContentMgmt"
                ObjectName        = $_.Name
                Description       = $_.Description
                ObjectType        = [SMS_DPContentInfo]$_.ObjectType
                ObjectID          = $(if ($_.ObjectType -eq [SMS_DPContentInfo]"Application") {
                    ConvertTo-ModelNameCIID -ModelName $_.ObjectID -SiteServer $SiteServer -SiteCode $SiteCode
                else {
                SourceSize        = $_.SourceSize
                DistributionPoint = $DistributionPoint
    end {