function New-LPRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Copy out only the Language Packs you want from the Language Pack ISO .DESCRIPTION Copy out only the Language Packs you want from the Language Pack ISO .PARAMETER Langauge Language(s) you want to extract, e.g. en-us, fr-fr, de-de etc .PARAMETER SourcePath Path to where the Language Packs are in the Language Pack ISO .PARAMETER TargetPath Destination path to copy Language Packs to. A folder per language will be created under this folder. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-LPRepository -Language "fr-FR", "de-DE" -SourcePath "I:\x64\langpacks" -TargetPath "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages" Copies Language Packs named "fr-FR" and "de-DE" from path "I:\LocalExperiencePack" to "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\fr-FR\LP" and "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\de-DE\LP" .NOTES Author: Adam Cook (@codaamok) #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('ar-sa', 'bg-bg', 'cs-cz', 'da-dk', 'de-de', 'el-gr', 'en-gb', 'en-us', 'es-es', 'es-mx', 'et-ee', 'fi-fi', 'fr-ca', 'fr-fr', 'he-il', 'hr-hr', 'hu-hu', 'it-it', 'ja-jp', 'ko-kr', 'lt-lt', 'lv-lv', 'nb-no', 'nl-nl', 'pl-pl', 'pt-br', 'pt-pt', 'ro-ro', 'ru-ru', 'sk-sk', 'sl-si', 'sr-la', 'sv-se', 'th-th', 'tr-tr', 'uk-ua', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw')] [String[]]$Language, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$SourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$TargetPath ) Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -Filter '*.cab' | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -match 'Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_([a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2})\.cab') { if ($Language -contains $Matches[1]) { $Path = '{0}\{1}\LP' -f $TargetPath, $Matches[1] if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force } Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Path -Force } } } } function New-LXPRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Copy out only the folders of the languages you want from the Language Experience Pack ISO .DESCRIPTION Copy out only the folders of the languages you want from the Language Experience Pack ISO .PARAMETER Langauge Language(s) you want to extract, e.g. en-us, fr-fr, de-de etc .PARAMETER SourcePath Path to where the folders of Language Experience Packs are in the Language Experience Pack ISO .PARAMETER TargetPath Destination path to copy the folders to .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-LXPRepository -Language "fr-FR", "de-DE" -SourcePath "I:\LocalExperiencePack" -TargetPath "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages" Copies Language Experience Packs folders for "fr-FR" and "de-DE" in Language Experience Pack ISO path "I:\LocalExperiencePack" to "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\fr-FR\LXP" and "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\de-DE\LXP" .NOTES Author: Adam Cook (@codaamok) #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('af-za', 'am-et', 'ar-sa', 'as-in', 'az-latn-az', 'be-by', 'bg-bg', 'bn-bd', 'bn-in', 'bs-latn-ba', 'ca-es', 'ca-es-valencia', 'chr-cher-us', 'cs-cz', 'cy-gb', 'da-dk', 'de-de', 'el-gr', 'en-gb', 'en-us', 'es-es', 'es-mx', 'et-ee', 'eu-es', 'fa-ir', 'fi-fi', 'fil-ph', 'fr-ca', 'fr-fr', 'ga-ie', 'gd-gb', 'gl-es', 'gu-in', 'ha-latn-ng', 'he-il', 'hi-in', 'hr-hr', 'hu-hu', 'hy-am', 'id-id', 'ig-ng', 'is-is', 'it-it', 'ja-jp', 'ka-ge', 'kk-kz', 'km-kh', 'kn-in', 'ko-kr', 'kok-in', 'ku-arab-iq', 'ky-kg', 'lb-lu', 'lo-la', 'lt-lt', 'lv-lv', 'mi-nz', 'mk-mk', 'ml-in', 'mn-mn', 'mr-in', 'ms-my', 'mt-mt', 'nb-no', 'ne-np', 'nl-nl', 'nn-no', 'nso-za', 'or-in', 'pa-arab-pk', 'pa-in', 'pl-pl', 'prs-af', 'pt-br', 'pt-pt', 'quc-latn-gt', 'quz-pe', 'ro-ro', 'ru-ru', 'rw-rw', 'sd-arab-pk', 'si-lk', 'sk-sk', 'sl-si', 'sq-al', 'sr-cyrl-ba', 'sr-cyrl-rs', 'sr-latn-rs', 'sv-se', 'sw-ke', 'ta-in', 'te-in', 'tg-cyrl-tj', 'th-th', 'ti-et', 'tk-tm', 'tn-za', 'tr-tr', 'tt-ru', 'ug-cn', 'uk-ua', 'ur-pk', 'uz-latn-uz', 'vi-vn', 'wo-sn', 'xh-za', 'yo-ng', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw', 'zu-za')] [String[]]$Language, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$SourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$TargetPath ) Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath | ForEach-Object { if ($Language -contains $_.Name) { $Path = '{0}\{1}\LXP' -f $TargetPath, $_.Name if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force } Copy-Item -Path ('{0}\*' -f $_.FullName) -Destination $Path -Force } } } function New-FoDLanguageFeaturesRepository { <# .SYNOPSIS Copy out only the languages you want of the Features on Demand LanguageFeatures Basic, Handwriting, OCR, Speech and TextToSpeech from Features on Demand ISO .DESCRIPTION Copy out only the languages you want of the Features on Demand LanguageFeatures Basic, Handwriting, OCR, Speech and TextToSpeech from Features on Demand ISO .PARAMETER Langauge Language(s) you want to extract, e.g. en-us, fr-fr, de-de etc .PARAMETER SourcePath Path to where the Features on Demand are in the Features on Demand ISO .PARAMETER TargetPath Destination path to copy Features on Demand to. A folder per language will be created under this folder. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-FoDLanguageFeaturesRepository -Language "fr-FR", "de-DE" -SourcePath "I:\" -TargetPath "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages" Copies Features on Demand of LanguageFeatures Basic, Handwriting, OCR, Speech and TextToSpeech with language elements "fr-FR", "de-DE" in path "I:\" to "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\fr-FR\FoD" and "F:\OSD\Source\1909-Languages\de-DE\FoD" .NOTES Author: Adam Cook (@codaamok) #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('ar-SA', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-GB', 'en-US', 'es-ES', 'es-MX', 'et-EE', 'fi-FI', 'fr-CA', 'fr-FR', 'he-IL', 'hr-HR', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ja-JP', 'ko-KR', 'lt-LT', 'lv-LV', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'pl-PL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro-RO', 'ru-RU', 'sk-SK', 'sl-SI', 'sr-Latn-RS', 'sv-SE', 'th-TH', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW')] [String[]]$Language, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$SourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$TargetPath ) Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -match 'LanguageFeatures-\w+-([\w]{2}-[\w]{4}-[\w]{2}|[\w]{2}-[\w]{2})') { if ($Language -contains $Matches[1]) { $Path = '{0}\{1}\FoD' -f $TargetPath, $Matches[1] if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force } Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Path -Force } } } } function New-CMLanguagePackApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Configuration Manager Application with two deployment types to install LP, LXP and FoD (as system) and make the language available to the user in the Settings language list (as user). .DESCRIPTION Create a Configuration Manager Application with two deployment types to install LP, LXP and FoD (as system) and make the language available to the user in the Settings language list (as user). .PARAMETER SiteServer FQDN to your site server. .PARAMETER SiteCode Site code of your ConfigMgr hierarchy for the given SiteServer. .PARAMETER SourcePath UNC path to the LP, LXP and FoD repositories for each language created using the commands in this module. The folder structure could look like this: PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path "\\sccm.acc.local\osd\Source\1909-Languages" -Recurse -Depth 1 Directory: \\sccm.acc.local\osd\Source\1909-Languages Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 31/05/2020 19:10 de-de d----- 31/05/2020 19:09 fr-fr Directory: \\sccm.acc.local\osd\Source\1909-Languages\de-de Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 29/05/2020 21:25 FoD d----- 29/05/2020 21:24 LP d----- 29/05/2020 21:26 LXP -a---- 31/05/2020 20:59 442 Install.ps1 Directory: \\sccm.acc.local\osd\Source\1909-Languages\fr-fr Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 29/05/2020 21:25 FoD d----- 29/05/2020 21:24 LP d----- 29/05/2020 21:26 LXP -a---- 31/05/2020 20:58 442 Install.ps1 .PARAMETER Languages An array of language tags that match the language items in the given -SourcePath. For example, if -SourcePath contains $SourcePath\LP\de-DE, $SourcePath\LXP\de-DE and $SourcePath\FoD\de-DE then -Languages should be "de-DE" (not case sensitive). If you want create more applications for more languages, make use of the array and add more. Make sure you have your LP, LXP and FoD repositories populated with the appropriate cab and appx files. .PARAMETER WindowsVersion A hashtable which denotes the verison and build number of Windows 10 you're deploying language items for. Must contain two keys: "Version" and "Build". For example: PS C:\> @{ "Version" = "1909"; "Build = "18363"} .PARAMETER GlobalConditionName Name of the Global Condition which queries WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem for property Build. A termianting error is thrown if a Global Condition with the given name does not exist. If it does exist, but does not query class Win32_OperatingSystem for proeprty Build, a termianting error will be thrown. Use -CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing if necessary. .PARAMETER CreateAppIfMissing If the application(s) of the name "Windows 10 x64 Language Pack - $languagetag" cannot be found, use this switch to create it. .PARAMETER CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing If the Global Condition "Oeprating System build" is missing, use this switch to create it. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-CMLanguagePackApplication -SiteServer "" -SiteCode "P01" -SourcePath "\\\OSD\Source\1909-Languages" -Languages "fr-fr", "de-de" -$WindowsVersion = @{ 'Version' = '1909'; 'Build' = '18363' } -GlobalConditionName 'Operating System build' -CreateAppIfMissing -CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing Adds two new deployment types to applications with names "Windows 10 x64 Language Pack - fr-fr" and "Windows 10 x64 Language Pack - de-de". If the applications do not exist, create them. The deployment type names are "$version ($build) - Install language items (SYSTEM)" and "$version ($build) - Configure language list (USER)". A Global Condition named "Operating System build" will be created if it does not exist. Install.ps1 is created and stored in "\\\OSD\Source\1909-Languages". Deployment type (SYSTEM) has a source path set to "\\\OSD\Source\1909-Languages" which should contain your LP, LXP and FoDs in a folder structure as e.g. ".\LP\",".\LXP\",".\FoD\". The system deployment type executes Install.ps1 and run this as system. It installs LP, LXP and FoDS. The requirement for this deployment type is set to Windows 10 build 18363 using the Global Condition "Operating System build". Deployment type (USER) has no source path and runs a series of PowerShell commands to finalise the LXP install for the user, and set the user's current language to the target language. An exit code of 3010 is returned, a reboot is necessary. The requirement for this deployment type is set to Windows 10 build 18363 using the Global Condition "Operating System build". This user deployment type has a dependency on the system deployment type. The user deployment type will have a higher priority than the system deployment type. .NOTES Author: Adam Cook (@codaamok) #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$SiteServer, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({ if (-not ([System.Uri]$_).IsUnc) { throw '-SourcePath must be a UNC path' } elseif (-not ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_))) { throw 'Invalid path or access denied' } elseif (-not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container)) { throw '-SourcePath must be a directory, not a file' } else { return $true } })] [String]$SourcePath, [Parameter()] [String[]]$Languages = @( 'fr-FR', 'de-DE' ), [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ if (-not ($_.ContainsKey('Version'))) { throw 'Please supply a Version key in the hashtable, e.g. Version = 1909' } elseif (-not ($_.ContainsKey('Build'))) { throw 'Please supply a Build key in the hashtable, e.g. Build = 18363' } elseif ($_['Version'] -notmatch '^[0-9]{4}$') { throw 'Please supply a valid Version value in the hashtable, e.g. Version = 1909' } elseif ($_['Build'] -notmatch '^[0-9]{5}$') { throw 'Please supply a valid Build value in the hastable, e.g. Build = 18363' } else { $true } })] [Hashtable]$WindowsVersion = @{ 'Version' = '1909' 'Build' = '18363' }, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$GlobalConditionName = 'Operating System build', [Parameter()] [Switch]$CreateAppIfMissing, [ParameteR()] [Switch]$CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing ) begin { $OriginalLocation = (Get-Location).Path try { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SiteCode')) { $SiteCode = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $SiteServer -ClassName 'SMS_ProviderLocation' -Namespace 'ROOT\SMS' -ErrorAction "Stop" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SiteCode if ($SiteCode -isnot [Object] -And $SiteCode.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error -Message 'Could not determine site code, please consider using -SiteCode' -Category 'ObjectNotFound' -ErrorAction 'Stop' } elseif ($SiteCode.Count -gt 1) { Write-Error -Message ('Found multiple site codes ({0}), please consider using -SiteCode' -f ($SiteCode -join ', ')) -Category 'InvalidData' -TargetObject $SiteCode -ErrorAction 'Stop' } } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } Import-Module ('{0}\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1' -f $ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) -ErrorAction 'Stop' if ($null -eq (Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider 'CMSite' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) { $null = New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider 'CMSite' -Root $SiteServer -ErrorAction 'Stop' } Set-Location ('{0}:\' -f $SiteCode) -ErrorAction 'Stop' $GlobalCondition_OSBuild = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name $GlobalConditionName $GlobalCondition_OS = Get-CMGlobalCondition -Name 'Operating System' | Where-Object { $_.ModelName -eq 'GLOBAL/OperatingSystem' } if ($null -eq $GlobalCondition_OSBuild) { if ($CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing.IsPresent) { $GlobalCondition_OSBuild = New-CMGlobalConditionWqlQuery -Name 'Operating System build' -Namespace 'root\cimv2' -Class 'Win32_OperatingSystem' -Property 'BuildNumber' -DataType 'String' } else { Write-Error -Message ('Cannot find Global Condition "{0}", consider using -CreateGlobalConditionIfMissing' -f $GlobalConditionName) -Category 'ObjectNotFound' -ErrorAction 'Stop' } } else { if (-not ($GlobalCondition_OSBuild.SDMPackageXML | Select-String -SimpleMatch '<WqlQueryDiscoverySource><Namespace>root\cimv2</Namespace><Class>Win32_OperatingSystem</Class><Property>BuildNumber</Property></WqlQueryDiscoverySource>')) { Write-Error -Message ('Global Condition "{0}" found, but does not use WQL query with class Win32_OperatingSystem property BuildNumber' -f $GlobalCondition_OSBuild.LocalizedDisplayName) -Category 'ObjectNotFound' -ErrorAction 'Stop' } } } process { :outer foreach ($Language in $Languages) { $ContentLocation = '{0}\{1}' -f $SourcePath, $Language $AppName = 'Windows 10 x64 Language Pack - {0}' -f $Language.toUpper() $InstallDTName = '{0} ({1}) - Install language items (SYSTEM)' -f $WindowsVersion['Version'], $WindowsVersion['Build'] $SetLanguageListDTName = '{0} ({1}) - Set language (USER)' -f $WindowsVersion['Version'], $WindowsVersion['Build'] Push-Location $OriginalLocation if (-not (Test-Path ('filesystem::{0}' -f $ContentLocation))) { Write-Error -Message ('Path "{0}" does not exist, skipping application "{1}"' -f $ContentLocation, $AppName) -Category 'ObjectNotFound' continue } Pop-Location $AppObj = Get-CMApplication -Name $AppName if ($null -eq $AppObj) { if ($CreateAppIfMissing.IsPresent) { $AppObj = New-CMApplication -Name $AppName } else { Write-Error -Message ('Cannot find application "{0}", consider using -CreateAppIfMissing' -f $AppName) -Category 'ObjectNotFound' continue } } # Check if deployment types already exist, skip language / application if it does foreach ($DeploymentType in @($InstallDTName, $SetLanguageListDTName)) { $Obj = Get-CMDeploymentType -DeploymentTypeName $DeploymentType -ApplicationName $AppObj.LocalizedDisplayName if ($Obj) { Write-Warning -Message ('Deployment type "{0}" already exists for application "{1}", skipping application' -f $dt, $AppName) continue outer } } Push-Location $OriginalLocation # Build install script for the SYSTEM deployment type @( '$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"' '' '# Install LP and FoD' '$cabs = Get-ChildItem -Path ".\LP\",".\FoD\" -Filter "*.cab"' 'foreach ($cab in $cabs) { Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath "$($cab.FullName)" -NoRestart }' '' '# Install LXP' '$appx = Get-ChildItem -Path ".\LXP\" -Filter "*.appx" | Select-Object -First 1' 'Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "$($appx.FullName)" -LicensePath ".\LXP\License.xml"' 'Start-Sleep -Seconds 60' ) | Set-Content -Path $SourcePath\$Language\Install.ps1 -Force -ErrorAction "Stop" # Build install script for the USER deployment type $UserCommands = @( "`$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'" "`$p = (Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {{ `$_.Name -like '*LanguageExperiencePack{0}*' }}).InstallLocation" -f $Language 'Add-AppxPackage -Register -Path $p\AppxManifest.xml -DisableDevelopmentMode' '$List = Get-WinUserLanguageList' "`$List.Add('{0}')" -f $Language 'Set-WinUserLanguageList $List -Force' "Set-WinUILanguageOverride -Language '{0}'" -f $Language 'exit 3010' ) -join "; " $UserInstallString = 'powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -command "{0}"' -f $UserCommands # Get FoDs so we can start building detection method $FoDs = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath\$Language\FoD -Filter '*.cab' Pop-Location # Build detection method $DetectionMethod = $FoDs | ForEach-Object -Begin { # Detection for LP, although LXP adds the same key(s) here too New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKey -Hive 'LocalMachine' -KeyName ('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages\{0}' -f $Language) -Existence # Detection for LXP New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKey -Hive 'LocalMachine' -KeyName ('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\LanguageOverlay\OverlayPackages\{0}' -f $Language) -Existence } -Process { # Detection for FoDs New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKey -Hive 'LocalMachine' -KeyName ('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\PackageIndex\{0}' -f $_.BaseName) -Existence } $InstallSplat = @{ ApplicationName = $AppObj.LocalizedDisplayName DeploymentTypeName = $InstallDTName ContentLocation = $ContentLocation InstallCommand = 'powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -file ".\Install.ps1"' AddDetectionClause = $DetectionMethod UserInteractionMode = 'Hidden' RebootBehavior = 'NoAction' AddRequirement = @( $GlobalCondition_OSBuild | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 $WindowsVersion['Build'] -RuleOperator IsEquals $GlobalCondition_OS | New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemValue -PlatformString 'Windows/All_x64_Windows_10_and_higher_Clients' -RuleOperator 'OneOf' ) LogonRequirementType = 'OnlyWhenUserLoggedOn' InstallationBehaviorType = 'InstallForSystem' EstimatedRuntimeMins = 15 MaximumRuntimeMins = 60 } $InstallDTObj = Add-CMScriptDeploymentType @InstallSplat | ForEach-Object { Get-CMDeploymentType -DeploymentTypeId $_.CI_ID -ApplicationName $AppObj.LocalizedDisplayName } $SetLanguageListSplat = @{ ApplicationName = $AppObj.LocalizedDisplayName DeploymentTypeName = $SetLanguageListDTName InstallCommand = $UserInstallString ScriptLanguage = 'PowerShell' ScriptText = 'if ((Get-WinUserLanguageList).LanguageTag -contains "{0}") {{ Write-Output "Detected" }}' -f $Language UserInteractionMode = 'Hidden' RebootBehavior = 'BasedOnExitCode' AddRequirement = @( $GlobalCondition_OSBuild | New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue -Value1 $WindowsVersion['Build'] -RuleOperator IsEquals $GlobalCondition_OS | New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemValue -PlatformString 'Windows/All_x64_Windows_10_and_higher_Clients' -RuleOperator 'OneOf' ) InstallationBehaviorType = 'InstallForUser' EstimatedRuntimeMins = 1 MaximumRuntimeMins = 15 } $SetLanguageListObj = Add-CMScriptDeploymentType @SetLanguageListSplat | ForEach-Object { Get-CMDeploymentType -DeploymentTypeId $_.CI_ID -ApplicationName $AppObj.LocalizedDisplayName } $null = $SetLanguageListObj | Set-CMDeploymentType -Priority 'Increase' $null = $SetLanguageListObj | New-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup -GroupName 'Install language items' | Add-CMDeploymentTypeDependency -DeploymentTypeDependency $InstallDTObj -IsAutoInstall:$true } } end { Set-Location $OriginalLocation } } |